Liz Cheney: trump a unique "domestic threat"

Yep. And doesn't mind a bit. And those who don't have to care about that anymore say what she says.

It's roughly 100% of them.

See the pattern?

No pattern.. They all KNOW their seats are lost because all they could PROCESS for years was how much they hated Trump for ACTUALLY getting stuff done and being INVOLVED in their Congressional business.

People with INSECURE SEATS are insecure because they are NOT "getting stuff done"..

The "pattern".. They DIED of fatal TDS before they ADMITTED to the public how much TDS had destroyed their brains..

With Liz -- it's PERSONAL.. The Cheney's made BIG BUCKS in the military/Ind complex.. And Trump called them out..

Was that right? What was our killed/injured toll in Iraq in 2016? And how was the domestication and westernization project going? YOU BET your ass, Iraq was a mistake. We should have lifted the embargo and just walked away.. Countries like that NEED brutal shotgun wielding dictators like that to keep the bloodshed down to a trickle..

I prefer party leaders (if i have to HAVE a party) that can call-out past mistakes in their own tribe.. The Bushies and Cheney's and Clintons and Bidens of this world would never do that..
Liz is auditioning for her next job - the token Trump hater on MSLSD. She's probably not aware that the position pays $9/hour due to zero viewership.

Krybaby Kinzinger wanted some communist cuddles and they showed their appreciation by gerrymandering his district into oblivion. He better hope Home Depot doesn't have a "no cry" policy when he gets a job there loading lumber.
Let me lay some truth on ya.. The genesis of her fatal TDS infection was the Trump Inaugural speech, where he HEAVILY criticized Bush/Cheney for their "war to domesticate Iraq". A Republican ADMITTING that his party made some mistakes. Right in the vein of Eisenhower's (and George Washingtons') warning about the "military industrial complex"..

THAT was inexcusable. Because if ANYONE was guilty of being a tool for the Mil/Industrial complex it was Dick Cheney.. And GW Bush for "finishing the job" that his pappy simply wouldn't do..

Now -- I'm not a Repub.. But this is the SAME shit that drove those sketchy RINO pedos called the Lincoln project into stage 6 metastisized TDS.. That and realizing those useless tools wouldn't be getting their ambassador-ships and key political jobs that they WAITED thru the Obama to get..

After the speech, GW is heard to say, "That was some really really weird shit" by a number of people in the fancy seats. And Trump hit at the Bush Cheney foreign policy all during the 2016..

VOX gets this one right...

If you're so IMPRESSED with her troglodyte Conservative credentials, I'm SURE you can work a trade with the Dems for her by offering Tulsi Gabbard and the Excel pipeline back..

She's yours for a song.. Hope you have long and loving relationship..

Tulsi Gabbard is a younger, female version of Bernie Sanders. No, thanks.
Well you brainless Dem sheep, was Obozo ever impeached? No. Because he would have immediately cried “wacist!!” And idiots like you would have latched right on to it. Next pathetic excuse....
I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I am a former Republican up until Trump was elected, which is a hell of a lot longer than Trump has been a RINO.

Trump spent many years trying to "prove" Obama was not constitutionally qualified to be President.

Karma bit him right in his fat ass.
NO, YoU can fuck yoirself in the ass you disingenuous fuck You’re licking Cheney’s ass because she’s a brainless twit who likes bashing Trump. As for her “balls” that you apparently also want to lick, Steve Bannon kicked her square in them.

Way, way, way, way, way off the reservation.

Of course she's a RINO. You really don't have a clue about how far right you idiots have driven half the country, do you. Watch out, it's fixing to bite you Marxists on the ass.
You poor dumb trumpee....walking around thinking trump is still president. Well...the federal judge told him that he is not president. I bet he soiled his diaper when he read that....:auiqs.jpg:

Well...when someone read it to him.
Oh boy, you’re an idiot. I never said anything about the election. Just correctly pointing out your obsessions with Donald Trump. Broadcasting your insecurities to the world.
Liz has a bigger pair then any of the trump cult in Congress. And soon...a "John Dean" will come forward to tell us who planned and funded January 6th. And trump is gonna look pretty bad to voters when they realize he was the one calling the shots.
Put down the bong. Please, just put down the bong.
Not thinking too clearly here. Cheney is following the other fatal TDS's into oblivion. Because their hate for Trump is NOT policy.. And folks dont VOTE for hate of any kind..

So whether they are on a kamikaze mission because THEY cant think straight with the burning TDS inside them or secure in their offices -- is a false choice..

If you got the fatal brain eating TDS as bad as Corker, the dude from Arizona and all those other "short -- timers" and cant CAMPAIGN ON ISSUES instead of Trump -- your seat is as good as gone..
That’s what these people can’t understand. Look at Virginia. Aside from McAuliffe and his idiotic statements about parents and education, he constantly brought up Trump. When Biden spoke in the state, he mentioned Trump 24 times. The Dems have nothing to run on, no accomplishments, and a lot of bad things happening. So they try to make everything about Trump. And the people are noticing it. Every time a Dem whines about Trump, Republicans get more votes.
That’s what these people can’t understand. Look at Virginia. Aside from McAuliffe and his idiotic statements about parents and education, he constantly brought up Trump. When Biden spoke in the state, he mentioned Trump 24 times. The Dems have nothing to run on, no accomplishments, and a lot of bad things happening. So they try to make everything about Trump. And the people are noticing it. Every time a Dem whines about Trump, Republicans get more votes.
Great, more votes for us to steal.

The repub party stands at a crossroads. The choice has never been more stark. Stand by the oath of office or stand with the Big Lie?

What a hyperbolic bitch. She hated Trump's America first agenda more than she hates Trump. She's a globalist sleaze just like her dad.


The repub party stands at a crossroads. The choice has never been more stark. Stand by the oath of office or stand with the Big Lie?
Liz Cheney bashing Trump? She's a short timer trying to grasp for some relevance.
That's the choice, alright.

Each man (and woman) must choose.

Choose wisely.

Those of us who have earned the right to call themselves "veterans" have a special and sacred obligation to think this through as loyal Americans.
Yup...follow a man who puts his
Liz Cheney bashing Trump? She's a short timer trying to grasp for some relevance.
She is bashing a L O S E R!:laugh2:
That’s what these people can’t understand. Look at Virginia. Aside from McAuliffe and his idiotic statements about parents and education, he constantly brought up Trump. When Biden spoke in the state, he mentioned Trump 24 times. The Dems have nothing to run on, no accomplishments, and a lot of bad things happening. So they try to make everything about Trump. And the people are noticing it. Every time a Dem whines about Trump, Republicans get more votes.

Hey. Being a curmugeon with a soul crippling grudge-hate of a politician works to remove Dems as well as Repubs.. How great is that?

The repub party stands at a crossroads. The choice has never been more stark. Stand by the oath of office or stand with the Big Lie?
So going after some Liz Cheney centerfolds now...whats the matter, Trumpy ones all stuck together Dimmer??

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