Lol...another lefty myth busted

Yep, as soon as they found that out with the Delta variant, they told the vaccinated to wear masks inside again.....

But since then, they've determined that the unvaccinated are 4 times more likely to catch covid than the vaccinated. So even though there are break through cases, the vaccinated are still less likely to catch or carry the virus, than an unvaccinated person.
Another one who believes the fir profit criminals in big pharma, with full indemnity.

Many on the left have become establishment statist dupes. Sad. Very sad.
What about them?

What about the millions of HC workers that can be exposed to covid, their rights end, where yours begins?

They have choices, get the vaccine or get tested every week.

What "right" is it you think they have that's being violated by not mandating healthcare decisions for other people? No matter how hard I rack my brain, I just can't locate a right to control other people's medical choices.
BS you can get tested every week, instead.
Grade school?

Children must be vaccinated before attending one, or you can be homeschooled.
People have choices.

Tell me, oh wise dismisser of everything that contradicts your preferences: how much does it cost to be tested for Covid? Are YOU willing to pay for weekly tests for all of your co-workers, since you're the one demanding them?
No, your so called 'rights' are being destroyed.
My rights don't end, where yours begins.

Just like smoking and wearing seatbelts.
You think you can show up for work drunk or high because it only affects you?

Your rights DO end where ours begin, but it's very telling that you think your rights extend past and override those of others.
Covid ain't polio or smallpox or hepatitis or measles. And the Covid vaccine ain't any of those vaccines. Is your thinking always this simplistic?

Yup, smoker is pretty limited in its ability to think.

Hospitals have minimal safety requirements?

' it is a recognition that the federal government does not have the power to do what it wants so it applied regulatory pressure to businesses to do it instead'.

Yep, just like smoking and seatbelts, when they were first implement.

If republicans are so fired up about the vaccine, try to move to another country, they won't even let you in.

Are you unable to even follow your own points?
Thanks for the link.

Makes you wonder why those 4 AF guys have not sued about all the other vaccines that we were required to take while in the military.
Or why they are bothering here. This will not make it anywhere, the feds have enormous power over military member's freedoms. Most of them simply do not exist in the military.
The case goes before Sotomayor because she is the Second Circuit Court judge. The Second Circuit covers New York.

The "teachers" are obviously Trumpists.

So four Trumpists are forced to bring their case to a liberal judge. Let us know how that works out.

Right like the NBA players speaking out against forced vaccination. Also "Trumpers"
Another one who believes the fir profit criminals in big pharma, with full indemnity.

Many on the left have become establishment statist dupes. Sad. Very sad.

They used to hate The Man.

Now they lick all his parts and his boots
Or why they are bothering here. This will not make it anywhere, the feds have enormous power over military member's freedoms. Most of them simply do not exist in the military.
That's true for good reason, too.

Then there is this.
Which the military created but had to get civilian approval.

AR 350-30 covers the Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct applies to all members of the U. S. Armed Forces, at all times.
There are six (6) articles in the Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct was established 17 August, 1955 by President Eisenhower.
The Code of Conduct was ammended in 1988.
The legal authority supporting the Code of Conduct is The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

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