lol at the new time magazine cover (putin)


Gold Member
Jan 6, 2014
hangin' with my bro e.coli
Tell me it's purely incidental, purely chance that there's no symbolism in this:


Sure as shinola looks to me like the shadow of the plane behind Putin is an upside-down peace symbol.

Oh, you silly Time magazine subliminals. :laugh:
This will not help find answers to the downing of MH17; a cheap shot.
You can be sure that the jumbo jet that went missing from Malaysia and its whereabouts is known by Putin. He shall surely arrange for his own KGB trained Islamic terrorists to use it against America before our final fall. I am thoroughly of convinced of it. Everything that happened following the disappearance of that plane convinced me of his being complicit in the entire affair. I do not believe that plane is at the bottom of the ocean. I believe it is even now hidden away until Putin gives the order to use it against America. What better first attack before he launches the nuclear one against us that the Soviets are even now boasting of? Putin is a son of Lucifer. You cannot buy him off. His plans are set. The only answer for America is to turn like Ninevah did at the first warning.
Man, the West is REALLY pushing for a new Cold War or even better, WWIII aren't they?

Winner winner, chicken dinner!!!

But again with regard to the subliminal messages Time's always had a penchant for sending: Remember this, back in 1994?


O.J. sure seems a lot blacker on the Time cover, doesn't he?

Funny, how those lowlifes over there at Time roll. :badgrin:
Man, the West is REALLY pushing for a new Cold War or even better, WWIII aren't they?

The WEST is pushing for a new Cold War?

Are you a reporter for one of Putin's propaganda newspapers?

The only thing Obama is capable of "pushing" is a putt to the right of the cup.

I agree with you 100% about Obama. But I agree with Mad Scientist that yeah, Western media are covertly pushing the return of the Cold War.

Why would they do that?

They are in bed with the CIA and the NSA. For whatever the reason(s), they no longer question the surreptitious motives of our government.

I firmly believe that the CIA and NSA want to see the eminence of the Second Cold War as a means of curbing the rise of Islamofascism in the Eastern hemisphere.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," we know.

The new Soviet Union will keep Islam in check in that hemisphere; we will keep it in check in ours. :thup:

And Western media are unequivocally complicit in the charade.
I like to see absolute evidence that Russians (for all intents and purposes the rebels are Russian) shot down that plane.

The times is a shitty, left wing rag. Had this happened under Bush's tenure it would have been Bush on that cover.

The Ukraine would actually have had everything to gain by shooting it down and pinning it on Putin.
You can be sure that the jumbo jet that went missing from Malaysia and its whereabouts is known by Putin. He shall surely arrange for his own KGB trained Islamic terrorists to use it against America before our final fall. I am thoroughly of convinced of it. Everything that happened following the disappearance of that plane convinced me of his being complicit in the entire affair. I do not believe that plane is at the bottom of the ocean. I believe it is even now hidden away until Putin gives the order to use it against America. What better first attack before he launches the nuclear one against us that the Soviets are even now boasting of? Putin is a son of Lucifer. You cannot buy him off. His plans are set. The only answer for America is to turn like Ninevah did at the first warning.

Putin is not "a son of Lucifer".

He may not be a son of God, either, for all I know. That's between God and him — not me.

The Soviet Union was America's best friend in the 20th Century.

Any astute political science professor will tell you that.
You can be sure that the jumbo jet that went missing from Malaysia and its whereabouts is known by Putin. He shall surely arrange for his own KGB trained Islamic terrorists to use it against America before our final fall. I am thoroughly of convinced of it. Everything that happened following the disappearance of that plane convinced me of his being complicit in the entire affair. I do not believe that plane is at the bottom of the ocean. I believe it is even now hidden away until Putin gives the order to use it against America. What better first attack before he launches the nuclear one against us that the Soviets are even now boasting of? Putin is a son of Lucifer. You cannot buy him off. His plans are set. The only answer for America is to turn like Ninevah did at the first warning.

Putin is not "a son of Lucifer".

He may not be a son of God, either, for all I know. That's between God and him — not me.

The Soviet Union was America's best friend in the 20th Century.

Any astute political science professor will tell you that.

I have not found a single liberal political science professor in this day and age to deserve the title of "astute", fool perhaps but not "astute". The "astute" among the land are those who follow and obey the teachings of Christ.

In response to your words about Putin here:

I do understand that both you and the woman who calls herself Goddess Ashtara consider Putin to be more noble than Obama and that you favor him, Sharty. ( I read a thread on USMB in which the two of you agreed unanimously on the matter )

Perhaps your blindness as to who Putin is - is because of your own blindness to who the Son of God is - Jesus Christ. If you should ever become a born again Christian ( I believe by faith it shall be ) you will realize how foolish it is to lift up and defend such an evil man as Putin.

It grieves me deeply to see any American defend Putin as if he were something other than a son of Lucifer which he is. He is the man who will launch a nuclear attack on America one day and I must wonder will you and others like you ( the woman who calls herself Goddess Ashtara ) still be singing his praises then? While even dying of the vapors of nuclear fallout?! In hell I do not believe anyone shall be singing Putin's praises but suit yourself.

Every man has his own choice as to which god he shall serve. As for me and my household, we serve the God of the bible. Carry on.
Don't know if it's a new cold war. Basically Putin is an opportunist. He can see the leadership in the USA is weak and he's making his moves now while it's easy and he's pretty sure the only repercussions will be sanctions and a tongue lashing. It's like a parent how keeps threatening a child but never follows through. The child learns that nothing of real consequence is going to happen so he pushes the envelope.

This has basically been the pattern all over the world since Obama took office. Everybody knows the world most likely won't act unless the USA does first and Obama hasn't the stomach for real confrontation. The Putin's and Muslim Brotherhood's of the world will do as they please until a real hardass comes into office Just like they did back when Reagan took over after Carter. And Like back in the day that Hardass will most likely be Republican.
Don't know if it's a new cold war. Basically Putin is an opportunist. He can see the leadership in the USA is weak and he's making his moves now while it's easy and he's pretty sure the only repercussions will be sanctions and a tongue lashing. It's like a parent how keeps threatening a child but never follows through. The child learns that nothing of real consequence is going to happen so he pushes the envelope.

This has basically been the pattern all over the world since Obama took office. Everybody knows the world most likely won't act unless the USA does first and Obama hasn't the stomach for real confrontation. The Putin's and Muslim Brotherhood's of the world will do as they please until a real hardass comes into office Just like they did back when Reagan took over after Carter. And Like back in the day that Hardass will most likely be Republican.

You absolutely hammered the nail on the head.

Putin is taking advantage of a weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President, like any good communist dictator would.

The Islamo-terrorists have also been taking advantage of this weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President since he took office in 2009.

I would compare Obama to Jimmy Carter in MANY ways. Remember the Iran hostage crisis and the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan during Carter's Presidency, among other things?

Same opportunistic dictators and terrorists, just a different weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President.
You can be sure that the jumbo jet that went missing from Malaysia and its whereabouts is known by Putin. He shall surely arrange for his own KGB trained Islamic terrorists to use it against America before our final fall. I am thoroughly of convinced of it. Everything that happened following the disappearance of that plane convinced me of his being complicit in the entire affair. I do not believe that plane is at the bottom of the ocean. I believe it is even now hidden away until Putin gives the order to use it against America. What better first attack before he launches the nuclear one against us that the Soviets are even now boasting of? Putin is a son of Lucifer. You cannot buy him off. His plans are set. The only answer for America is to turn like Ninevah did at the first warning.

Putin is not "a son of Lucifer".

He may not be a son of God, either, for all I know. That's between God and him — not me.

The Soviet Union was America's best friend in the 20th Century.

Any astute political science professor will tell you that.

I have not found a single liberal political science professor in this day and age to deserve the title of "astute", fool perhaps but not "astute". The "astute" among the land are those who follow and obey the teachings of Christ.

I guess that explains why you're not teaching political science, then.

This thread is not about Christ: it is about Putin and subliminal messaging.

Jeremiah said:
In response to your words about Putin here:

I do understand that both you and the woman who calls herself Goddess Ashtara consider Putin to be more noble than Obama and that you favor him, Sharty. (I read a thread on USMB in which the two of you agreed unanimously on the matter)

I guess you think I should apologize for not having consulted you about how to go about formulating my political views before I formulated them, hmmf?

I do not like "Goddess_Ashtara" in the least; but I don't feel any need whatsoever to justify that to you.

Jeremiah said:
Perhaps your blindness as to who Putin is - is because of your own blindness to who the Son of God is - Jesus Christ. If you should ever become a born again Christian ( I believe by faith it shall be ) you will realize how foolish it is to lift up and defend such an evil man as Putin.

Again, this thread is not about Jesus Christ: it is about VLADIMIR PUTIN.

If you don't plan on talking about the thread's topic, STAY AWAY FROM IT.

Jeremiah said:
It grieves me deeply to see any American defend Putin as if he were something other than a son of Lucifer which he is. He is the man who will launch a nuclear attack on America one day and I must wonder will you and others like you (the woman who calls herself Goddess Ashtara) still be singing his praises then? While even dying of the vapors of nuclear fallout?! In hell I do not believe anyone shall be singing Putin's praises but suit yourself.

Like I've told you before with regard to my "does God love the russians?" thread a long time ago, I don't agree with your understanding of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Again I say to you that you would do yourself well to read the link in post #4 of it:

I have a difference of opinion, a different understanding of some scriptures than you do.

The difference between you and me is that I'm not demonizing you simply because you have a difference of opinion than I do.

You really need to stop doing that.

Jeremiah said:
Every man has his own choice as to which god he shall serve. As for me and my household, we serve the God of the bible. Carry on.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's exactly what we'll do.

See ya.
Don't know if it's a new cold war. Basically Putin is an opportunist. He can see the leadership in the USA is weak and he's making his moves now while it's easy and he's pretty sure the only repercussions will be sanctions and a tongue lashing. It's like a parent how keeps threatening a child but never follows through. The child learns that nothing of real consequence is going to happen so he pushes the envelope.

This has basically been the pattern all over the world since Obama took office. Everybody knows the world most likely won't act unless the USA does first and Obama hasn't the stomach for real confrontation. The Putin's and Muslim Brotherhood's of the world will do as they please until a real hardass comes into office Just like they did back when Reagan took over after Carter. And Like back in the day that Hardass will most likely be Republican.

You absolutely hammered the nail on the head.

Putin is taking advantage of a weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President, like any good communist dictator would.

The Islamo-terrorists have also been taking advantage of this weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President since he took office in 2009.

You can bet your favorite pair of jackboots that they won't take advantage of Vladimir Putin.

You can use them as collateral for a bet that the CIA is counting on that, too. :thup:

TruthSeeker56 said:
I would compare Obama to Jimmy Carter in MANY ways. Remember the Iran hostage crisis and the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan during Carter's Presidency, among other things?

Same opportunistic dictators and terrorists, just a different weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President.

Though not myself a fan of his policies, I wouldn't necessarily characterize Obama as "clueless".


Most certainly, yes.

But he's a great deal craftier—slick—than for which a lot of us who aren't his fans give him credit, is Obama.

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