Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

Why the need for closed doors? He said he would honor the subpoena in a live hearing. If the J6 committee doesn't want that, then that's their problem.

I agree, he shouldn't testify behind closed doors. As many leaks as this committee has, they would have "selective" testimony released the next day.
Trump is a private citizen who does not have the right to demand anything. Especially with the criminal charges he's being investigated for.
Trump doesn't have executive privilege. He's just another Joe citizen.
He was president at the time frame in question. Separation of powers extends because Congress has no Constitutional authority to compel the president to testify. If they had that power, the time to use it would have been during the faux impeachments. No longer being president does not change how the separation of powers works.
He was president at the time frame in question. Separation of powers extends because Congress has no Constitutional authority to compel the president to testify. If they had that power, the time to use it would have been during the faux impeachments. No longer being president does not change how the separation of powers works.

Are you a lawyer?
Outgoing Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney vowed on Sunday not to let Donald Trump turn his scheduled deposition before the January 6 committee into a 'circus' - and strongly indicated they will not let him testify on live television.

Cheney indicates Trump will not be grilled by Jan. 6 panel on live TV

LOL.....I guess they never considered that most folks view the 1/6 committee as a circus already. :laughing0301:
Isn't it hilarious to contemplate how seriously these vermin take themselves as they play-act their way through this pointless, tacky exercise in bad theatre?
They broadcast criminal trials and Senate hearings, emergencies, riots, school programs and just about everything the president does. Why would the Jan 6 hearings become a "circus"?
Trump will go off on tangents like he did at the UN and all his rallies.
Have you been watching his rallies? Or his speech at the UN? Why? I thought you didn't like him and he hasn't been in office for a year and a half. What is the draw. Now, come clean--you haven't watched any of them and you're lying through your teeth as usual.
Never before has this country regressed to such a pathetic level. I for one could have never imagined one political party would sacrifice freedom and Liberty, everything, for absolute power. Welcome to the world of Democratic Fascism.
Never before has this country regressed to such a pathetic level. I for one could have never imagined one political party would sacrifice freedom and Liberty, everything, for absolute power. Welcome to the world of Democratic Fascism.
I agree with all you posted except for the last sentence. You are projecting with the use of one word.
Every time you MAGAfreaks talk how he will slay the Dems or show up to testify it never turns out in the way you say.

Why wont they televise the hearing?
This is a rhetorical question since we already know why.
Dems are chicken shits.

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