Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

There you go again. Speaking for someone else when they haven't' said one way or another. Rump wants to turn it into another circus. The Committee wants to keep it from becoming so. If Rump won't promise to behave himself, the best he can hope for is a closed door.

Unfair!! Only Dems can turn it into a circus.
Sorry, moron--the knee thing is a democrat trait. Don't you recall all of your democrat heeeeroes taking a knee for a photo op for a drug OD victim at his funeral. Try again, slurp up some more Piglosi Schiff.
There's none of his asseaters on the J6 committee.
Yeah, remind you of any other democrat tactics? Like the democrat KKK juries that lynched untold numbers of black people in the south? What happened to answering to an unbiased jury of peers. I am glad you pointed out that the J6 committee is politically biased. Thanks for playing junior, now run along.
Very simple question for the 1-6 committee why didn't you subponea Trump at the start of the committee hearings instead of waiting till the last day only a few weeks till the midterms if you truly believed all the claims you have been making in regards to 1-6 wouldn't this have made more sense? Interesting that they waited until they are very likely going to lose control of the House to do this perhaps with the idea that if they do lose control of the House and the Republicans shut this joke down they can they claim to the media it's a coverup to help Trump avoid testifying hoping the rest of us will forget they had ample time to subponea long before they did.
Such a decision further degrades this investigations credibility and raises it to Star Chamber kinship of "justice". Her credibility is tarnished if she refuses to allow the world to hear from the accused if he chooses to testify. She is exposed as a woman scorned who has already paid a steep political price while the Neo-Con brand remains the least viable in the U.S today.

Instead of them understanding the countries challenges and their inability to address them for so many years, they focus on destroying the Messenger.

Now, if they had a real issue with Jan 6th, it lies with those who they state broke laws on that day. Trump did not encourage violence. If there were people in the crowd encouraging violence they should be exposed and arrested.
Such a decision further degrades this investigations credibility and raises it to Star Chamber kinship of "justice". Her credibility is tarnished if she refuses to allow the world to hear from the accused if he chooses to testify. She is exposed as a woman scorned who has already paid a steep political price while the Neo-Con brand remains the least viable in the U.S today.

Instead of them understanding the countries challenges and their inability to address them for so many years, they focus on destroying the Messenger.

Now, if they had a real issue with Jan 6th, it lies with those who they state broke laws on that day. Trump did not encourage violence. If there were people in the crowd encouraging violence they should be exposed and arrested.

Trump encouraged violence for six weeks before the attack on the Capitol.. it was carefully planned.
She and the sham illegal January 6 Committee are terrified of him testifying in a public setting due to the fact he'll expose them as frauds, as well as their narrative on what happened on January 6.

Poor little MAGA-tard precious little snowflake!


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