Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

Of course it will be an interrogation. What other term would you call secret, behind closed doors, questioning by your enemies?
Actually, it's the other way around. Trump is the enemy of the American people.
Actually, Trump wants the hearing telecast on nationwide TV. Its the libs who want to keep it secret.
Bullshit. Trump will never show up idk what he's blubbering about.

You people will never learn with this guy.
They made a mistake. Trump is a dumb, posturing, ostentatious bully. He's crude, ill-mannered and low class. Is that your idea of a US president? He's a criminal, playing mob Boss.. without any ethics or principles.

So you're saying he's just like schumer, a typical newyorker.

The intent of such a committee is to examine what happened and then to pass laws to prevent it from ever happening again. As it stands now, when asked if he would do the same thing, DeSantis hinted he would. And DeSantis is Rump2 and much smarter than Rump ever was. If they don't win in votes, they go for the Revolution. And if they win then the Constitution of the Unites States just becomes toilet paper.
I don't care what the intent is, what I'm talking about is, you have 9 people (really, all of the dems in congress) who have a stated desire to make sure Trump doesn't get into office again, and who all want Biden to be re elected, who are engaged in a process by which they are trying to disqualify Trump from running. I'm just questioning the ethics, legality, and legitimacy of such a process.

I'm sure you'd have the same concerns if the roles were reversed.

One could certainly see thus as the democrats in government trying to use their power to disqualify their opponent, which is election tampering.

It should have been an independent investigation.
That's because ex Commander Bonespurs is a fucking coward who doesn't have the balls to show up. But he'll run his big mouth at a rally as his asseaters egg him on genuflecting at that waste of skin's feet.

There's none of his asseaters on the J6 committee. He isn't man enough to show up. And they won't put up with his fucking lying yap either.
Yeah, theyre all Biden and pelosi ass if that's any better
Wouldn't give Donny the platform or the free air time. He's gotten enough of that over the last 7 years.
Make your recommendations to the DOJ, they can file the indictment(s) and just let the chips fall where they may.
IOW, it's all political theater.
It's not an interogation & by law Trump has to appear & if he doesn't he may end up like Bannon. He may think he's King who's above the law & his followers may believe likewise but the law says otherwise. IF it's enforced. So far it hasen't which is why Trump is one of the biggest white collar criminals in history who is still free. And he's also a traitor who is a threat to our national security with his document theft.

But none of that matters to your cult, does it?
Why the need for closed doors? He said he would honor the subpoena in a live hearing. If the J6 committee doesn't want that, then that's their problem.

I agree, he shouldn't testify behind closed doors. As many leaks as this committee has, they would have "selective" testimony released the next day.
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Liz doesn't realize she's hated more than Trump.
They made a mistake. Trump is a dumb, posturing, ostentatious bully. He's crude, ill-mannered and low class. Is that your idea of a US president? He's a criminal, playing mob Boss.. without any ethics or principles.
You could always not vote for him next time.
Actually, Trump wants the hearing telecast on nationwide TV. Its the libs who want to keep it secret.

There you go again. Speaking for someone else when they haven't' said one way or another. Rump wants to turn it into another circus. The Committee wants to keep it from becoming so. If Rump won't promise to behave himself, the best he can hope for is a closed door.
I don't care what the intent is, what I'm talking about is, you have 9 people (really, all of the dems in congress) who have a stated desire to make sure Trump doesn't get into office again, and who all want Biden to be re elected, who are engaged in a process by which they are trying to disqualify Trump from running. I'm just questioning the ethics, legality, and legitimacy of such a process.

I'm sure you'd have the same concerns if the roles were reversed.

One could certainly see thus as the democrats in government trying to use their power to disqualify their opponent, which is election tampering.

It should have been an independent investigation.

It can't be an independent investigation if it's purpose is to find ways to prevent it from happening again. The Committee has no powers to convict on anything. It's a Congressional inquiry only.
Outgoing Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney vowed on Sunday not to let Donald Trump turn his scheduled deposition before the January 6 committee into a 'circus' - and strongly indicated they will not let him testify on live television.

Cheney indicates Trump will not be grilled by Jan. 6 panel on live TV

LOL.....I guess they never considered that most folks view the 1/6 committee as a circus already. :laughing0301:
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Outgoing Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney vowed on Sunday not to let Donald Trump turn his scheduled deposition before the January 6 committee into a 'circus' - and strongly indicated they will not let him testify on live television.

Cheney indicates Trump will not be grilled by Jan. 6 panel on live TV

LOL.....I guess they never considered most folks view the 1/6 committee as a circus already. :laughing0301:
Oh, Liz! You're so silly. You think you actually have power because daddy was once someone a few people thought of as "important".
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you think it is funny Mac1958 that there is a guy in the white house that has no self control around children?? That he is intentionally taking us into depression, depleting what is left of our military, taking us into a war in ukraine, sic-ing the DoJ on his political enemies?? YOU think that's funny? You need to stop and take a good long look at who you support.
Who said I support Biden? I had to vote against bigoted, ignorant, misguided White Christian Nationalism, and that was the only way to do it.

Not everyone votes the way they do because they have a man crush on the candidate like you. True story.

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