“loadshedding will continue” till issues not resolved in Pakistan


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
“loadshedding will continue” till issues not resolved in Pakistan

I want to share the news which I read regarding “load shedding problems” will continue in entire country till all issues not resolved. The Govt. claims the load shedding main reasons non-receipt of outstanding debt of supply of oil and gas than why general public suffers? This news is more painful and hurting for those who have no arrangement of UPS or Generator think how they people remain in total darkness during summer seasons. You people ever realized how infants, teenagers and elderly people force to stay when no electricity and they have no alternative way to get power by UPS or Generator are very depress and un-luckily people of our country.

I must asked a question from KESC when a common consumer failed to pay his electricity bill than after 2nd month his connection cut but tell how you people punish those consumers who are using ill-legal connection but never fear to be caught or paying the actual electricity bills. Which is supposing the main reasons of revenue and power losses but end no result only honest consumers suffers?

Tell which Government have power or sincere to overcome this load shedding crisis still every Government claim that they will get rid of load shedding, poverty, inflation and un-employment when they came in power but tell honestly those people who are in power and full authority what they did for common man welfare or benefits. What they did to overcome of electricity crisis.

Strongly recommended to buy cheap electricity from Iran or India instead of buying expensive electricity which burden a business community not able to bear and always complaining for high rate of power traffic in entire Pakistan than do you think a common man how can bear this “white elephant” burden on his shoulders. Than think how Pakistani products can compete the prices with Indian or Chinese products when such a high level of power traffic, lack of law and order situation and lack of Government support especially to business community in order to secure new market place for Pakistani products.

I am proud to see no load shedding particular in India – Bombay city. More interesting to share how they successfully running electric train. If suppose any load shedding than entire Bombay city will be paralysis the main reason majority of people wanted to travel in train as compare to go with Bus or Taxi or own car the main reasons due to traffic jam and how much time will consume to reach the place nobody knows but when a person travel with train than he is confirm to reach his place on exact time. Which are amazing and every common people get benefit when travel with trains saves time and money.

Thanking You.

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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