Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Good to know that the chief tax collector in the land is impartial.

It's not just IRS employees who think the Tea Baggers are assholes.

So, how many 501(c)(4) apps from the Tea Baggers did she deny, anyway?

Answer: None

So you see, she was impartial.

The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status
The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status

Which all were illegal.

The status is exclusively to be used for social welfare. Not politics.

So the same folks calling for kids to be sent back to dangerous areas because some "law" was broken, couldn't give a shit that these fuckers really did break the law.
Lois Lerner deserves the Medal of Freedom for putting up with those crazy assholes.
Lois Lerner deserves the Medal of Freedom for putting up with those crazy assholes.

We deserve one for putting up with Lerner and her bull shit and the I.R.S. changing their story as often as the wind changes direction.
Interesting they can find those e-mails but not the missing two years worth.

these were from her government blackberry. totally different system.

But here's the point.

It's November 12th, 2014. Mrs. Lerner is in England for business. Her friend texts her about how people on talk radio are truly losing their shit a week after Obama won a second term. She uses a few invectives to describe the extremists.

Wow. Crime of the century here.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

And is evidence that Lerner used the IRS to target conservatives, which makes you an idiot for claiming she didn't.
Lois nailed it. She understood the loonies she was dealing with.

People like you and Lois Lerner should never be allowed any duties in government. Americans believe OUR government works for us. You're both political hack trash.

so nobody with a political opinion should be allowed to work in government, is that it?

Is that what he wrote, retard?

You see, folks, this is how leftists, the rank imbeciles of pop culture, convince themselves that they are our intellectual superiors. They attribute the most ridiculously stupid things to conservatives, smirk and then jerk off with their pals. Lefty's that smirking little dweeb in the front row of the classroom, the teacher's pet, the hall monitor, the snitch. He's that sanctimonious little shit making baby talk every time he opens his pie hole. Yeah. He's that guy who deserves to be pounded out of his lunch money at school.

The conservative believes that human beings are ideological vacuums. Right.

Lefty's middle name is Straw Man when it's not Pussy.
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Good to know that the chief tax collector in the land is impartial.

It's not just IRS employees who think the Tea Baggers are assholes.

So, how many 501(c)(4) apps from the Tea Baggers did she deny, anyway?

Answer: None

So you see, she was impartial.

The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status
The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status

Which all were illegal.

The status is exclusively to be used for social welfare. Not politics.

So the same folks calling for kids to be sent back to dangerous areas because some "law" was broken, couldn't give a shit that these fuckers really did break the law.

Lefties other favorite tactic: change the topic.
Lerner tells her colleague that she overheard some women say America was bankrupt and "going down the tubes."

"Well, you should hear the whacko wing of the GOP," replied her colleague, whose name is blacked out. "The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end. The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to."

Lerner replies: "Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes."

Her colleague replies: "And I'm talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid."

Lerner: "So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists. It's our own crazies that will take us down."

I guess that's enough to impeach Obama!

Ah ... remember, that's a Democrat plot to make the Republicans look bad.

Yes. That's what Boner said.

They voted to sue the president today. That damned DNC is at it again!!!
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

She deserves a nice Ambassadorship to France or some other beautiful country for saying it like it is!

Clinton/Lerner 2016!

. . . the faggot lisped in the face of gross misconduct.
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People like you and Lois Lerner should never be allowed any duties in government. Americans believe OUR government works for us. You're both political hack trash.

so nobody with a political opinion should be allowed to work in government, is that it?

Is that what he wrote, retard?

You see, folks, this is how leftists, the rank imbeciles of pop culture, convince themselves that they are our intellectual superiors. They attribute the most ridiculously stupid things to conservatives, smirk and then jerk off with their pals. Lefty's that smirking little dweeb in the front row of the classroom, the teacher's pet, the hall monitor, the snitch. He's that sanctimonious little shit making baby talk every time he opens his pie hole. Yeah. He's that guy who deserves to be pounded out of his lunch at school.

The conservative believes that human beings are ideological vacuums. Right.

Lefty's middle name is Straw Man when its not Pussy.
well let's examine what was said, shall we?

in a thread where Lois Lerner calls end of the world jerks waiting for the us to collapse so they can be justified in their arming up and food hoarding assholes. that's her opinion.

it's then said that because of that, she shouldn't work in government.

why? for no reason other than her opinion? what else does the email show us, or prove?
Good to know that the chief tax collector in the land is impartial.

It's not just IRS employees who think the Tea Baggers are assholes.

So, how many 501(c)(4) apps from the Tea Baggers did she deny, anyway?

Answer: None

So you see, she was impartial.

The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status
The Only Scandal Regarding the IRS is How EVERY Tea Party Group Obtained 501(C)(4) Status

How many conservative group's applications did she delay for month after month after month? The answer to that is LOTS. Most of them are now suing the IRS because of Lerner's actions.

It's amazing how naive you really are, NoTea...if Lois Lerner really WERE impartial, she wouldn't have taken the 5th. She took the 5th because she knows very well that she did in fact target conservatives unfairly and when she released confidential tax information to liberal groups and other branches of the government she was breaking the law.
Interesting they can find those e-mails but not the missing two years worth.

these were from her government blackberry. totally different system.

But here's the point.

It's November 12th, 2014. Mrs. Lerner is in England for business. Her friend texts her about how people on talk radio are truly losing their shit a week after Obama won a second term. She uses a few invectives to describe the extremists.

Wow. Crime of the century here.

The point is Lerner is a corrupt asshole who abused her power for political reasons and those who blindly support the actions of the I.R.S. because they were going after those you disagree with have helped set the precedent for future administrations to continue and expand on this type of abuse. When the next Republican administration tries to use the I.R.S. against liberal groups in the same way good luck trying to get any action taken against them or anyone held accountable you will though hear the words phony scandal a lot.
I'm watching coverage of Lerners comments on TV.

The entire story is POLI-OPTICS. There is no concern for evidence of illegality. All that matters to the media is HOW THIS LOOKS.......not how this IS.

Go 'Murica!
I'm watching coverage of Lerners comments on TV.

The entire story is POLI-OPTICS. There is no concern for evidence of illegality. All that matters to the media is HOW THIS LOOKS.......not how this IS.

Go 'Murica!

What channel are you watching?
I believe she is retired.

Yes, but for no other reason than to escape the long arm of the law.

No, calling right wingers "assholes" isn't a crime, it's an accurate description.

Here's the stuff that isn't getting widely reported.

In that same email thread, Lerner also decries the British Welfare State and the fact that homes for the Gentry have been taken over by the "Hoi Poloi" due to equality policies.

That actually kind of sounds like the stuff that Establishment Republicans say when they don't think anyone is listening.

I've always suspected that Lerner -who was for those playing along at home appointed by Bush - is an establishment Republican who is horrified of what the Teabaggers have turned her party into.

It is accurate only if she is completely ignorant and stupid, like you.
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