Local Pennsylvania bridal shop harassed and threatened by LGBT activist after turning away same sex

You seem to have a problem understanding distinctions. Not calling Hispanics "spics" is politically correct and is a good thing. Referring to transgenders as "Ze" or "Xemself" is out-of-control political correctness.

That's not what you said. You didn't say that what I was proposing was going back to segregation, you said: "You want to go back to segregation." There's no ambiguity here, you asserted that I want to go back to segregation.

If it's not what you meant then I suggest you choose your words more carefully next time.

I understand completely.

You seem to have a problem between allowing shop owners to refuse service to people and calling people names.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

As soon as you start allowing shop owners to refuse service to other people based on prejudice, you've created a second class of citizenship, just like black people were a second class of citizen way back when.

I've already said that I don't condone what the shop owner did. I've also said that I am basically on the fence as to whether or not they had the right to do it. Part of my problem is that you and others arguing against the shop owners have avoided the elephant in the room: The people who called the shop and were verbally abusive and issued threats to them and their family.

So let me ask you a few questions. And these are not rhetorical questions, I would actually like you to answer them if you're willing.

1.) Are you okay with people like that advancing the cause for gay rights in such a way?
2.) Do you not see "We're coming for you and your family" as hateful?
3.) Do you not see that calling someone a "fake Christian" is as judgmental as the shop owner's behavior?

What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.
I understand completely.

You seem to have a problem between allowing shop owners to refuse service to people and calling people names.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

As soon as you start allowing shop owners to refuse service to other people based on prejudice, you've created a second class of citizenship, just like black people were a second class of citizen way back when.

I've already said that I don't condone what the shop owner did. I've also said that I am basically on the fence as to whether or not they had the right to do it. Part of my problem is that you and others arguing against the shop owners have avoided the elephant in the room: The people who called the shop and were verbally abusive and issued threats to them and their family.

So let me ask you a few questions. And these are not rhetorical questions, I would actually like you to answer them if you're willing.

1.) Are you okay with people like that advancing the cause for gay rights in such a way?
2.) Do you not see "We're coming for you and your family" as hateful?
3.) Do you not see that calling someone a "fake Christian" is as judgmental as the shop owner's behavior?

What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

I am the most trusted poster on USMB

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake. This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Amazingly, none of his requests are refused. Heck, I would’ve turned him away just for being such an idiot. What he’s asking for is also fair game for refusal because, uh, the word “sex.” These guys know what kind of game they’re playing.

In one scene, a woman wearing a hijab is handling his order. She asks him, “Wedding?” Crowder replies, “Yeah.”

She asks, “Who’s the wedding for?”

Crowder jumps back in shock from the counter and practically shouts, “It’s for, uh, two people getting married.”

She’s just trying to be conversational, bro. Wallah. You want a gay wedding cake made by Muslims? Dearborn’s gonna bake it for you. Hamdullah.

In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street,inshallah.

The only person who answers negatively to Crowder is a fellow who works at Hallab bakery on Warren road. I’ve gotten Nammoura there before — it’s pretty damn good. Unfortunately, there’s one minor issue: Hallab doesn’t bake wedding cakes. At all. Hallab does cater for weddings if you want a nice assortment of Lebanese sweets — but they don’t bake wedding cakes. You can even look on their website.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost
Last edited:
I'm not sure what you mean here.

I've already said that I don't condone what the shop owner did. I've also said that I am basically on the fence as to whether or not they had the right to do it. Part of my problem is that you and others arguing against the shop owners have avoided the elephant in the room: The people who called the shop and were verbally abusive and issued threats to them and their family.

So let me ask you a few questions. And these are not rhetorical questions, I would actually like you to answer them if you're willing.

1.) Are you okay with people like that advancing the cause for gay rights in such a way?
2.) Do you not see "We're coming for you and your family" as hateful?
3.) Do you not see that calling someone a "fake Christian" is as judgmental as the shop owner's behavior?

What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

I am the most trusted poster on USMB

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake. This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Amazingly, none of his requests are refused. Heck, I would’ve turned him away just for being such an idiot. What he’s asking for is also fair game for refusal because, uh, the word “sex.” These guys know what kind of game they’re playing.

In one scene, a woman wearing a hijab is handling his order. She asks him, “Wedding?” Crowder replies, “Yeah.”

She asks, “Who’s the wedding for?”

Crowder jumps back in shock from the counter and practically shouts, “It’s for, uh, two people getting married.”

She’s just trying to be conversational, bro. Wallah. You want a gay wedding cake made by Muslims? Dearborn’s gonna bake it for you. Hamdullah.

In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street,inshallah.

The only person who answers negatively to Crowder is a fellow who works at Hallab bakery on Warren road. I’ve gotten Nammoura there before — it’s pretty damn good. Unfortunately, there’s one minor issue: Hallab doesn’t bake wedding cakes. At all. Hallab does cater for weddings if you want a nice assortment of Lebanese sweets — but they don’t bake wedding cakes. You can even look on their website.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost

Huffington Post? LOLOLOLOL. You're still a liar.
What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

I am the most trusted poster on USMB

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake. This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Amazingly, none of his requests are refused. Heck, I would’ve turned him away just for being such an idiot. What he’s asking for is also fair game for refusal because, uh, the word “sex.” These guys know what kind of game they’re playing.

In one scene, a woman wearing a hijab is handling his order. She asks him, “Wedding?” Crowder replies, “Yeah.”

She asks, “Who’s the wedding for?”

Crowder jumps back in shock from the counter and practically shouts, “It’s for, uh, two people getting married.”

She’s just trying to be conversational, bro. Wallah. You want a gay wedding cake made by Muslims? Dearborn’s gonna bake it for you. Hamdullah.

In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street,inshallah.

The only person who answers negatively to Crowder is a fellow who works at Hallab bakery on Warren road. I’ve gotten Nammoura there before — it’s pretty damn good. Unfortunately, there’s one minor issue: Hallab doesn’t bake wedding cakes. At all. Hallab does cater for weddings if you want a nice assortment of Lebanese sweets — but they don’t bake wedding cakes. You can even look on their website.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost

Huffington Post? LOLOLOLOL. You're still a liar.

Prove what they said was innacurate and that those bakeries actually do make wedding cakes

Lying conservatives go to a bakery that makes bread and demand a wedding cake
I understand completely.

You seem to have a problem between allowing shop owners to refuse service to people and calling people names.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

As soon as you start allowing shop owners to refuse service to other people based on prejudice, you've created a second class of citizenship, just like black people were a second class of citizen way back when.

I've already said that I don't condone what the shop owner did. I've also said that I am basically on the fence as to whether or not they had the right to do it. Part of my problem is that you and others arguing against the shop owners have avoided the elephant in the room: The people who called the shop and were verbally abusive and issued threats to them and their family.

So let me ask you a few questions. And these are not rhetorical questions, I would actually like you to answer them if you're willing.

1.) Are you okay with people like that advancing the cause for gay rights in such a way?
2.) Do you not see "We're coming for you and your family" as hateful?
3.) Do you not see that calling someone a "fake Christian" is as judgmental as the shop owner's behavior?

What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

No, he's correct.....on so many levels.....
you DO know that those bakeries don't make wedding cakes for anyone anyways, right?

you DO know that those bakeries are in Michigan which doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws, right?
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

I am the most trusted poster on USMB

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake. This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Amazingly, none of his requests are refused. Heck, I would’ve turned him away just for being such an idiot. What he’s asking for is also fair game for refusal because, uh, the word “sex.” These guys know what kind of game they’re playing.

In one scene, a woman wearing a hijab is handling his order. She asks him, “Wedding?” Crowder replies, “Yeah.”

She asks, “Who’s the wedding for?”

Crowder jumps back in shock from the counter and practically shouts, “It’s for, uh, two people getting married.”

She’s just trying to be conversational, bro. Wallah. You want a gay wedding cake made by Muslims? Dearborn’s gonna bake it for you. Hamdullah.

In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street,inshallah.

The only person who answers negatively to Crowder is a fellow who works at Hallab bakery on Warren road. I’ve gotten Nammoura there before — it’s pretty damn good. Unfortunately, there’s one minor issue: Hallab doesn’t bake wedding cakes. At all. Hallab does cater for weddings if you want a nice assortment of Lebanese sweets — but they don’t bake wedding cakes. You can even look on their website.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost

Huffington Post? LOLOLOLOL. You're still a liar.

Prove what they said was innacurate and that those bakeries actually do make wedding cakes

Lying conservatives go to a bakery that makes bread and demand a wedding cake

No, you're the one that needs to prove the video is a lie. You're the one making the charge. That's how it works in America, innocent until PROVEN guilty. Actually, what you've done is prove my earlier point that muslims are a protected class just like queers are. We have numerous lawsuits against Christian businesses, but none against muslim businesses, although muslims do not condone queer marriage either.
I'm not sure what you mean here.

I've already said that I don't condone what the shop owner did. I've also said that I am basically on the fence as to whether or not they had the right to do it. Part of my problem is that you and others arguing against the shop owners have avoided the elephant in the room: The people who called the shop and were verbally abusive and issued threats to them and their family.

So let me ask you a few questions. And these are not rhetorical questions, I would actually like you to answer them if you're willing.

1.) Are you okay with people like that advancing the cause for gay rights in such a way?
2.) Do you not see "We're coming for you and your family" as hateful?
3.) Do you not see that calling someone a "fake Christian" is as judgmental as the shop owner's behavior?

What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

No, he's correct.....on so many levels.....
you DO know that those bakeries don't make wedding cakes for anyone anyways, right?

you DO know that those bakeries are in Michigan which doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws, right?

How do you know that those bakeries don't make wedding cakes?
It is absolutely impossible in a society of over 300 million people to allow anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will without creating absolute chaos. Once this is allowed for one group of people, it has to be allowed for all other groups. This is chaos in commerce and unacceptable humiliation for would-be customers, who have no way of knowing what the whims of store owners are when they go shopping. When you set up a business, you agree to obey the law.
It is absolutely impossible in a society of over 300 million people to allow anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will without creating absolute chaos. Once this is allowed for one group of people, it has to be allowed for all other groups. This is chaos in commerce and unacceptable humiliation for would-be customers, who have no way of knowing what the whims of store owners are when they go shopping. When you set up a business, you agree to obey the law.

It's like they think rights can be had by their group, and denied to others, without it becoming a privilege.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

I am the most trusted poster on USMB

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake. This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Amazingly, none of his requests are refused. Heck, I would’ve turned him away just for being such an idiot. What he’s asking for is also fair game for refusal because, uh, the word “sex.” These guys know what kind of game they’re playing.

In one scene, a woman wearing a hijab is handling his order. She asks him, “Wedding?” Crowder replies, “Yeah.”

She asks, “Who’s the wedding for?”

Crowder jumps back in shock from the counter and practically shouts, “It’s for, uh, two people getting married.”

She’s just trying to be conversational, bro. Wallah. You want a gay wedding cake made by Muslims? Dearborn’s gonna bake it for you. Hamdullah.

In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street,inshallah.

The only person who answers negatively to Crowder is a fellow who works at Hallab bakery on Warren road. I’ve gotten Nammoura there before — it’s pretty damn good. Unfortunately, there’s one minor issue: Hallab doesn’t bake wedding cakes. At all. Hallab does cater for weddings if you want a nice assortment of Lebanese sweets — but they don’t bake wedding cakes. You can even look on their website.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost

Huffington Post? LOLOLOLOL. You're still a liar.

Prove what they said was innacurate and that those bakeries actually do make wedding cakes

Lying conservatives go to a bakery that makes bread and demand a wedding cake

And just to make sure they'd get their photo-op...they pick a state that does not include sexual orientation in their PA laws. And their RW followers fall for it.....:71:
I'm not sure what you mean here.

I've already said that I don't condone what the shop owner did. I've also said that I am basically on the fence as to whether or not they had the right to do it. Part of my problem is that you and others arguing against the shop owners have avoided the elephant in the room: The people who called the shop and were verbally abusive and issued threats to them and their family.

So let me ask you a few questions. And these are not rhetorical questions, I would actually like you to answer them if you're willing.

1.) Are you okay with people like that advancing the cause for gay rights in such a way?
2.) Do you not see "We're coming for you and your family" as hateful?
3.) Do you not see that calling someone a "fake Christian" is as judgmental as the shop owner's behavior?

What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake.This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Um, no, that's not what he said. He said he wanted it to say "Ben and Steven 4ever" at the top and "Same sex legal now, congratulations" at the bottom.
It is absolutely impossible in a society of over 300 million people to allow anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will without creating absolute chaos. Once this is allowed for one group of people, it has to be allowed for all other groups. This is chaos in commerce and unacceptable humiliation for would-be customers, who have no way of knowing what the whims of store owners are when they go shopping. When you set up a business, you agree to obey the law.
Ironic that you would talk about allowing anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will. What about your sanctuary cities?
It is absolutely impossible in a society of over 300 million people to allow anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will without creating absolute chaos. Once this is allowed for one group of people, it has to be allowed for all other groups. This is chaos in commerce and unacceptable humiliation for would-be customers, who have no way of knowing what the whims of store owners are when they go shopping. When you set up a business, you agree to obey the law.
This is what Oklahoma has been finding out with their 10 Commandment monuments on courthouse property.....other religions such as the Church of Satan get the same privilege and they go ballistic.
What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.

You're a second class citizen. Just as black people were with segregation. Hence the segregation comment.

The point with the verbal abuse is that it wouldn't have happened had the owners kept within the law. The gay people probably know that the law isn't going to do much about it either.

Do I condone what they did? Sure. But sometimes there are times when people get angry, when they want revenge, when they feel they have treated in such a way by a bunch of bigots and they go do stuff like this.

Like I said, if you have this bigotry legalized, then people are going to take things into their own hands.

So the answer is to stop the bigotry, make it illegal, haul those who break the law into court and treat them like everyone else who breaks the law, then you won't put others in a position where they want to do something like those gay people.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake.This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Um, no, that's not what he said. He said he wanted it to say "Ben and Steven 4ever" at the top and "Same sex legal now, congratulations" at the bottom.

The left lies.
It is absolutely impossible in a society of over 300 million people to allow anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will without creating absolute chaos. Once this is allowed for one group of people, it has to be allowed for all other groups. This is chaos in commerce and unacceptable humiliation for would-be customers, who have no way of knowing what the whims of store owners are when they go shopping. When you set up a business, you agree to obey the law.
Ironic that you would talk about allowing anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will. What about your sanctuary cities?
Those sanctuary cities are wrong and I'm sure that they will be struck down in court. How about that?
It is absolutely impossible in a society of over 300 million people to allow anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will without creating absolute chaos. Once this is allowed for one group of people, it has to be allowed for all other groups. This is chaos in commerce and unacceptable humiliation for would-be customers, who have no way of knowing what the whims of store owners are when they go shopping. When you set up a business, you agree to obey the law.
This is what Oklahoma has been finding out with their 10 Commandment monuments on courthouse property.....other religions such as the Church of Satan get the same privilege and they go ballistic.
Of course they go ballistic. You can't see a difference between good and evil?
It is absolutely impossible in a society of over 300 million people to allow anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will without creating absolute chaos. Once this is allowed for one group of people, it has to be allowed for all other groups. This is chaos in commerce and unacceptable humiliation for would-be customers, who have no way of knowing what the whims of store owners are when they go shopping. When you set up a business, you agree to obey the law.
Ironic that you would talk about allowing anyone who holds a particular belief to disobey the law at will. What about your sanctuary cities?
Those sanctuary cities are wrong and I'm sure that they will be struck down in court. How about that?
They're wrong because it's a breach of the Constitution. "Free exercise thereof" isn't.
Some Muslim bakers won't make a cake for queer weddings either. Why do we never hear about the queer mafia targeting them?

That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago

You're a liar.

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake.This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Um, no, that's not what he said. He said he wanted it to say "Ben and Steven 4ever" at the top and "Same sex legal now, congratulations" at the bottom.

The left lies.

And yet you fall for a false story every time.......:auiqs.jpg:
That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago
You're a liar.
In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake.This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Um, no, that's not what he said. He said he wanted it to say "Ben and Steven 4ever" at the top and "Same sex legal now, congratulations" at the bottom.
The left lies.
And yet you fall for a false story every time.......:auiqs.jpg:
You still haven't proven it's false. The Huffington Post is a leftist propaganda rag.
That video was highly edited and proven to be fake years ago
You're a liar.
I am the most trusted poster on USMB

In the video, some conservative Faux News wannabe called Steven Crowder acts out a bunch of flaming-gay stereotypes while asking for offensive and silly titles to be put on a wedding cake. This included asking for “Same Sex 4ever” to be emblazoned on his cake because, you know, someone would actually pay for that.

Amazingly, none of his requests are refused. Heck, I would’ve turned him away just for being such an idiot. What he’s asking for is also fair game for refusal because, uh, the word “sex.” These guys know what kind of game they’re playing.

In one scene, a woman wearing a hijab is handling his order. She asks him, “Wedding?” Crowder replies, “Yeah.”

She asks, “Who’s the wedding for?”

Crowder jumps back in shock from the counter and practically shouts, “It’s for, uh, two people getting married.”

She’s just trying to be conversational, bro. Wallah. You want a gay wedding cake made by Muslims? Dearborn’s gonna bake it for you. Hamdullah.

In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street,inshallah.

The only person who answers negatively to Crowder is a fellow who works at Hallab bakery on Warren road. I’ve gotten Nammoura there before — it’s pretty damn good. Unfortunately, there’s one minor issue: Hallab doesn’t bake wedding cakes. At all. Hallab does cater for weddings if you want a nice assortment of Lebanese sweets — but they don’t bake wedding cakes. You can even look on their website.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost
Huffington Post? LOLOLOLOL. You're still a liar.
Prove what they said was innacurate and that those bakeries actually do make wedding cakes

Lying conservatives go to a bakery that makes bread and demand a wedding cake
And just to make sure they'd get their photo-op...they pick a state that does not include sexual orientation in their PA laws. And their RW followers fall for it.....:71:

What difference do the state laws make if a Muslim refuses to make a gay wedding cake? The argument up to now by those criticizing the shop owners has been that they should not have denied the gay couple service, regardless of the law. Does this not also apply to Muslims or any other group?

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