Local Pennsylvania bridal shop harassed and threatened by LGBT activist after turning away same sex

I wish, just once, that the "Christians" involved with this anti-gay stuff would accurately identify themselves and instead of just using the generic term "Christian," which implies that all people of the Christian faith feel the same way as they do and support their activities. It is a false implication.
That's also an atheist's problem with other atheists. It's the choice of signifier vs signified that is the core of the problem.
I wish, just once, that the "Christians" involved with this anti-gay stuff would accurately identify themselves and instead of just using the generic term "Christian," which implies that all people of the Christian faith feel the same way as they do and support their activities. It is a false implication.
I wish people that call themselves Christians and don't believe the Bible would identify themselves so we know right away who the wolves in sheep's clothing are.
They were willing to bake the cakes...they are not willing to put hateful messages on those cakes, nor do PA laws require them to do so.

You need to actually read PA laws to understand what they are about....

BTW...the same PA laws would prevent someone from going to a christian baker, order a cake and demand that the baker put "christianity sucks" on the cake. They would have to bake a cake and sell it....they are NOT required by law to put hateful messages on it.

The christian man filming his "gotcha" video either knows that and has conned you easily...or he's also not familiar with PA laws.
So when you don't want to put some message on a cake, it's because it's a "hateful" message. When a Christian doesn't want to put a message on a cake, it's because they're "bigots". Hypocrite.
Messages are not covered in PA laws....for anyone. That's why a billboard company doesn't HAVE TO put hateful messages up......surely you know these basic things?
They were willing to bake the cakes...they are not willing to put hateful messages on those cakes, nor do PA laws require them to do so.

You need to actually read PA laws to understand what they are about....

BTW...the same PA laws would prevent someone from going to a christian baker, order a cake and demand that the baker put "christianity sucks" on the cake. They would have to bake a cake and sell it....they are NOT required by law to put hateful messages on it.

The christian man filming his "gotcha" video either knows that and has conned you easily...or he's also not familiar with PA laws.
So when you don't want to put some message on a cake, it's because it's a "hateful" message. When a Christian doesn't want to put a message on a cake, it's because they're "bigots". Hypocrite.
Messages are not covered in PA laws....for anyone. That's why a billboard company doesn't HAVE TO put hateful messages up......surely you know these basic things?

No one is required to put hateful particular message on the cake, not even religious bakers.
They were willing to bake the cakes...they are not willing to put hateful messages on those cakes, nor do PA laws require them to do so.

You need to actually read PA laws to understand what they are about....

BTW...the same PA laws would prevent someone from going to a christian baker, order a cake and demand that the baker put "christianity sucks" on the cake. They would have to bake a cake and sell it....they are NOT required by law to put hateful messages on it.

The christian man filming his "gotcha" video either knows that and has conned you easily...or he's also not familiar with PA laws.
So when you don't want to put some message on a cake, it's because it's a "hateful" message. When a Christian doesn't want to put a message on a cake, it's because they're "bigots". Hypocrite.
Messages are not covered in PA laws....for anyone. That's why a billboard company doesn't HAVE TO put hateful messages up......surely you know these basic things?

No one is required to put hateful particular message on the cake, not even religious bakers.
The typical leftist double standard. If they refuse, it's because the message is "hateful". If Christians refuse, it's because they're "bigots".
Now #464 complexifies the argument by adding the bible as automatic truth. The wolf is not very far away.
I will ask you again....does a business owner's religious beliefs trump health laws? safety laws?
Then the kosher deli will simply be forced to sell BLT's. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm sorry to hear that you still don't understand PA laws. If a kosher deli doesn't normally sell BLTs on their menu....PA laws do not require them to sell you one if you want one. Just like you can't complain that a furniture store won't sell you a BLT.

You really need to read a PA law sometime.....your examples are amusing, but they are certainly showing clearly that you have no idea what PA laws are for.
Yet a Christian baker can be forced to sell something he doesn't normally sell. But not a Jewish deli owner. Sounds like those PA laws could use some updating.
They are making a baker of wedding cakes bake for all customers regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation
So is the kosher deli owner who makes sandwiches for everyone. But because of her religion, not the kind certain customers want.
She cant be forced to make what she doesnt carry.
#465 tries to evade the inculcation of the "messages" that have already f'ed up the xian or muslim.
What I mean is, and what we've been talking about for a few posts now, is about being able to deny service to people.

If, in your own country, you're refused from service in one shop, and it becomes legal, then you'll be refused by more shops.

69% of people are Christian. 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim. Imagine that you get refused service in 72% of shops. Imagine the area you live in you get refused service in 100% of shops.
The problem is that LGBT are behaviors, not inborn. So the legal premise was fucked up from day one. And hence all the problems. You cannot force people to condone or participate in sacred ceremonies that include blasphemy to their religion by the behaviors going on. There will never be a time when women laying with women or men laying with men is "marriage" to a Christian, or to a Muslim.

So the bad premise that ignored LGBT as behaviors is to blame, not the Christians saying "we cannot participate in what you call a "gay wedding".



Didn't see frigidweirdo reply to this. She seems so busy telling people "bye" when she doesn't have a reply or her arguments fall flat on their face.

Frigid? Your thoughts on the false premise being the culprit in this topic?
They were willing to bake the cakes...they are not willing to put hateful messages on those cakes, nor do PA laws require them to do so.

You need to actually read PA laws to understand what they are about....

BTW...the same PA laws would prevent someone from going to a christian baker, order a cake and demand that the baker put "christianity sucks" on the cake. They would have to bake a cake and sell it....they are NOT required by law to put hateful messages on it.

The christian man filming his "gotcha" video either knows that and has conned you easily...or he's also not familiar with PA laws.
So when you don't want to put some message on a cake, it's because it's a "hateful" message. When a Christian doesn't want to put a message on a cake, it's because they're "bigots". Hypocrite.
Messages are not covered in PA laws....for anyone. That's why a billboard company doesn't HAVE TO put hateful messages up......surely you know these basic things?

No one is required to put hateful particular message on the cake, not even religious bakers.
The typical leftist double standard. If they refuse, it's because the message is "hateful". If Christians refuse, it's because they're "bigots".

If a gsy couple came in and demanded a message stating "gay sex 4 ever" or "christians are sucky bigots" on a wedding cske they would be well within their rights to refuse and offer up wedding cake alternatives.
Then the kosher deli will simply be forced to sell BLT's. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm sorry to hear that you still don't understand PA laws. If a kosher deli doesn't normally sell BLTs on their menu....PA laws do not require them to sell you one if you want one. Just like you can't complain that a furniture store won't sell you a BLT.

You really need to read a PA law sometime.....your examples are amusing, but they are certainly showing clearly that you have no idea what PA laws are for.
Yet a Christian baker can be forced to sell something he doesn't normally sell. But not a Jewish deli owner. Sounds like those PA laws could use some updating.
They are making a baker of wedding cakes bake for all customers regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation
So is the kosher deli owner who makes sandwiches for everyone. But because of her religion, not the kind certain customers want.
She cant be forced to make what she doesnt carry.
She doesn't provide those items because of her religion. You're arguing against yourself.
They were willing to bake the cakes...they are not willing to put hateful messages on those cakes, nor do PA laws require them to do so.

You need to actually read PA laws to understand what they are about....

BTW...the same PA laws would prevent someone from going to a christian baker, order a cake and demand that the baker put "christianity sucks" on the cake. They would have to bake a cake and sell it....they are NOT required by law to put hateful messages on it.

The christian man filming his "gotcha" video either knows that and has conned you easily...or he's also not familiar with PA laws.
So when you don't want to put some message on a cake, it's because it's a "hateful" message. When a Christian doesn't want to put a message on a cake, it's because they're "bigots". Hypocrite.
Messages are not covered in PA laws....for anyone. That's why a billboard company doesn't HAVE TO put hateful messages up......surely you know these basic things?

No one is required to put hateful particular message on the cake, not even religious bakers.
The typical leftist double standard. If they refuse, it's because the message is "hateful". If Christians refuse, it's because they're "bigots".

If a gsy couple came in and demanded a message stating "gay sex 4 ever" or "christians are sucky bigots" on a wedding cske they would be well within their rights to refuse and offer up wedding cake alternatives.
Yes, it's all about the message, not the sale of a cake. No one has refused the perverts a cake. The Christians refused to write a message that offended them. Weird how the left is so easily offended by so many things, but when a Christian is offended by refusing to violate their conscience, the left goes bonkers and sues them. The left demands tolerance, but shows none.
If a gsy couple came in and demanded a message stating "gay sex 4 ever" or "christians are sucky bigots" on a wedding cske they would be well within their rights to refuse and offer up wedding cake alternatives.

Jude 1 says they are also within their rights if the two same sex people announce that the cake is to celebrate a "gay wedding". Read Jude 1 when you get a minute. The passage isn't ambiguous. Combine it with Romans 1 and you'll see why Christians CANNOT do any thing whatsoever to knowingly enable a "gay wedding". None whatsoever. The punishment for them is eternal damnation if they do. These are both New Testament passages; part of rare tidbits of Old Law carried forward in Jesus' teachings as "Thou Shalt Not Ever".

Gays asking any Christian or Muslim to knowingly enable a "gay wedding" is one an the same as gays asking them to abdicate their faith entirely. What could be worse than the Pit of Fire Forever?
I'm sorry to hear that you still don't understand PA laws. If a kosher deli doesn't normally sell BLTs on their menu....PA laws do not require them to sell you one if you want one. Just like you can't complain that a furniture store won't sell you a BLT.

You really need to read a PA law sometime.....your examples are amusing, but they are certainly showing clearly that you have no idea what PA laws are for.
Yet a Christian baker can be forced to sell something he doesn't normally sell. But not a Jewish deli owner. Sounds like those PA laws could use some updating.
They are making a baker of wedding cakes bake for all customers regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation
So is the kosher deli owner who makes sandwiches for everyone. But because of her religion, not the kind certain customers want.
She cant be forced to make what she doesnt carry.
She doesn't provide those items because of her religion. You're arguing against yourself.

Not at all. She makes sandwitches. That doesnt mean she must mske all the sandwitches in the world. Some one couldnt demand she make a vegan soymeat sandwitch if she doesnt carry it. She provides whatever she advertises.

Likewise a Christian bakery that does not normally do wedding cakes can not be forced to do one regardless of who the client is.
So when you don't want to put some message on a cake, it's because it's a "hateful" message. When a Christian doesn't want to put a message on a cake, it's because they're "bigots". Hypocrite.
Messages are not covered in PA laws....for anyone. That's why a billboard company doesn't HAVE TO put hateful messages up......surely you know these basic things?

No one is required to put hateful particular message on the cake, not even religious bakers.
The typical leftist double standard. If they refuse, it's because the message is "hateful". If Christians refuse, it's because they're "bigots".

If a gsy couple came in and demanded a message stating "gay sex 4 ever" or "christians are sucky bigots" on a wedding cske they would be well within their rights to refuse and offer up wedding cake alternatives.
Yes, it's all about the message, not the sale of a cake. No one has refused the perverts a cake. The Christians refused to write a message that offended them. Weird how the left is so easily offended by so many things, but when a Christian is offended by refusing to violate their conscience, the left goes bonkers and sues them. The left demands tolerance, but shows none.
What message was that?
Likewise a Christian bakery that does not normally do wedding cakes can not be forced to do one regardless of who the client is.

But Christian or Muslim bakers who DO wedding cakes are not allowed at all to knowingly make them for what is not allowed: a celebration of two women or two men lying together in the Biblical sense. You're going to lose this one in court. You might as well give up. The courts long ago erred in saying "homosexuality is inborn". And using that as the premise to proceed. It is, in fact, behavioral. And that key legal distinction means they cannot force other people to play along if that behavior is abhorrent to them.

You'll see....mark my words... :popcorn:
Messages are not covered in PA laws....for anyone. That's why a billboard company doesn't HAVE TO put hateful messages up......surely you know these basic things?

No one is required to put hateful particular message on the cake, not even religious bakers.
The typical leftist double standard. If they refuse, it's because the message is "hateful". If Christians refuse, it's because they're "bigots".

If a gsy couple came in and demanded a message stating "gay sex 4 ever" or "christians are sucky bigots" on a wedding cske they would be well within their rights to refuse and offer up wedding cake alternatives.
Yes, it's all about the message, not the sale of a cake. No one has refused the perverts a cake. The Christians refused to write a message that offended them. Weird how the left is so easily offended by so many things, but when a Christian is offended by refusing to violate their conscience, the left goes bonkers and sues them. The left demands tolerance, but shows none.
What message was that?
Queer marriage. The left wants submission. If anyone will not submit to the agenda that queer marriage is normal, they will be punished.

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