Lol...another lefty myth busted

Are you against all children attending both private and public schools being mandated for key vaccines?

Like I said, you're FOS.
We’re being lied to. Apparently some Americans prefer lies, like you two for instance.

No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant
Abstract: We found no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta. Given the substantial proportion of asymptomatic vaccine breakthrough cases with high viral levels, interventions, including masking and testing, should be considered for all in settings with elevated COVID-19 transmission
What about them?

What about the millions of HC workers that can be exposed to covid, their rights end, where yours begins?

They have choices, get the vaccine or get tested every week.

They already HAVE been you idiot.
Soldiers,Air Force and SS.

Thanks for the link.

Makes you wonder why those 4 AF guys have not sued about all the other vaccines that we were required to take while in the military.
You both know nothing about vaccines. You are comparing vaccines that are proven safe and effective over decades of use with an experimental jab with entirely new technology, from companies with a long history of harm, making enormous profits, and who have control of our government, media, and science.

so, in short you are ok with vaccine mandates, just not with this one vaccine being mandated?
Good point.

Plus they’ve seen first hand how harmful and ineffective the jabs are.

Exactly. Unlike the idiots pushing the mandates the HC workers actually pay attention to scientific papers.

Those show that the vaccines are less effective than placebo. Thus they don't need to take them.
Exactly. Unlike the idiots pushing the mandates the HC workers actually pay attention to scientific papers.

Those show that the vaccines are less effective than placebo. Thus they don't need to take them.
They see patients dying all the time shortly after receiving the jab.
I am against government mandated vaccines of any kind. A free people aren’t free if government is allowed to mandate anything.

So, like being mandated to stop for red lights and stop signs means that a people are not free?
We’re being lied to. Apparently some Americans prefer lies, like you two for instance.

No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant
Abstract: We found no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta. Given the substantial proportion of asymptomatic vaccine breakthrough cases with high viral levels, interventions, including masking and testing, should be considered for all in settings with elevated COVID-19 transmission
Yep, as soon as they found that out with the Delta variant, they told the vaccinated to wear masks inside again.....

But since then, they've determined that the unvaccinated are 4 times more likely to catch covid than the vaccinated. So even though there are break through cases, the vaccinated are still less likely to catch or carry the virus, than an unvaccinated person.
What about the tens of thousands of HC workers about to lose their jobs over the tyrannical vax mandate? Is this acceptable in your mind in the land of the free and home of the Bill of Rights?
The last person I want near me if I am in a hospital is an unvaccinated idiot.
So, like being mandated to stop for red lights and stop signs means that a people are not free?
Being mandated for seatbelts too? Being mandated to wear shoes and shirts in a store or restaurant or County court house too? Being mandated to smoke outside only?

I do see how an injection is different though, than the things above and the govt should have a damn good reason to push a mandate on a vaccine injection.

I just happen to think there is a good reason for our and nations health, after 700,000 covid deaths and counting in just a year and a half....!!!!
I do see how an injection is different though, than the things above and the govt should have a damn good reason to push a mandate on a vaccine injection.

I agree it is, and I do not at this time support the COVID vaccine mandate. I think it is fine for a company to do so, but not the Fed Govt forcing them to do so
I agree it is, and I do not at this time support the COVID vaccine mandate. I think it is fine for a company to do so, but not the Fed Govt forcing them to do so
I'm fine with employer mandates, as long as there is a religious and medical out. And this OSHA mandate on employers with over 100 workers mandating, is ok with me, as long as there is the testing for covid option.

I'm fine with federal employee, military mandates, because the fed govt is their employer.
The last person I want near me if I am in a hospital is an unvaccinated idiot.
That’s hilarious. Spoken like a true statist establishmentarian dupe. Do you do everything big pharma tells you?

It’s likely that unvaccinated idiot is immune after working for months in that environment.

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