Lock him up with all the rest of the insurrectionists!

Please expound.
Not that you'll accept any of this, but:

Imprisoning the Nisei during WWII despite having broken no laws
Soviet gulags
North Korean prison camps
Australia's COVID camps

All leftist phenomena.

If all you've got is NUH UH, spare me.
I understand why you don't want to acknowledge it, but the left has indeed insisted for years that people don't have to be responsible when a "simple medical procedure" can remove the consequences of their actions.

silly you ..... you don't think those on the right ever have abortions.

AND you think a zygote/embryo/unviable fetus are people.

AND you chastise the left, but would never concede that sex education & access to birth control via tax dollars - whether completely free or a rider on an obamacare policy should happen.

OR once that full term baby is born, that tax dollars should be used to allow that post born person to thrive.
You do, or you wouldn't have bothered to reply. I know dunces are triggered easily. The rock gets thrown, you hit it over the fence. I could set my watch to it's absolute certainty, if I wore one.
Wrong as usual. I certainly don’t care what you say. I was responding to your meaningless post. You keep making vacuous statements and I do try to educate you. Only a total retard like you would assume that this implies I care about the shit you spew.

You’re here, in my estimation, purely for our easy target practice. You spew shit and others hit the Bull’s eye in shooting your shit down. Easy.
& scores more rw radio than any given progressive stations.

You know why, right tampon?

Radio is listened to by people going to and from work.

Conservatives work, hence listen to the radio.

Fascists like you watch TV because you on da wefare
i'm no fan of hillary & i didn't vote for her so much as voting against donny.

but face it, davey ol' boy - the clintons have been under a microscope for years & have had investigations into their biz'nez as well.

but nothing ever seemed to have materialized. perhaps due to incompetency ... or not.
Odd how nothing ever seems to come of Clinton investigations. Perhaps there's just too many people who don't want to be Arkancided.
donny doesn't seem to have the same luck. this was a really REALLY bad week for him & it;s not gonna get any better. in fact, it seems to be snowballing & i say good.

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ha ha & neener neener.
Yes, he gets what he deserves, having prevented Queen Hillary's coronation! It was HER TURN, dammit!
You know why, right tampon?

Radio is listened to by people going to and from work.

Conservatives work, hence listen to the radio.

Fascists like you watch TV because you on da wefare

i'll bet i am more financially well off than you.
when those ideas are complete fabrication, but people believe it - then it can be dangerous.
I'm not cool with the government deciding which opinions should be silenced. Your mileage may -- and certainly seems to -- vary.
silly you ..... you don't think those on the right ever have abortions.

AND you think a zygote/embryo/unviable fetus are people.

AND you chastise the left, but would never concede that sex education & access to birth control via tax dollars - whether completely free or a rider on an obamacare policy should happen.

OR once that full term baby is born, that tax dollars should be used to allow that post born person to thrive.
If you're going to have both sides of this conversation by yourself, have at it. I'm not interested.
Yes, he gets what he deserves, having prevented Queen Hillary's coronation! It was HER TURN, dammit!

we got over it. & guess what? so did she.

she conceded within 24 hours of donny getting the gig.

why is he STILL bitching about a 'stolen' election - that wasn't?

he's sweating bigley that the hammer is gonna fall & it's sweet to watch.

tick tock daaaaaaaavey.
i'll bet i am more financially well off than you.

You're a leftist troll on the interwebz - hence you have a gazillion dollars - as all leftist trolls do,

You could write a check and end hunger - but you're too busy. You could pay off the national debt with your gold card, but you don't feel like it.

I've met leftists before....
Well sure, if you guys can pull off voter fraud you can probably pull off financial fraud too.

& yet any voter & election fraud ( there's a difference you know ) has been found to be pretty much alllllll from the right.
we got over it. & guess what? so did she.

she conceded within 24 hours of donny getting the gig.

why is he STILL bitching about a 'stolen' election - that wasn't?

he's sweating bigley that the hammer is gonna fall & it's sweet to watch.

tick tock daaaaaaaavey.
You're a leftist troll on the interwebz - hence you have a gazillion dollars - as all leftist trolls do,

naw ... just very comfy. good planning & budgeting have made us debt free.

You could write a check and end hunger - but you're too busy.

i prefer to buy a few extra things every week when i go to the grocery store & when a bag is filled - i drop it off at my little town hall for some locals who might be struggling. but i do write a nice check for the salvation army every year at christmas.

You could pay off the national debt with your gold card, but you don't feel like it.

no gold card ... but the two cards we do have get paid off in full every month & so do the gas cards. i haven't paid a dime in interest since reagan took that deduction away.

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