Liz Warren: The next Obama


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The radical left is never satisfied with its power. It always wants more. Two terms as president won’t satisfy Obama’s power-lust.
When the Obama-Warren radicals decide to take Hillary out, the media will expose another big Clinton scandal, and Obama’s tame billionaires will switch their money to Warren. Obama has always used scandal-bombs to win elections, and this time won’t be different.

That’s one scenario. If it comes true, Liz Warren will owe Obama, big time. He won’t be shy in demanding his rewards.
Washington rumors say that Obama wants to be secretary general of the United Nations. With the usual unconstitutional sleight of hand, the U.N. can be fiddled into an unelected global bureaucracy, exactly like the European Union today. But to become secretary general, Obama needs to be nominated by the president of the United States. Liz Warren would do it as a quid pro quo.
Today’s Democrats claim to be “liberals,” when in fact the radicals are in control. “Liberal” is a cover name. “Progressive” is a throwback to the old, old Marxism. Obama has nothing in common with mainstream liberals like JFK.

Obama is the most extreme leftist ever to become president. He has no real commitment to the U.S. Constitution, as he has said himself, but he obviously does have a yen for Islamist extremists like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian mullahs.

Remember, these are seriously delusional people. They think they deserve untrammeled power over the rest of us, because they, and only they, know how to run things. They believe that regular Americans are stupid, when they believe in the viability of Marxism, the global warming fraud, and killing off U.S. energy independence. But they are experts at political deception and manipulation, and the public is still mostly in the dark.

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More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
the left doesn't give a damn about that....

Obama hates Hillary so he will support the Indian Princess because she would assist him in staying in power....
The next Obama? So you're saying she's going to be a two-time winner! Giving kind of early, aren't you or are you that good at reading the writing on the wall? I guess the Republican clown car isn't that impressive.
The next Obama? So you're saying she's going to be a two-time winner! Giving kind of early, aren't you or are you that good at reading the writing on the wall? I guess the Republican clown car isn't that impressive.

the Democrats are the most vile people walking the planet. That's why they Republicans lose to them. Speaks volumes for the RW doesn't it?

More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
The racial divide was caused by those who couldn't/wouldn't accept his presidency. Everything he's done has been seen as racial by the racists.
The next Obama? So you're saying she's going to be a two-time winner! Giving kind of early, aren't you or are you that good at reading the writing on the wall? I guess the Republican clown car isn't that impressive.
'the next Obama' means another far leftwing Marxist radical....Warren fills the bill......Obama wants someone just like him to run for office and who would be indebted to him (just who do you think leaked about Hillary and her emails?)....i'm not saying she would win...
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...
'the next Obama' means another far leftwing Marxist radical....Warren fills the bill......Obama wants someone just like him to run for office (just who do you think leaked about Hillary and her emails?)....i'm not saying she would win...
If she's gets nominated, she'll win. No one can run the Republican gauntlet and then win the general, given the divisive climate generated by today's right.
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
The racial divide was caused by those who couldn't/wouldn't accept his presidency. Everything he's done has been seen as racial by the racists.

I have no problem he was elected...however I do have a problem with what he's done...or not done after he was elected. Race has nothing to do with it
'the next Obama' means another far leftwing Marxist radical....Warren fills the bill......Obama wants someone just like him to run for office (just who do you think leaked about Hillary and her emails?)....i'm not saying she would win...
If she's gets nominated, she'll win. No one can run the Republican gauntlet and then win the general, given the divisive climate generated by today's right.

Mhm...and what happened last Nov?
'the next Obama' means another far leftwing Marxist radical....Warren fills the bill......Obama wants someone just like him to run for office (just who do you think leaked about Hillary and her emails?)....i'm not saying she would win...
If she's gets nominated, she'll win. No one can run the Republican gauntlet and then win the general, given the divisive climate generated by today's right.
you may be right.....the Republicans have a big problemo....
I love this:

Obama is the most extreme leftist ever to become president. He has no real commitment to the U.S. Constitution, as he has said himself, but he obviously does have a yen for Islamist extremists like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian mullahs.

Is immediately, without interruption, followed by:

Remember, these are seriously delusional people.


Oh the irony!
The next Obama? So you're saying she's going to be a two-time winner! Giving kind of early, aren't you or are you that good at reading the writing on the wall? I guess the Republican clown car isn't that impressive.

No I think he's saying Warren will go to a baseball game and throw out the first pitch like a girl.
I love this:

Obama is the most extreme leftist ever to become president. He has no real commitment to the U.S. Constitution, as he has said himself, but he obviously does have a yen for Islamist extremists like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian mullahs.

Is immediately, without interruption, followed by:

Remember, these are seriously delusional people.


Oh the irony!
irony...? looks more like the truth...
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...

I dont even think there are enough dead people to supercede Cruz or Walker. She is so hated !!!

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