Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

You are full of shit. Trump called their bluff. He offered to testify in front of the world. The Nazi Piglosi Clown Show is having none of that. They want him to testify behind closed doors so they can lie about what he said thru leaks.

What are they afraid of?
All those interviews are transcripted & will be made available to the public in the future, assface. Trump is not going to show up for anythng, except a rally where he can run his big mouth as you turds grovel & jizz on yourselves over the spoken word of your orange god.
If Trump were to show up in a "behind closed doors" interrogation, the libs should be concerned that Trump will discretely bring in surveillance equipment for his own recording of the proceedings.
Let him go ahead & the committe can again prove he's a liar with their own recordings. Trump is yanking the chain of your cult because that jerkoff isn't showing up for anything besides a Filet O Fish value meal.

Unless of course, there's graft involved.
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They are also afraid of the two Secret Service agents who destroyed their “Bombshell“ witness testimony.
They didn't destroy it!

They both dodged testifying under oath again, after Cassidy's testimony under oath, as the right wing rumor mill claimed they would come in and testify against what Cassidy said... and the one who told Cassidy the story, just gave his same day notice, and up and QUIT....

Plus the two secret service guys, erased their emails and texts from the time period, and didn't send them to the archives, as they were suppose to do before the department deletion.

And lastly, other witnesses have come forward, stating they too heard the story Cassidy was told, about Trump in the Suv....
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And we know THAT will never happen!!

They don't want it televised or with an audience of any kind.........................
they don't want anybody to see them on their hands and knees BEGGING Trump to leave them alone, to never run for any office again, and pay him off with MORE stolen and illegally printed money!!!
The only thing Trump is showing up for is one of his hate rallies & a Quarter Pounder Value Meal.

He's yanking your chain because he's the biggest bullshit artist in human history.
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All those interviews are transcripted & will be made available to the public in the future, assface. Trump is not going to show up for anythng, except a rally where he can run his big mouth as you turds grovel & jizz on yourselves over the spoken word of your orange god.
Let him go ahead & the committe can again prove he's a liar with their own recordings. Trump is yanking the chain of your cult because that jerkoff isn't showing up anything besides a Filet O Fish value meal.

Unless of course, there's graft involved.
Only people getting their chain yanked is you Dimtard morons who think this Clown Show has ANY credibility.
They didn't destroy it!

They both dodged testifying under oath again, after Cassie's testimony under oath, as the right wing rumor mill claimed they would come in and testify against what Cassie said... and the one who told Cassie the story, just gave his same day notice, and up and QUIT....

Plus the two secret service guys, erased their emails and texts from the time period, and didn't send them to the archives, as they were suppose to do before the department deletion.

And lastly, other witnesses have come forward, stating they too heard the story Cassie was told, about Trump in the Suv....
Got any credible links?
They KNOW full well WHY Trump will not testify.

He's had enough of their megalomaniacal fraudulent slanders thrown at him.

In fact, they can whine and cry and throw thier little fists in the air, create all the slander and lies and soap opera drama they want, and shit their Depends all they fucking want.........Trump does NOT have to testify if he does not want to!

AS President, you would be right. But as an X he is a common citizen no matter how outlandish he acts. If I were to get a Congressional invite, I would have four choices.

1. Show up and answer their questions.

2. Not show up and be arrested for contempt

3. Get in that nice shiny new Jet and fly away to a country with no extradition laws with the US.

4. stall hoping that the house falls to the Reps for 2023 or that a Rep wins the Prez for 2025. And Rump stays in favor which there are zero guarantees to that.
Got any credible links?


MAGA = Making Attorneys get Attorneys.
All those interviews are transcripted & will be made available to the public in the future, assface.

Bullshit. You lying sack of leftard shit. :p

Trump is not going to show up for anythng, except a rally where he can run his big mouth as you turds grovel & jizz on yourselves over the spoken word of your orange god.

Correct. Zero cooperation with Stalinists.

He said credible. I don’t think that you understand what that means.
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

The one thing that the Traitor's current crop Keystone Cops Lawyer's do not want is for their pathologcial liar client to testify live. The Orange Shit Gibbon would not be able to help himself, he would in his opening statement and try to make every question about the 2020 Election.

But Ms. Cheney is correct, it NOT up the Traitor who decides who does and does not testify in publica. All the Traitor wants is the cameras, he feeds off attention.
The one thing that the Traitor's current crop Keystone Cops Lawyer's do not want is for their pathologcial liar client to testify live. The Orange Shit Gibbon would not be able to help himself, he would in his opening statement and try to make every question about the 2020 Election.

But Ms. Cheney is correct, it NOT up the Traitor who decides who does and does not testify in publica. All the Traitor wants is the cameras, he feeds off attention.

Doesn't change the fact that this is a textbook Stalinist playbook.

If they had a case they wouldn't be worrying about being distracted.

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