Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

They KNOW full well WHY Trump will not testify.

He's had enough of their megalomaniacal fraudulent slanders thrown at him.

In fact, they can whine and cry and throw thier little fists in the air, create all the slander and lies and soap opera drama they want, and shit their Depends all they fucking want.........Trump does NOT have to testify if he does not want to!
The intent of such a committee is to examine what happened and then to pass laws to prevent it from ever happening again. As it stands now, when asked if he would do the same thing, DeSantis hinted he would. And DeSantis is Rump2 and much smarter than Rump ever was. If they don't win in votes, they go for the Revolution. And if they win then the Constitution of the Unites States just becomes toilet paper.
What law have they proposed?
It's not an interogation & by law Trump has to appear & if he doesn't he may end up like Bannon. He may think he's King who's above the law & his followers may believe likewise but the law says otherwise. IF it's enforced. So far it hasen't which is why Trump is one of the biggest white collar criminals in history who is still free. And he's also a traitor who is a threat to our national security with his document theft.

But none of that matters to your cult, does it?
No way Trump testifys unless it is televised, and unedited.

And we know THAT will never happen!!

They don't want it televised or with an audience of any kind.........................

they don't want anybody to see them on their hands and knees BEGGING Trump to leave them alone, to never run for any office again, and pay him off with MORE stolen and illegally printed money!!!
If they are so sure they "got em" then why not do it on live tv and show the world how right they are and how trump is a criminal?

They seem to think it's a slam dunk so why not show it to everyone? I guess they are afraid this will just be another long line of their "gotcha" moments that end up not getting anything or anyone when trying to nail trump.
Bullshit. Trump will never show up idk what he's blubbering about.

You people will never learn with this guy.
You are full of shit. Trump called their bluff. He offered to testify in front of the world. The Nazi Piglosi Clown Show is having none of that. They want him to testify behind closed doors so they can lie about what he said thru leaks.

What are they afraid of?
If they are so sure they "got em" then why not do it on live tv and show the world how right they are and how trump is a criminal?

They seem to think it's a slam dunk so why not show it to everyone? I guess they are afraid this will just be another long line of their "gotcha" moments that end up not getting anything or anyone when trying to nail trump.

Trump will go off on tangents like he did at the UN and all his rallies.
Yes he will….. all the more Democrats should put him under Oath. What are they afraid of bedsides rants? This is their chance to put him behind bars.
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Nothing terrifies Democrats more than losing control of the narrative. Just like the old Outer Limits intro "WE CONTROL THE HORIZONTAL WE CONTROL THE VERTICAL".

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