Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

Where have you been the past two years?

That's not an answer and you know it. Trump told them to go to protest, he wanted an investigation into the election (is that his ultimate sin?). I didn't hear him once shout for violence or illegal activities. If he did, please post it so I can be re-educated. I'm not being inflammatory, I mean it. Post the instructions he gave to them to engage in crime or violence.
Scoundrels, Thieves, Back-Stabbers, Betrayers, and Traitors....cockroaches

....filth that scurry around and dwell in the dark, afraid of tbe light.

The last thing a US REPRESENTATIVE working for the American people, their constituents, should ever be are shadow-dwellers who seek to hide in darkness, attempting to keep secrets from and lie to those who rely on them....

These Democrats have proven to be the lowest, most corrupt, most dishonest traitors in this country.

And of course the lead low-life bitch that betrayed her Constituents and appropriately got the boot for it is out front spewing sedition, corruption, and cowardice the loudest.

Gateway Pundit. :auiqs.jpg: At least we know where your brain worms come from.

They never claimed that it would never be televised. Just that it won't be live, where TFG can go off on rants, not shut up after his allotted time to speak, and basically turn it into a circus.

They all saw what he did at the debate with Joseph Biden (God's choice).
Gateway Pundit. :auiqs.jpg: At least we know where your brain worms come from.

They never claimed that it would never be televised. Just that it won't be live, where TFG can go off on rants, not shut up after his allotted time to speak, and basically turn it into a circus.

They all saw what he did at the debate with Joseph Biden (God's choice).
Translation. There would be selective editing and it would be complete bullshit for people like you to swallow. By the way, God certainly would not choose an incestuous pedophile like Joey Xiden. Shows us what kind of person you are. And it’s not good Sparky.
Gateway Pundit. :auiqs.jpg: At least we know where your brain worms come from.

So fucking stupid.

So you superiorly point down at the GP peasants from your lofty perch where? NY Times? MSNBC? CNN?

In case you don't understand the premise of my critique - all those organizations have been provably flat-out lying about a plethora of things for years and years.

Iraq War, Russia-gate, COVID-19 - you name it.

The idea that you scoff at your inferiors who are doing real shoe leather journalism, and then point to the dying lamestream BS as your standard for integrity - it's a comedy routine at this point.

Spoiler Alert: The truth is the majority of people in this Nation no longer trust the "Legacy Media", and you embarrass yourself the more you bloviate in reverence to the rapidly expiring info regime.
Scoundrels, Thieves, Back-Stabbers, Betrayers, and Traitors....cockroaches

....filth that scurry around and dwell in the dark, afraid of tbe light.

The last thing a US REPRESENTATIVE working for the American people, their constituents, should ever be are shadow-dwellers who seek to hide in darkness, attempting to keep secrets from and lie to those who rely on them....

These Democrats have proven to be the lowest, most corrupt, most dishonest traitors in this country.

And of course the lead low-life bitch that betrayed her Constituents and appropriately got the boot for it is out front spewing sedition, corruption, and cowardice the loudest.

The Gateway Pundit


The Gateway Pundit



Name the fake stories the Gateway Pundit reported, since you're so familiar with their work.

HA! As if. :)

The truth is GP is one of the best journalistic outfits in existence today.

And the fact that they drive the Left crazy is gravy.

And I don't mean like the kind on my Grandma's pasta!
From the link:

she warned that the committee will take action if he does not comply with the subpoena.

What action? This is delusions of grandeur from a woman who should know that her days are numbered in the congress.

That number is a about 40, the approximate number of days until the new representatives are sworn in without her.

“We are going to proceed in terms of the questioning of the former president under oath,” Cheney, R-Wyo., said on “Meet the Press” on NBC.

This is a genuine break from reality. They will never question Trump under oath except also under his terms. If she doesn't want to meet his terms, she doesn't really want him to testify.
From the link:

she warned that the committee will take action if he does not comply with the subpoena.

What action? This is delusions of grandeur from a woman who should know that her days are numbered in the congress.
You're only saying that because the Committee literally won't exist long enough to ever see Trump testify.
Name the fake stories the Gateway Pundit reported, since you're so familiar with their work.

HA! As if. :)

The truth is GP is one of the best journalistic outfits in existence today.

And the fact that they drive the Left crazy is gravy.

And I don't mean like the kind on my Grandma's pasta!

Keep clinging to your Orange God, loser!


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