Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Lame Duck Lizzy is a Lying Liar.
you think it is funny Mac1958 that there is a guy in the white house that has no self control around children?? That he is intentionally taking us into depression, depleting what is left of our military, taking us into a war in ukraine, sic-ing the DoJ on his political enemies?? YOU think that's funny? You need to stop and take a good long look at who you support.
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Trump should arrange it on his end that the entire charade be played on his feed. Live.
The problem with indicting President Trump is the same problem that you have with public hearings.

America doesn't have Secret Criminal Trials. If the libs indict him, he'll get his forum there too.
What problem would that be? If the DOJ decides he broke the law, they'll file an indictment. Any trial would be out in the open.
Same as they would against you and me. But an indictment against him instantly gives his competitors a leg up.
He'll still run. But Republicans would have an excuse to dismiss him outright.

I'm just not going to give Trump a free platform to spout his bullshit on national TV.
He had his chance to be transparent. He can't be something he's never been.
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Yep, then I'd tell them to pound sand.
Gotta be honest, I'm just curious if this whole committee is even legal, or ethical. You have the full weight...and money, of the federal government, spending 2 years building a case against one person, also, you have 7 democrats and 2 wanna be repubs who have a vested interest in seeing Trump indicted and prohibited from running, so their candidate can win In 24.

How would this not be seen as election tampering?

Should this not have been an independent investigation? Seems like that would have been the right way to do it, and if you had enough evidence to impeach him over it, why then the following 2 year investigation? Did you not have the evidence back then, and are trying to get it now? Which would mean the impeachment was fraudulent?

Either way, yeah, If they want his testimony, let him do it live.
What problem would that be? If the DOJ decides he broke the law, they'll file an indictment. Any trial would be out in the open.
Same as they would against you and me. But an indictment against him instantly gives his competitors a leg up.
He'll still run. But Republicans would have an excuse to dismiss him outright.

I'm just not going to give Trump a free platform to spout his bullshit on national TV.
He had his chance to be transparent. He can't be something he's never been.

I don't think that any Republicans other than dyed-in-the-wool nevertrumpers are going to vote for Trump's competitor, Sleepy Joe.

What's wrong with giving Trump a platform to speak? Sleepy Joe has one, aren't we supposed to have free and fair elections where both sides get a chance to speak?
Gotta be honest, I'm just curious if this whole committee is even legal, or ethical. You have the full weight...and money, of the federal government, spending 2 years building a case against one person, also, you have 7 democrats and 2 wanna be repubs who have a vested interest in seeing Trump indicted and prohibited from running, so their candidate can win In 24.

How would this not be seen as election tampering?

Should this not have been an independent investigation? Seems like that would have been the right way to do it, and if you had enough evidence to impeach him over it, why then the following 2 year investigation? Did you not have the evidence back then, and are trying to get it now? Which would mean the impeachment was fraudulent?

Either way, yeah, If they want his testimony, let him do it live.

The intent of such a committee is to examine what happened and then to pass laws to prevent it from ever happening again. As it stands now, when asked if he would do the same thing, DeSantis hinted he would. And DeSantis is Rump2 and much smarter than Rump ever was. If they don't win in votes, they go for the Revolution. And if they win then the Constitution of the Unites States just becomes toilet paper.
The J6 committee has been a collection of clowns in a circus since its inception. The kangaroo court is finished. Trump will keep this tied up in courts until January and Liz and her cadre of clowns will be gone.
That's because ex Commander Bonespurs is a fucking coward who doesn't have the balls to show up. But he'll run his big mouth at a rally as his asseaters egg him on genuflecting at that waste of skin's feet.

There's none of his asseaters on the J6 committee. He isn't man enough to show up. And they won't put up with his fucking lying yap either.
That's because ex Commander Bonespurs is a fucking coward who doesn't have the balls to show up. But he'll run his big mouth at a rally as his asseaters egg him on genuflecting at that waste of skin's feet.

There's none of his asseaters on the J6 committee. He isn't man enough to show up. And they won't put up with his fucking lying yap either.

Why would Trump agree to be secretly interrogated by his enemies?

That doesn't make any sense.
The intent of such a committee is to examine what happened and then to pass laws to prevent it from ever happening again. As it stands now, when asked if he would do the same thing, DeSantis hinted he would. And DeSantis is Rump2 and much smarter than Rump ever was. If they don't win in votes, they go for the Revolution. And if they win then the Constitution of the Unites States just becomes toilet paper.
So all those political prisoners that were rounded up, kept in solitary confinement, and prosecuted were done so without corresponding laws? Nope, as you morons gleefully paraded around every 'guilty verdict you proved we already have laws to cover such instances. This clown show is nothing but a witch hunt. Try harder.
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Wow, that's rich, the whole spectacle of the committee has been nothing but professionally produced political theater.

Why would Trump agree to be secretly interrogated by his enemies?

That doesn't make any sense.
It's not an interogation & by law Trump has to appear & if he doesn't he may end up like Bannon. He may think he's King who's above the law & his followers may believe likewise but the law says otherwise. IF it's enforced. So far it hasen't which is why Trump is one of the biggest white collar criminals in history who is still free. And he's also a traitor who is a threat to our national security with his document theft.

But none of that matters to your cult, does it?
Wouldn't give Donny the platform or the free air time. He's gotten enough of that over the last 7 years.
Make your recommendations to the DOJ, they can file the indictment(s) and just let the chips fall where they may.

He can keep the subpoena tied up in court long enough for the committee to evaporate in Jan. Then it will become moot.

It's not an interogation & by law Trump has to appear & if he doesn't he may end up like Bannon. He may think he's King who's above the law & his followers may believe likewise but the law says otherwise. IF it's enforced. So far it hasen't which is why Trump is one of the biggest white collar criminals in history who is still free. And he's also a traitor who is a threat to our national security with his document theft.

But none of that matters to your cult, does it?

Of course it will be an interrogation. What other term would you call secret, behind closed doors, questioning by your enemies?
If President Trump were to go to such a hearing, I would hope that he would be wired so that the people can still hear what is going on.
Yea, right. It is Trump who would NEVER agree to that because he's the biggest liar in history.

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