LMFAO -Alan Grayson claims AR-15s can fire ‘700 rounds in a minute’ after Orlando attack

My God, Communist/Progressive wingnuts are so bleepin dumb. So hopped up to ban things they know absolutely nothing about. They really couldn't even tell you the difference between Semi-Automatic and Automatic. And they sure don't know anything about clip capacities. But hey, it's about taking all the guns. That's their end-game. And they will lie and cheat to get that done.

bump stocks have nothing to do with rate of fire, they improve accuracy by eliminating barrel climb ..

dipshit RW's dont understand RATE OF FIRE. and it's everyone elses fault they are stupid.

Says the fuck'n idiot who advocates for failed liberal socialist policies.... :eusa_doh:. Nothing epitomizes stupidity like liberalism junior.

bump stocks have nothing to do with rate of fire, they improve accuracy by eliminating barrel climb ..

dipshit RW's dont understand RATE OF FIRE. and it's everyone elses fault they are stupid.

Says the fuck'n idiot who advocates for failed liberal socialist policies.... :eusa_doh:. Nothing epitomizes stupidity like liberalism junior.


bump stocks have nothing to do with rate of fire, they improve accuracy by eliminating barrel climb ..

dipshit RW's dont understand RATE OF FIRE. and it's everyone elses fault they are stupid.

Says the fuck'n idiot who advocates for failed liberal socialist policies.... :eusa_doh:. Nothing epitomizes stupidity like liberalism junior.


The exact vulgar and ignorant response one would expect from an idiot socialist who is scared that one day they will no longer be able to mooch off of society like a worthless parasite...

bump stocks have nothing to do with rate of fire, they improve accuracy by eliminating barrel climb ..

dipshit RW's dont understand RATE OF FIRE. and it's everyone elses fault they are stupid.

Says the fuck'n idiot who advocates for failed liberal socialist policies.... :eusa_doh:. Nothing epitomizes stupidity like liberalism junior.

Says the fuck'n idiot who advocates for failed liberal socialist policies

The exact vulgar and ignorant response one would expect from an idiot socialist who is scared that one day they will no longer be able to mooch off of society like a worthless parasite

The only guns Grayson's ever seen are the ones his armed security personnel carry to protect his dumb ass. Never take advice from dumb Limousine Liberals. They're dishonest hypocrites of the worst kind. They're most often very wealthy well-protected elites. They live in luxurious secured mansions guarded by folks with guns. They're children attend the most well-protected elite private schools in the world.

They don't have to live in the real world. They get to live in their elitist fantasy world. Living in the real world is only for the peasants. So don't take their advice. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Wealthy elitists like Clinton and Grayson aren't gonna be there to save you from the savages. They're far too busy munching on caviar and sipping the finest champagne to help you. You're on your own. Never forget that.

bump stocks have nothing to do with rate of fire, they improve accuracy by eliminating barrel climb ..

dipshit RW's dont understand RATE OF FIRE. and it's everyone elses fault they are stupid.

Says the fuck'n idiot who advocates for failed liberal socialist policies.... :eusa_doh:. Nothing epitomizes stupidity like liberalism junior.

Says the fuck'n idiot who advocates for failed liberal socialist policies

The exact vulgar and ignorant response one would expect from an idiot socialist who is scared that one day they will no longer be able to mooch off of society like a worthless parasite

And now we can add the inability to reply in a USMB thread with the proper quote to the list of things you are completely incapable of doing. No wonder you need to mooch off of society... :lol:
The only guns Grayson's ever seen are the ones his armed security personnel carry to protect his dumb ass. Never take advice from dumb Limousine Liberals. They're dishonest hypocrites of the worst kind. They're most often very wealthy well-protected elites. They live in luxurious secured mansions guarded by folks with guns. They're children attend the most well-protected elite private schools in the world.

They don't have to live in the real world. They get to live in their elitist fantasy world. Living in the real world is only for the peasants. So don't take their advice. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Wealthy elitists like Clinton and Grayson aren't gonna be there to save you from the savages. They're far too busy munching on caviar and sipping the finest champagne to help you. You're on your own. Never forget that.

As Andrew Wilkow always says: "Socialism is for the people....not the socialist". There isn't a single liberal alive - master or minion - who believes that the ignorant policies they advocate for applies to them.

Barack Obama and Hitlery Clinton want to ban guns. Yet they are surrounded by an arsenal of fully automatic weapons 24x7. How does that make any sense?
The only guns Grayson's ever seen are the ones his armed security personnel carry to protect his dumb ass. Never take advice from dumb Limousine Liberals. They're dishonest hypocrites of the worst kind. They're most often very wealthy well-protected elites. They live in luxurious secured mansions guarded by folks with guns. They're children attend the most well-protected elite private schools in the world.

They don't have to live in the real world. They get to live in their elitist fantasy world. Living in the real world is only for the peasants. So don't take their advice. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Wealthy elitists like Clinton and Grayson aren't gonna be there to save you from the savages. They're far too busy munching on caviar and sipping the finest champagne to help you. You're on your own. Never forget that.

As Andrew Wilkow always says: "Socialism is for the people....not the socialist". There isn't a single liberal alive - master or minion - who believes that the ignorant policies they advocate for applies to them.

Barack Obama and Hitlery Clinton want to ban guns. Yet they are surrounded by an arsenal of fully automatic weapons 24x7. How does that make any sense?

Classic Limousine Liberals. Living in the dangerous real world is only for the 'peasants.' They hide behind their luxurious well-secured mansion walls, while preaching Anti-2nd Amendment nonsense to folks who have to live in the real world. Like i said, Limousine Liberals like Clinton and Grayson won't be there to save you from the brutal savages. They'll be far too busy partying it up on their well-secured private jets and yachts.

People would be crazy to take their advice on this issue. I advise being prepared to protect yourself and your family. Acquire a firearm and become proficient with its use. Also, get your family involved. Show them not to fear firearms. Hit the range with your spouse. It's actually a lot of fun, and they become prepared to defend themselves. That's my advice anyway. Take it or leave it i guess.

No. It is not. The barrel of an AK-47 gets so hot after about two magazines, I burned my hand THROUGH a leather glove when I accidentally grabbed the barrel in the dark.

Two quick 30 rd mag dumps in a full auto M-16 will heat up the barrel pretty much.

I know some people have done it in a test but 23 straight magazines (which would take several minutes) would pretty much burn up a barrel and probably even melt the hand guard.

So why do the manufacturers use that number in their specks?

They are just quoting a cycling rate.

If there was a continuous feed of ammo a full auto M-16 would cycle through 600-700 rds in a minute. The only way it would have continuous feed is if was belt fed. 700 rds in one minute would burn the barrel up. The temperature of the barrel would probably approach 900 F.

An AR-15 cycle rate is dependent upon how many times per minute someone can pull the trigger. There are some gimmick things out that that will mimic F-A fire but they are not very good.

The cycle rate is meaningless because the real rate is limited by magazine capacity. The standard mag is 30 rds. You buy some 100 rd drums but they are heavy and are prone to jam..

In that case, this thread should be about the manufacturer lying about the gun's capabilities. Not Grayson.
So every citizen's personal responsibility is to arm himself or herself whenever he or she goes out in public,

or accept the fact that if you're shot and killed, it's your fault?
Bingo! That's exactly right. Took you liberals nearly 100 years to finally understand.

What a fruitcake idea.

No....a "fruitcake idea" is walking around unarmed and expecting the police to protect you. Which can only be achieved by literally eliminating the U.S. Constitution and creating an oppressive nanny state. Is that what you want?

The police can only act after a crime has been committed stupid. Therefore, it is 100% on you to be armed and protect yourself.

Poor guy. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to constantly live in so much fear.

That's literally as stupid as saying "poor guy....going to the grocery store every week to make sure he has food to eat. Can't imagine how hard it must be to live so paranoid and in constant fear of starving". :eusa_doh:

Genius....I don't live in the slightest ounce of fear. I don't have to. I'm armed. And I'm not a victim like the 50 people in Orlando. You have to breath. You have to eat. You have to be able to defend yourself. These are just the basics of life.

If you say so.
You do however have to add a slide-fire stock. Some people call them a "bump-fire" stock.
Anyway, the AR-15 doesn't come with one of these stocks, a person would need to purchase one extra.
I've tried a few 'bump-fire' models.
They are too counter-intuitive to use safely and accurately IMO.
Grayson is the posterboy for the 'Wife-beaters Of America" Association.
He's such a fucking violent lunatic not even MSNBC will have him on. Why? Because he gives Progressives a bad image.
When was the last time MSNBC has Cynthia McKinney on? HAAAA HAAAAA!
Remember folks, Limousine Liberals like Clinton and Grayson enjoy the luxury of living in an elitist fantasy world. Them and their children are very well-protected by armies of armed security personnel. They don't have to live in the dangerous real-life world. So don't take their advice.

Instead, arm yourself and become proficient with your firearms. Only you can protect you and your family from the vicious savages. Because i assure you Clinton and Grayson won't be there to save you. They'll be far too busy partying it up on their well-secured luxurious private jets and yachts. You are on your own. Always remember that. Peace and God Bless.
The only way a semi automatic AR-15 is going to fire 700 rounds a minute is if the flash is firing it.
First of all you would need a belt of ammo, but I suspect most any Over the counter ar15 would jam 60/100 rounds into it. After all it's just a sporting rifle... fuck ups like Barry doesnt know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to military gear and weapons...
ANY over the counter AR15 would be red hot after 100 quick-fire rounds. Not a fucking chance it would still be working after 200 quick-fire rounds.
Grayson is certifiably mentally ill.
You do however have to add a slide-fire stock. Some people call them a "bump-fire" stock.
Anyway, the AR-15 doesn't come with one of these stocks, a person would need to purchase one extra.

The gun it's self is capable of that. That has nothing to do with the shooter's ability to use the gun's capability. Think of it in terms of a race car. A regular driver can't get around the track nearly as fast as a nascar driver in the same car. That doesn't mean the car isn't capable of it.

I'm not so sure of that. Even if you had that many rounds ready to go, I wouldn't want that firearm near me, you're bound to have a meltdown with that many rounds going through at that rate.
NO AK15 ever made, 'military grade' included, will fire 700 rounds a minute. You'd be lucky to quick-fire 100 rounds before the mechanisms would expand from the heat to the point where the tolerances become too small. The gun will stop working like a car engine with no oil driving at 100 MPH.

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