Lockdowns and downshifting of economies will became permanent.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The goal of NWO is to reduce humanity down to 5%. How to do it?

Covid-19 Fake pandemic can do it well!

1. Deliberately destroying of the middle class - the power force of progress
2. Annihilation of industries and supply chains.
3. Imposing of Orwell like societies
4. Starvation, crime and health problems fulfill the agenda.

Even if all virologists and epidemiologists make it sure Corona would be less harmless as cold the bunch of pedophiles and Freemasons - almost all politicians will continue to kill us.
They tried to accomplish all this through Global Warming but somehow it never worked out.

Now Covid-19 has come along and they can put all their plans into action.

They have now imposed a stranglehold over the world and will not give it up easily.

We may have to use violence to stop them.
What I find ironic is how the left/right dichotomy has once again reared its ugly head, so much that the left is once again trying to destroy everything it claims to stand for.

Take Bill Gates, for instance. Here is a very ruthless individual who has gained power and wealth from stomping on the little guy and represents predatory capitalism at its worst. When he makes statements on how small businesses must be closed down for months on end, who is it lining up to champion him? Yep, the fearful leftists. They want to shut down restaurants (which just so happen to be the one segment of our economy most likely to be owned by minorities). They want to shut down mom and pop retail stores. They want to shut down ANYTHING owned by a person who is actually making a little business for themself meanwhile, they are NOT wanting to shut down Amazon, NOT wanting to shut down Microsquish and NOT wanting to shut down the enormous multinational corporations where power and control is vested in the elites.

People do all sorts of crazy things when they are frightened and thoughtless. Sacrificing the lives of others just comes easy for some people, I guess, but watching the absolute glee with which leftists want small businesses to sacrifice their very livelihood for them while they sacrifice nothing -- well, it makes me sick. We have met the enemy and they are us.

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