LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Absolutely not. Teach Cretan science in church and Sunday school
No. It's not even ground that atheists get away with stating their evolution is science when it's only hypothesis and nothing backs it up; It isn't observable nor testable so it isn't science. It's a lie like I have been saying.

Anyway, you learned about the fountains of the great deep even though you still don't believe Noah's Flood. I proved the global flood beyond any reasonable person's doubt. But you can't explain the surface of Earth covered by oceans, the geology, where the fossils ended up, and more.

LMAO. abu afak never mentioned any of the science before I did. Second, he starts attacking me with ad hominem attacks and then says what I said weeks later. If someone gets me that angry or bothers me that much, then I would just ignore them. Someone who bugged me to no end would be ignored. That would be Wuwei since he trolls me and the best way to deal with a troll is to ignore them. I don't have to go around and acting like a crybaby like Wuwei.

we can know that the true account was recorded by Moses and is found in Genesis 6–9. The many flood myths are retellings of the real event that have been distorted through centuries of passing down information. The earliest records of the event date back two millennia before Jesus was born. Some of these traditions are older than Moses’s writings, but that only confirms that these tablets were written earlier, not that the contents were original or correct.

MythCivilizationSimilarities to the Biblical Account
The Epic of GilgameshMesopotamiaConstruction of a boat, destruction of all humanity, dove, raven, sacrifice
The Ark of Nu’uHawaiiConstruction of a boat, Nu’u vs. Noah, rainbow, post-flood sacrifice
The Nüwa FloodChinaConstruction of a boat, Nüwa vs. Noah, divine judgment
Deucalion’s FloodGreeceConstruction of a boat, divine judgment
Manu’s FloodIndiaConstruction of a boat, preserving animals
Unu PachakutiIncaConstruction of a boat, divine judgment
Thai FloodThaiDivine judgment on human cruelty

I stated that the Gilgamesh story was based on a true event. The global flood which happened and was recorded by Moses. Creation scientists found plate tectonics and prolly found the hydrothermal vents. Atheist scientists wouldn't be looking for it.

Moses didn't write the Pentateuch.. It wasn't written at all until 850 years after the death of Moses.

the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Traditionally ascribed to Moses, it is now held by scholars to be a compilation from texts of the 9th to 5th centuries bc.Jewish name Torah.
You are talking about an artisan well and I'll wager you have never seen one and don't have a clue what they are.

What is Artesian Water & Is It Healthy? (& Potential Risks)
Aug 01, 2021 · An artesian well is produced by water flowing down an area of degraded land and passing into porous rock, such as gravel, limestone or sand. This porous rock substance needs to be located within a non-porous, impenetrable rock layer, which will create a high-pressure environment.

What is an Artesian Well? - Dales Water
Mar 07, 2013 · An artesian well is simply a well that doesn’t require a pump to bring water to the surface; this occurs when there is enough pressure in the aquifer. The pressure forces the water to the surface without any sort of assistance. A Free Flowing Artesian Borehole.
This is the kind of thing I was talking about. Atheists will make up stories about anything and didn't listen to what was said. They're poor losers. What part of fountains of the deep or found as a ring around the world didn't you understand? Science backed up the Bible once again. I'm leaving this argument as the evidence for a global flood is overwhelming.

Moses didn't write the Pentateuch.. It wasn't written at all until 850 years after the death of Moses.

the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Traditionally ascribed to Moses, it is now held by scholars to be a compilation from texts of the 9th to 5th centuries bc.Jewish name Torah.
This must be from the same person who didn't provide a name to verify, but just spewed worthless garbage. Like I said, poor loser.
This is the kind of thing I was talking about. Atheists will make up stories about anything and didn't listen to what was said. They're poor losers. What part of fountains of the deep or found as a ring around the world didn't you understand? Science backed up the Bible once again. I'm leaving this argument as the evidence for a global flood is overwhelming.


Fountains of the Great Deep | Young Biosphere Creation
Aug 23, 2018 · “the bleeding world of noah’s flood” the “fountains of the great deep” were not water fountains at all but lava fountains and volcanoes – – flood caused by meteorite impact and destruction of continental supports by magma intrusion above lithosphere and/or elevation of the ocean floor thereby flooding the single continent —
This must be from the same person who didn't provide a name to verify, but just spewed worthless garbage. Like I said, poor loser.

Real Christians don't believe fairy tales. Their faith is more rational and stronger.. and they don't fear science or education.

The Ring of Fire is not water .. and you don't know what an artisan well is.
Fountains of the Great Deep | Young Biosphere Creation
Aug 23, 2018 · “the bleeding world of noah’s flood” the “fountains of the great deep” were not water fountains at all but lava fountains and volcanoes – – flood caused by meteorite impact and destruction of continental supports by magma intrusion above lithosphere and/or elevation of the ocean floor thereby flooding the single continent —
Robert Ballard, underwater archaeologist. In 1985, using a robotic submersible equipped with remote-controlled cameras, Ballard and his crew hunted down the world's most famous shipwreck, the Titanic.

Robert Ballard, underwater archaeologist. In 1985, using a robotic submersible equipped with remote-controlled cameras, Ballard and his crew hunted down the world's most famous shipwreck, the Titanic.

Robert Ballard is a con artist of the Ron Wyatt type. The Black Sea breech was a slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their families and livestock to higher ground.
What that article describes is a rapid release of CO2, not water. It was not a hydrothermal vent. A hydrothermal vent slowly recirculates water. It could not raise the sea level.
Robert Ballard is a con artist of the Ron Wyatt type. The Black Sea breech was a slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their families and livestock to higher ground.
He doesn't sound like a con artists as he found the Titantic, but he didn't find Noah's Flood in the Black Sea. Regardless, the other evidence for Noah's Flood is overwhelming.

ETA: So if atheists are still atheists despite all the evidence for creation, then can we conclude that it's because they just wanna be atheists and have no God/gods?
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Arguments with James B go around in circles – a sort of yes-it-is, no-it-isn't.

Some time ago I read (in one of Michael Shermers books?) That the location of belief, disbelief, and uncertainty were found to be mediated in separate areas of the brain. So a belief in creation science is mediated in one part and the disbelief in evolution is in another part. A dual challenge.

Trying to get another person to change their belief systems, of course, is almost impossible. A tactic that I used with a die-hard climate denier who used butchered science worked fairly well - find inconsistencies in his science.

I steered away from evolution because it is firmly in Bonds disbelief system. The trick is to find scientific inconsistencies in his beliefs of scientific creationism. One way to do that is to get him to explain his science in detail. He is reluctant do that because he knows that it would be riddled with inconsistencies. He really wants to fall back to his mantra “science backs the Bible” or the “fountains of the deep”. I think pressing Bond on his science works well to the extent that he put me on ignore. If he sets the rules of debate it will continue to go in circles.

Why is all this important? We simply don't want creation science in science classrooms.

No, I stated from the beginning that it was creation science vs atheist science. I'm not trying to convince anybody to change sides or their religion. I'm beginning to think the creationists are right in that we teach creation science vs. evolution at the same time or one course.
“Creation science” is a false label as there is no “science” in your religious belief.

You're not understanding. The fraud of Christian fundamentalism under the burqa of creation science is what has reduced creationism to mere carnival nonsense.

The charlatans at the Disco'tute can submit their data supporting a 6,000 year old planet for peer review. That will be be difficult, of course, as charlatans do no research.

Even if we are generous regarding standards and criteria, the peer-reviewed scientific output from the entirety of the ID’iot creationist movement is virtually zero. Rather pathetic, especially considering the long history and funding of the movement. One week's worth of peer-reviewed papers on evolutionary biology exceeds the entire history of ID’iot creationist research.

As an example of just how fraudulent the Disco’tute really is:

Intelligent design think tank's “institute” is a Shutterstock image

A green screen plus a stock image of a lab equals instant credibility.


As a think tank focused on intelligent design, the Discovery Institute presumably has no need for physical laboratories—its research is mostly imagination-based. So it seemed odd to Richard Hoppe of Panda’s Thumb when he saw a video of one of the Institute’s researchers spouting all sorts of bad science from a lab setting. Although the video was datelined from the “Biologic Institute” of the Discovery Institute, it turns out that the nonsensical rant was green-screened in front of a stock image
Here's where it gets difficult for me as there are still explanations for where all the water came from.
“Creation science” is a false label as there is no “science” in your religious belief.

You're not understanding. The fraud of Christian fundamentalism under the burqa of creation science is what has reduced creationism to mere carnival nonsense.

The charlatans at the Disco'tute can submit their data supporting a 6,000 year old planet for peer review. That will be be difficult, of course, as charlatans do no research.

Even if we are generous regarding standards and criteria, the peer-reviewed scientific output from the entirety of the ID’iot creationist movement is virtually zero. Rather pathetic, especially considering the long history and funding of the movement. One week's worth of peer-reviewed papers on evolutionary biology exceeds the entire history of ID’iot creationist research.

As an example of just how fraudulent the Disco’tute really is:

Intelligent design think tank's “institute” is a Shutterstock image

A green screen plus a stock image of a lab equals instant credibility.


As a think tank focused on intelligent design, the Discovery Institute presumably has no need for physical laboratories—its research is mostly imagination-based. So it seemed odd to Richard Hoppe of Panda’s Thumb when he saw a video of one of the Institute’s researchers spouting all sorts of bad science from a lab setting. Although the video was datelined from the “Biologic Institute” of the Discovery Institute, it turns out that the nonsensical rant was green-screened in front of a stock image
You're putting words in my mouth. I wasn't the one who discussed ID. You're the one. I'm the one who discusses how science backs up the Bible.

So, how else can you explain the hydrothermal vents, the geology of our Earth, 3/4 surface sea water, the Himalayas, Mt. Everest, Grand Canyon, incredible erosion/sedimentation, fossils of plants and animals buried in it, and more? Are you going to tell me glaciers? Are you going to steal things I've said and suddenly claim it happened rapidly instead of millions of years?

It's you who just loves to spew out your wrong opinions of me and belittle the true science. You never answer my questions.
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Here's where it gets difficult for me as there are still explanations for where all the water came from.

You're putting words in my mouth. I wasn't the one who discussed ID. You're the one. I'm the one who discusses how science backs up the Bible.

So, how else can you explain the hydrothermal vents, the geology of our Earth, 3/4 surface sea water, the Himalayas, Mt. Everest, Grand Canyon, incredible erosion/sedimentation, fossils of plants and animals buried in it, and more? Are you going to tell me glaciers? Are you going to steal things I've said and suddenly claim it happened rapidly instead of millions of years?

It's you who just loves to spew out your wrong opinions of me and belittle the true science. You never answer my questions.
You seem to be having a great deal of difficulty understanding what a hydrothermal vents is. Most any science related site can give you the details. There's nothing supernatural about hydrothermal vents and the geology surrounding their existence.

Here's a question for "science backs up the bibles" aficionados: why would the gods use super heated water from the "fountains of the deep" when they decided to flood the planet and kill most of humanity?

Why do you think hydrothermal vents spew super heated water? What, exactly, is supernatural about hydrothermal vents?

Your bolded text "reads" like a rather frantic, emotional outburst.The geology of the planet is fairly well understood. As you insist there are supernatural forces employed by the gods to explain the planet's physical features, I will require you first demonstrate the existence of those gods before you can attribute supernatural causation of those physical features.
You seem to be having a great deal of difficulty understanding what a hydrothermal vents is. Most any science related site can give you the details. There's nothing supernatural about hydrothermal vents and the geology surrounding their existence.

Here's a question for "science backs up the bibles" aficionados: why would the gods use super heated water from the "fountains of the deep" when they decided to flood the planet and kill most of humanity?

Why do you think hydrothermal vents spew super heated water? What, exactly, is supernatural about hydrothermal vents?

Your bolded text "reads" like a rather frantic, emotional outburst.The geology of the planet is fairly well understood. As you insist there are supernatural forces employed by the gods to explain the planet's physical features, I will require you first demonstrate the existence of those gods before you can attribute supernatural causation of those physical features.
What Freidrich Nietzsce said fits you well, “And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” You see what you want to see and miss what the other evidence is telling you.
What Freidrich Nietzsce said fits you well, “And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” You see what you want to see and miss what the other evidence is telling you.
That was quite the sidestep. The physical features of hydrothermal vents have no characteristics that suggest supernatural intervention.

There is every reason to accept a naturalistic explanation to the physical world as opposed to any claimed supernatural causation and that is because we have no evidence of any supernatural events. It is a pretty simple matter that the supernaturalists fail to comprehend; they need to provide some support for the existence of their supernatural gods before they can assign universe building tasks to them.

Supernaturalism is not a necessary requirement for science. Nothing about the natural world suggests supermagical "designer" to account for the complexity we see in nature. That would include appeals to your version of a "designer" which is only one claim to a supermagical designer among many claimed designers. NONE of the scientific theories that explain natural phenomena make appeals to any designer including yours. ID'iot creationers have presented no evidence that something in the rational, natural world shows signs of being designed by magical means, (something that could not have arisen naturally). ID creationists are the ones introducing supernatural forces... they are the ones who must substantiate their incredible claims and if course, they do not. Scientists do not "take it on faith" that the natural answers are there... that is all they have evidence of.
Supernaturalism is not a necessary requirement for science. Nothing about the natural world suggests supermagical "designer" to account for the complexity we see in nature.
I would go further and say supernaturalism must not be present at all if it is to be called creation science. However at this point I have little idea what creation science is other than an attempt to dismiss evolution.

That was quite the sidestep. The physical features of hydrothermal vents have no characteristics that suggest supernatural intervention.

There is every reason to accept a naturalistic explanation to the physical world as opposed to any claimed supernatural causation and that is because we have no evidence of any supernatural events. It is a pretty simple matter that the supernaturalists fail to comprehend; they need to provide some support for the existence of their supernatural gods before they can assign universe building tasks to them.

Supernaturalism is not a necessary requirement for science. Nothing about the natural world suggests supermagical "designer" to account for the complexity we see in nature. That would include appeals to your version of a "designer" which is only one claim to a supermagical designer among many claimed designers. NONE of the scientific theories that explain natural phenomena make appeals to any designer including yours. ID'iot creationers have presented no evidence that something in the rational, natural world shows signs of being designed by magical means, (something that could not have arisen naturally). ID creationists are the ones introducing supernatural forces... they are the ones who must substantiate their incredible claims and if course, they do not. Scientists do not "take it on faith" that the natural answers are there... that is all they have evidence of.
It's what keeps you from getting what I've said. I should use Nietzsce more often. Did you even look at the map? How do you think these hydrothermal vents circle the world? They were there since ancient times and not 1977. Anyway, I can see that you didn't get it as the abyss looks back upon you.

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