Liz Warren: The next Obama

The next Obama? So you're saying she's going to be a two-time winner! Giving kind of early, aren't you or are you that good at reading the writing on the wall? I guess the Republican clown car isn't that impressive.

No I think he's saying Warren will go to a baseball game and throw out the first pitch like a girl.
meanwhile BO will be pitching from the UN......wouldn't that be great fun for everyone...?
Does anyone really think Elizabeth will draw massive crowds in Florida/Wisconsin/Iowa/Ohio and Colorado?
when the Dimwit call goes out.....the mindnumbed will least as much if not more for her than Hill the Pill....
The next Obama? So you're saying she's going to be a two-time winner! Giving kind of early, aren't you or are you that good at reading the writing on the wall? I guess the Republican clown car isn't that impressive.

No I think he's saying Warren will go to a baseball game and throw out the first pitch like a girl.
meanwhile BO will be pitching from the UN......wouldn't that be great fun for everyone...?

Let's be logical. If your current POTUS is "BO" it naturally follows that the next one should be "EW".

Think about it.
The next Obama? So you're saying she's going to be a two-time winner! Giving kind of early, aren't you or are you that good at reading the writing on the wall? I guess the Republican clown car isn't that impressive.
'the next Obama' means another far leftwing Marxist radical....Warren fills the bill......Obama wants someone just like him to run for office and who would be indebted to him (just who do you think leaked about Hillary and her emails?)....i'm not saying she would win...
Here's the insanity. Obama didn't find Paul Volker friendly enough to Wall St, and went with Tiny Tim Geitner the Titan of the Treasury. Wall St didn't appreciate Obama demigoding and dumping all the blame of their excesses, when in fact most people on Wall St weren't tied to using junk bonds to collateralize risk. But, he's been a true friend. LOL
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...

I dont even think there are enough dead people to supercede Cruz or Walker. She is so hated !!!
I find it hard to hate without a personal slight, as far as politicians, actors and most people in particular have been told by myself to kiss my ass...I know their game and won't play it.....
i would also love to see her fill any arena in Pennsylvania, (well, aside from some in Philly where the blockheads just look for "The D" when they vote every november".
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history

Lincoln was black? Didn't know that. Oh wait, I have heard Melungeon.

And I thought Bull Clinton was the first black POTUS. Live and learn.
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...

I dont even think there are enough dead people to supercede Cruz or Walker. She is so hated !!!

Somebody's more hated than Walker? This thread's just an edumacation-a-minute.

I love the irony also that a certain contingent who cry the blooze about O'bama being "inexperienced" (despite having 12 prior years in government, more than Dubya) --- now wets their pants over Ted Cruz who has...

.... count 'em up....



Doublethink lives!
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More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...
More than a few people have the mindset we're ready for a woman president, there is nothing wrong with that, but don't vote for someone JUST because they are a woman. We can see how that went when it was "time to elect a black". We ended up with an inexperienced fool who has caused more racial divide than any president in history
So the Civil War was nothing?
I am going to make print outs of her face and use them to line my kitty sand box.
You use sand??
Smells up quickly...

I dont even think there are enough dead people to supercede Cruz or Walker. She is so hated !!!

Somebody's more hate that Walker? This thread's just an edumacation-a-minute.

I love the irony also that a certain contingent who cry the blooze about O'bama being "inexperienced" (despite having 12 prior years in government, more than Dubya) --- now wets their pants over Ted Cruz who has...

.... count 'em up....



Doublethink lives!
Them thar smelly fightin' boots is what convinced them he is no tenderfoot green horn....just wet behind the ears...

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