Local Pennsylvania bridal shop harassed and threatened by LGBT activist after turning away same sex

Study your Constitution and study the part about religious beliefs and "free exercise thereof".
The Constitution requires separation of church and state

Also, read the 14th amendment
You silly little fucker, Nowhere in the Constitution does it say “separation of church and state” and you cannot prove it. So get your fucking politically correct head out of your fucking ass you worthless motherfucker.
Save it for another thread
The constitutional principal is well established
Slavery was "well established" when the Supreme Court upheld Dred Scott. How did that turn out?
The 13th Amendment......planning on getting an Amendment passed, are you?
Local Pennsylvania bridal shop harassed and threatened by LGBT activist after turning away same sex
Laws have priority over religious beliefs

Always have
Study your Constitution and study the part about religious beliefs and "free exercise thereof".
The Constitution requires separation of church and state

Also, read the 14th amendment
You silly little fucker, Nowhere in the Constitution does it say “separation of church and state” and you cannot prove it. So get your fucking politically correct head out of your fucking ass you worthless motherfucker.
You are right...there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution...therefore, it's perfectly ok for the State to tell someone getting a business license to get stuffed if they want to wave their religion around as an excuse to not follow business law.
Like say, a kosher deli that sells sandwiches but not a certain kind because of their religion?
Do they sell certain kinds of sandwiches to one group but not another group? Keep in mind, if you knew about PA laws....it's all about refusing your services to a certain group listed in that state's PA laws. If you knew about PA laws....they never require a business to start making/serving something they normally don't serve to keep a group happy. If you knew PA laws.
Study your Constitution and study the part about religious beliefs and "free exercise thereof".
The Constitution requires separation of church and state

Also, read the 14th amendment
You silly little fucker, Nowhere in the Constitution does it say “separation of church and state” and you cannot prove it. So get your fucking politically correct head out of your fucking ass you worthless motherfucker.
You are right...there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution...therefore, it's perfectly ok for the State to tell someone getting a business license to get stuffed if they want to wave their religion around as an excuse to not follow business law.
Like say, a kosher deli that sells sandwiches but not a certain kind because of their religion?
Do they sell certain kinds of sandwiches to one group but not another group? Keep in mind, if you knew about PA laws....it's all about refusing your services to a certain group listed in that state's PA laws. If you knew about PA laws....they never require a business to start making/serving something they normally don't serve to keep a group happy. If you knew PA laws.
Like the bakers, the deli sells the products they offer equally to everyone.
The Constitution requires separation of church and state

Also, read the 14th amendment
You silly little fucker, Nowhere in the Constitution does it say “separation of church and state” and you cannot prove it. So get your fucking politically correct head out of your fucking ass you worthless motherfucker.
Save it for another thread
The constitutional principal is well established
Slavery was "well established" when the Supreme Court upheld Dred Scott. How did that turn out?
The 13th Amendment......planning on getting an Amendment passed, are you?
Local Pennsylvania bridal shop harassed and threatened by LGBT activist after turning away same sex
Planning on getting an amendment passed, are you?
The Constitution requires separation of church and state

Also, read the 14th amendment
You silly little fucker, Nowhere in the Constitution does it say “separation of church and state” and you cannot prove it. So get your fucking politically correct head out of your fucking ass you worthless motherfucker.
You are right...there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution...therefore, it's perfectly ok for the State to tell someone getting a business license to get stuffed if they want to wave their religion around as an excuse to not follow business law.
Like say, a kosher deli that sells sandwiches but not a certain kind because of their religion?
Do they sell certain kinds of sandwiches to one group but not another group? Keep in mind, if you knew about PA laws....it's all about refusing your services to a certain group listed in that state's PA laws. If you knew about PA laws....they never require a business to start making/serving something they normally don't serve to keep a group happy. If you knew PA laws.
Like the bakers, the deli sells the products they offer equally to everyone.
Right...but if the deli doesn't normally sell non-kosher....PA laws do not require them to sell non-kosher to any group. You'd know that if you were familiar with PA laws.
You silly little fucker, Nowhere in the Constitution does it say “separation of church and state” and you cannot prove it. So get your fucking politically correct head out of your fucking ass you worthless motherfucker.
You are right...there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution...therefore, it's perfectly ok for the State to tell someone getting a business license to get stuffed if they want to wave their religion around as an excuse to not follow business law.
Like say, a kosher deli that sells sandwiches but not a certain kind because of their religion?
Do they sell certain kinds of sandwiches to one group but not another group? Keep in mind, if you knew about PA laws....it's all about refusing your services to a certain group listed in that state's PA laws. If you knew about PA laws....they never require a business to start making/serving something they normally don't serve to keep a group happy. If you knew PA laws.
Like the bakers, the deli sells the products they offer equally to everyone.
Right...but if the deli doesn't normally sell non-kosher....PA laws do not require them to sell non-kosher to any group. You'd know that if you were familiar with PA laws.
In their case, their religious beliefs trump state law.
1.) If it was all about profit then wouldn't it make sense to sell to gays for more profit? 2.) They didn't refuse to sell to gays, they refused to sell a gay couple a bridal dress that, in their eyes, would make them complicit in their sin.

Look, I agree with you on the cherrypicking and hypocrisy, just don't make more out of it than what's actually there.

Not all for profit, however they're willing to sell to others that would, in your words "make them complicit in their sin", but they're cherry picking what they feel makes them complicit in their sin.

I agree that a lot of Christians cherrypick but in this case, the shop owner has a point. If an atheist woman goes to buy a dress, as long as it's a heterosexual marriage, the shop owner is not complicit in the woman's sin of atheism and there is no doctrine forbidding atheists to get married.

As I've said before, until I know more about the shop owner and her motives, I have to assume that she did not refuse to sell to gays, she refused to sell a dress for a gay wedding. It might not seem like much but it's a huge difference.
Again, I question the sincerity of their faith

To me, it is a way to harass same sex couples
They may pass a law saying you can marry......but see if you can find anyone to sell you a dress, a cake or rent you a reception hall

A difference of opinion on homosexuality is no indication that their faith is not sincere.
It is when that is the only area you object to in a marriage

Wrong. As wrong and as hypocritical as a Christian might be when it comes to how they view different sins, it doesn't mean that person does not sincerely believe in their heart that gay marriage is wrong.

Sincerity of faith is connected but not in the way you're thinking. A Christian that is less sincere in his/her faith would likely have no problem selling a wedding dress to a gay couple.

I follow my religion when it comes to marriage of gays but am willing to bend my faith when it comes to marriages of adulterers, divorced people, atheists, pregnant brides

The problem with this argument is, there's nothing in Christian doctrine forbidding adulterers, divorcees, atheists and pregnant brides to marry.
Not all for profit, however they're willing to sell to others that would, in your words "make them complicit in their sin", but they're cherry picking what they feel makes them complicit in their sin.

I agree that a lot of Christians cherrypick but in this case, the shop owner has a point. If an atheist woman goes to buy a dress, as long as it's a heterosexual marriage, the shop owner is not complicit in the woman's sin of atheism and there is no doctrine forbidding atheists to get married.

As I've said before, until I know more about the shop owner and her motives, I have to assume that she did not refuse to sell to gays, she refused to sell a dress for a gay wedding. It might not seem like much but it's a huge difference.
Again, I question the sincerity of their faith

To me, it is a way to harass same sex couples
They may pass a law saying you can marry......but see if you can find anyone to sell you a dress, a cake or rent you a reception hall

A difference of opinion on homosexuality is no indication that their faith is not sincere.
It is when that is the only area you object to in a marriage

Wrong. As wrong and as hypocritical as a Christian might be when it comes to how they view different sins, it doesn't mean that person does not sincerely believe in their heart that gay marriage is wrong.

Sincerity of faith is connected but not in the way you're thinking. A Christian that is less sincere in his/her faith would likely have no problem selling a wedding dress to a gay couple.

I follow my religion when it comes to marriage of gays but am willing to bend my faith when it comes to marriages of adulterers, divorced people, atheists, pregnant brides

The problem with this argument is, there's nothing in Christian doctrine forbidding adulterers, divorcees, atheists and pregnant brides to marry.
Catholics do not allow divorced people to remarry. Adulterers are guilty of mortal sin . Marriage is a sacrament from god.......atheists will raise atheist children......gays do not raise gay children
Only twits believe that the law "violates the right of a Christian business owner and their belief that marriage is a male and female."

Anyone can believe that, and why not: that is a Constitutional right.

But in the public square the businessman has treat all fairly and squarely.

The way to get around it is not advertise publicly and go with word of mouth.
No one forfeits their Constitutional rights when they have a business. Your corrupt laws have overstepped the Constitution. The USSC will fix it.
Your corrupt thinking is kept from violating people's civil liberties in the public square. No one gives a phuc what you do at home.
Go to hell, pusillanimous pissant.
Only twits believe that the law "violates the right of a Christian business owner and their belief that marriage is a male and female."

Anyone can believe that, and why not: that is a Constitutional right.

But in the public square the businessman has treat all fairly and squarely.

The way to get around it is not advertise publicly and go with word of mouth.
Nothing less than forced labor. Maybe force Jews and muslims to work in the bacon factory because gays like bacon.
Who forced them to get a business license? And where is it in their religion that gives permission to LIE when getting a business license, knowing they won't follow business law?
They were asked to provide items they didn't offer on their business license application?

Since laws trump religion, should kosher delis be forced to provide BLT's?
Who said laws trump religion?
Only twits believe that the law "violates the right of a Christian business owner and their belief that marriage is a male and female."

Anyone can believe that, and why not: that is a Constitutional right.

But in the public square the businessman has treat all fairly and squarely.

The way to get around it is not advertise publicly and go with word of mouth.
Nothing less than forced labor. Maybe force Jews and muslims to work in the bacon factory because gays like bacon.
Who forced them to get a business license? And where is it in their religion that gives permission to LIE when getting a business license, knowing they won't follow business law?
They were asked to provide items they didn't offer on their business license application?

Since laws trump religion, should kosher delis be forced to provide BLT's?
Who said laws trump religion?
The elderly, obese Jewish lady. Post #313.
Only twits believe that the law "violates the right of a Christian business owner and their belief that marriage is a male and female."

Anyone can believe that, and why not: that is a Constitutional right.

But in the public square the businessman has treat all fairly and squarely.

The way to get around it is not advertise publicly and go with word of mouth.
Nothing less than forced labor. Maybe force Jews and muslims to work in the bacon factory because gays like bacon.
Who forced them to get a business license? And where is it in their religion that gives permission to LIE when getting a business license, knowing they won't follow business law?
They were asked to provide items they didn't offer on their business license application?

Since laws trump religion, should kosher delis be forced to provide BLT's?
Who said laws trump religion?
The elderly, obese Jewish lady. Post #313.
The left hates the Constitution.
#348 "mortal sin" means that the adulterer was already working on their own suicide before the theologian asked the prisoner to accept sin, immaculate conception, etc.

Also incorrect on gay children, which comes down to choice and what gay may have assisted in their raising: literature, for example, even if the child remains heterosexual, duh. But to not read Mein Kampf presupposes one to nazism most efficiently. A gay can raise children and even save them from the Janus-faced U.S. Constitution and its presuppositions that seem to exclude the non-believer. 666 kuklos exothen.
No amendment requires passing. Why Mateen tweaked when his hamburger was touched by pork is sufficiently explained by religion's schizoid pathology. Boycott is not sufficient, either. Expose and critique accompanies it.
Only twits believe that the law "violates the right of a Christian business owner and their belief that marriage is a male and female."

Anyone can believe that, and why not: that is a Constitutional right.

But in the public square the businessman has treat all fairly and squarely.

The way to get around it is not advertise publicly and go with word of mouth.
No one forfeits their Constitutional rights when they have a business. Your corrupt laws have overstepped the Constitution. The USSC will fix it.
Your corrupt thinking is kept from violating people's civil liberties in the public square. No one gives a phuc what you do at home.
Go to hell, pusillanimous pissant.
My goodness. Don't be afraid? You can wear your gown at the wedding.
I agree that a lot of Christians cherrypick but in this case, the shop owner has a point. If an atheist woman goes to buy a dress, as long as it's a heterosexual marriage, the shop owner is not complicit in the woman's sin of atheism and there is no doctrine forbidding atheists to get married.

As I've said before, until I know more about the shop owner and her motives, I have to assume that she did not refuse to sell to gays, she refused to sell a dress for a gay wedding. It might not seem like much but it's a huge difference.
Again, I question the sincerity of their faith

To me, it is a way to harass same sex couples
They may pass a law saying you can marry......but see if you can find anyone to sell you a dress, a cake or rent you a reception hall

A difference of opinion on homosexuality is no indication that their faith is not sincere.
It is when that is the only area you object to in a marriage

Wrong. As wrong and as hypocritical as a Christian might be when it comes to how they view different sins, it doesn't mean that person does not sincerely believe in their heart that gay marriage is wrong.

Sincerity of faith is connected but not in the way you're thinking. A Christian that is less sincere in his/her faith would likely have no problem selling a wedding dress to a gay couple.

I follow my religion when it comes to marriage of gays but am willing to bend my faith when it comes to marriages of adulterers, divorced people, atheists, pregnant brides

The problem with this argument is, there's nothing in Christian doctrine forbidding adulterers, divorcees, atheists and pregnant brides to marry.
Catholics do not allow divorced people to remarry. Adulterers are guilty of mortal sin . Marriage is a sacrament from god.......atheists will raise atheist children......gays do not raise gay children

All this is true. But it doesn't change the fact that none of these are forbidden to marry.

Put another way, marriage does not exacerbate or further an adulterer's adultery. Neither does it exacerbate an atheist's atheism.
You are right...there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution...therefore, it's perfectly ok for the State to tell someone getting a business license to get stuffed if they want to wave their religion around as an excuse to not follow business law.
Like say, a kosher deli that sells sandwiches but not a certain kind because of their religion?
Do they sell certain kinds of sandwiches to one group but not another group? Keep in mind, if you knew about PA laws....it's all about refusing your services to a certain group listed in that state's PA laws. If you knew about PA laws....they never require a business to start making/serving something they normally don't serve to keep a group happy. If you knew PA laws.
Like the bakers, the deli sells the products they offer equally to everyone.
Right...but if the deli doesn't normally sell non-kosher....PA laws do not require them to sell non-kosher to any group. You'd know that if you were familiar with PA laws.
In their case, their religious beliefs trump state law.
Is that also the case if their religious beliefs trump state health laws? state safety laws?
Only twits believe that the law "violates the right of a Christian business owner and their belief that marriage is a male and female."

Anyone can believe that, and why not: that is a Constitutional right.

But in the public square the businessman has treat all fairly and squarely.

The way to get around it is not advertise publicly and go with word of mouth.
No one forfeits their Constitutional rights when they have a business. Your corrupt laws have overstepped the Constitution. The USSC will fix it.
Your corrupt thinking is kept from violating people's civil liberties in the public square. No one gives a phuc what you do at home.
Go to hell, pusillanimous pissant.
My goodness. Don't be afraid? You can wear your gown at the wedding.
Go to hell, punk.
Like say, a kosher deli that sells sandwiches but not a certain kind because of their religion?
Do they sell certain kinds of sandwiches to one group but not another group? Keep in mind, if you knew about PA laws....it's all about refusing your services to a certain group listed in that state's PA laws. If you knew about PA laws....they never require a business to start making/serving something they normally don't serve to keep a group happy. If you knew PA laws.
Like the bakers, the deli sells the products they offer equally to everyone.
Right...but if the deli doesn't normally sell non-kosher....PA laws do not require them to sell non-kosher to any group. You'd know that if you were familiar with PA laws.
In their case, their religious beliefs trump state law.
Is that also the case if their religious beliefs trump state health laws? state safety laws?
In sanctuary cities only. It sure doesn't apply to the forced labor laws.
Nothing less than forced labor. Maybe force Jews and muslims to work in the bacon factory because gays like bacon.
Who forced them to get a business license? And where is it in their religion that gives permission to LIE when getting a business license, knowing they won't follow business law?
They were asked to provide items they didn't offer on their business license application?

Since laws trump religion, should kosher delis be forced to provide BLT's?
Who said laws trump religion?
The elderly, obese Jewish lady. Post #313.
The left hates the Constitution.
Actually, that is a very ironic statement.....did you know that state PA laws have stood Constitutional muster?
Did you know that the biggest group to use PA laws to prevent discrimination against them are religious groups?
Did you know that ALL states protect religion in their PA laws but not all states protect citizens based on sexual orientation or age?
Did you know that the biggest fine against a business in OR was against a dentist who discriminated against an employee based on their religion?

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