Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

Make your recommendations to the DOJ, they can file the indictment(s) and just let the chips fall where they may.
That's their problem. Like all the other shit they have thrown against the wall trying to "get" Trump, this lacks any substance whatsoever. The chips will fall right into the trash.

We will demand a public hearing on this.
If Trump were to show up in a "behind closed doors" interrogation, the libs should be concerned that Trump will discretely bring in surveillance equipment for his own recording of the proceedings.
As should anyone, when dealing with lying snakes.
Ahhh..... You must be looking for Infowars? The GatewayPundit? The Epoch Times? RT?

I remember when you stood back and let del turn the forum into a nest of crap that needed years of cleanup by c_k.

You have no stand.
All those interviews are transcripted & will be made available to the public in the future, assface. Trump is not going to show up for anythng, except a rally where he can run his big mouth as you turds grovel & jizz on yourselves over the spoken word of your orange god.
Translation: Shit! I'm scared!

Talk about jizzing on yourself! :laughing0301:
The one thing that the Traitor's current crop Keystone Cops Lawyer's do not want is for their pathologcial liar client to testify live. The Orange Shit Gibbon would not be able to help himself, he would in his opening statement and try to make every question about the 2020 Election.

But Ms. Cheney is correct, it NOT up the Traitor who decides who does and does not testify in publica. All the Traitor wants is the cameras, he feeds off attention.
Keep screeching. You've got 15 days until your world explodes.

google and Rolling Stone. :laughing0301:
So long as the record of his testimony is made public it's all on the up-and-up.

Smart move... denying that Orange comb-over kokksukker an audience for his rants and bull$hitting.

This way, they can keep him focused on Question and Answer rather than playing the Drama Queen and kvetching about how he's being picked on :itsok:

You’re funny!
All those interviews are transcripted & will be made available to the public in the future, assface. Trump is not going to show up for anythng, except a rally where he can run his big mouth as you turds grovel & jizz on yourselves over the spoken word of your orange god.
Um no….you people can’t be trusted.
Let him go ahead & the committe can again prove he's a liar with their own recordings. Trump is yanking the chain of your cult because that jerkoff isn't showing up for anything besides a Filet O Fish value meal.

Unless of course, there's graft involved.
Wrong again…No way he’d order a filet….
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Democracy is under the biggest threat right now than it has ever been. Liz Cheney flat out said that Trump will not be allowed to defend himself in any way, shape, or form because they will not let him say what he wants because defending himself will be deemed a circus. I've got news for her. The committee has already been a circus from the get go.
Democracy is under the biggest threat right now than it has ever been. Liz Cheney flat out said that Trump will not be allowed to defend himself in any way, shape, or form because they will not let him say what he wants because defending himself will be deemed a circus. I've got news for her. The committee has already been a circus from the get go.

Stop lyiing. She did not say he could not defend himself. She just will not allow him to turn it into another clown car show which is what Rump wants. The more you lie about it, the more we all know that Rump just wants another circus tent. Until he agrees to behave himself, he doesn't get his camera time.

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