LMAO! Muslim Mayor of London Declares New ‘Knife Control’ Policies as Fatal Stabbings Soar


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Lol. As the article states:

(This of course completely crushes the ‘guns cause violence’ narrative the left pushes since the UK has some of the strictest gun laws in the world.)

So, after the strict knife policies fail and more pedestrians get run over by Muslims targeting them what's next? Will they put a ban on driving vehicles? Stay tuned!

Muslim Mayor of London Declares New 'Knife Control' Policies as Fatal Stabbings Soar
The stupid bastard doesn't realize that it is lack of control of hatred, not weapons that matters. I person with evil in his mind will find something to kill with. Knives and guns appear to be at the top of the list, though bricks, bats, pipes, fists, tire irons, wrenches, scissors and other "deadly weapons" are often used. Banning weapons is a stupid, useless exercise of ineffective means.
What Khan is really trying to do is put and end to those evil white Brits using knives to defend themselves. The old man who used a knife in his own home to defend himself and his sick wife was the last straw.
The stupid bastard doesn't realize that it is lack of control of hatred, not weapons that matters. I person with evil in his mind will find something to kill with. Knives and guns appear to be at the top of the list, though bricks, bats, pipes, fists, tire irons, wrenches, scissors and other "deadly weapons" are often used. Banning weapons is a stupid, useless exercise of ineffective means.

to be fair----the "stupid bastard" never made a statement that could lead to your claim of that which he "does not understand"
The stupid bastard doesn't realize that it is lack of control of hatred, not weapons that matters. I person with evil in his mind will find something to kill with. Knives and guns appear to be at the top of the list, though bricks, bats, pipes, fists, tire irons, wrenches, scissors and other "deadly weapons" are often used. Banning weapons is a stupid, useless exercise of ineffective means.

to be fair----the "stupid bastard" never made a statement that could lead to your claim of that which he "does not understand"
Poor, gullible Stevie....damn son, you will believe ANYTHING.

Mayor of London

No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law.

Here’s what the Mayor is doing to tackle violent crime
Here’s what the Mayor is doing to tackle violent crime

06 April 2018
Since 2016, Sadiq Khan has been taking action to tackle the scourge of violent crime in London, together with the Met Police. With the tragic rise in knife killings on our streets this year, he’s introduced tough, immediate measures to address the violence.

The Mayor is determined to ensure criminals are caught and punished – but he’s also investing millions in tackling the complex root causes of violent crime to help prevent future deaths.

Here’s what the Mayor is doing:

Boosting police power

  • A new violent crime taskforce of 120 officers has been created using additional funding from City Hall announced by the Mayor in February. The taskforce will focus solely on violent crime, weapon-enabled crime and serious criminality.
  • The Met Police has introduced targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected by knife crime
  • The Mayor is protecting the number of frontline police officers on London’s streets byinvesting £110m in the Met Police.
  • Police made more than 900 arrests during Operation Winter Nights in November and December, taking more than 350 weapons off London’s streets
Preventing future violence

  • In February Mayor created the £45m Young Londoners Fund to help steer young people away from violent crime
  • Knife wands are now available for every school in London to help keep young people safe, with 150 schools so far taking up the offer
  • The widely shared London Needs You Alive campaign brings together role models and youth influencers to send a positive message to young people - that they shouldn’t put their lives at risk by carrying a knife
  • The Mayor’s granted £7 million to projects to combat youth violence across London and £250,000 to community groups and grassroots initiatives
  • The Mayor is working to bring in more Safer Schools Officers to help to drive down knife crime in schools

Mayor's Knife Crime Strategy: putting a stop to knife crime in London

Mayor's Knife Crime Strategy: putting a stop to knife crime in London
Date published: 27 June 2017

1,844 Londoners under 25 were injured as a result of non-domestic knife crimes in 2016. This is the highest level since 2012. Behind each of these offences is a young life derailed, a family traumatised and a community damaged.

We must act to stop this increase, and then work to reduce these crimes to protect young Londoners, their families and communities from the devastating harm of knife crime and violence.

Mayor Sadiq Khan has launched a plan of action to tackle knife crime in London by:

  • targeting lawbreakers
  • working with young people and communities
  • and supporting victims.

Keeping deadly weapons off our streets

We are working with retailers and Trading Standards to enforce the laws that prevent the sale of knives to underage young people, on the high street and online.

Protecting and educating young people

We must not accept that crime and violence is a foregone conclusion for any young person in London, regardless of their circumstances.

We are strengthening our work with partners to direct young people who are at highest risk of offending and victimisation, away from a life ruined by crime.

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