LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Why do you think thermal vents did anything? You do realize that confusing thermal vents with apparatus invented by the gods to flood the planet is really silly, right? (<——- rhetorical question)
He is rather vague with "fountains of the deep". I asked him in post 528,
"Tell us what the fountains of the deep are. Do you think they are thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean?"
But I think he has me on ignore, the coward.
He is rather vague with "fountains of the deep". I asked him in post 528,
"Tell us what the fountains of the deep are. Do you think they are thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean?"
But I think he has me on ignore, the coward.
He may be frantically searching through ICR to find an article.
Biological evolution is both testable and observable.
No, it isn't or else we would have had results already and the UC Berkeley website wouldn't be excusing itself as hypothesis.

You choose to be a religious extremist.
I'm the one who knows both evolution and creation science, so it bothers atheists because science doesn't back up their religion.

The thought of discovery of life on another planet is really quite devastating to the Christian version of religionism because all existence and all life is an earthly matter to Christianers.
No, it would not affect Christianity as religion. My claim is God didn't say anything about life elsewhere besides Earth. He focused on Earth as it was to be heaven. Unfortunately, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin against God which brought death into our lives. God had to leave the universe. Discovery of life on another planet would affect creation science. The Bible states God stopped creating on the sixth day. It means no life elsewhere.

We don't need to pile on evolution as its not observable nor testable so didn't even explain Earth or anything. Why don't you have any description of what happened to Earth in the billions of years we've been existence.

Why do you think thermal vents did anything?
Thermal vents didn't create life from non-life. It's just another fail in evolution.
He may be frantically searching through ICR to find an article.
Right on queue, but calm and collected as I have real science on my side. Your side doesn't even have an explanation.

"Two recent articles in Nature Geoscience may provide important validations of the global Flood. Did researchers find evidence of the “fountains of the great deep” that started the deluge?

Timothy Paulsen, from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and co-authors from Michigan Technological University and ETH Zurich, found evidence of a spike in volcanic activity and a rapid release of massive amounts of carbon dioxide just prior to the deposition of Cambrian rock layers.1

Cambrian rocks are considered by many creation geologists to represent the first extensive Flood deposits. Cambrian sediments are the bottom-most layer in the Sauk megasequence and contain fossils of the so-called Cambrian Explosion—the first sediments with prolific numbers of hard-shelled organisms.2"

I already posted the fountains of the deep youtube as proof, but here's another from UC Berkeley. These hydrothermal vents encircle the world along with plate tectonics. Atheist science can't explain them. Guess who discovered them? A group of marine scientists, but they called it like finding the garden of Eden. The thermal vents are the fountains of the great deep.

At least, Hollie is getting smarter but she still has a ways to go with her faith.
No, it isn't or else we would have had results already and the UC Berkeley website wouldn't be excusing itself as hypothesis.

I'm the one who knows both evolution and creation science, so it bothers atheists because science doesn't back up their religion.

No, it would not affect Christianity as religion. My claim is God didn't say anything about life elsewhere besides Earth. He focused on Earth as it was to be heaven. Unfortunately, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin against God which brought death into our lives. God had to leave the universe. Discovery of life on another planet would affect creation science. The Bible states God stopped creating on the sixth day. It means no life elsewhere.

We don't need to pile on evolution as its not observable nor testable so didn't even explain Earth or anything. Why don't you have any description of what happened to Earth in the billions of years we've been existence.

Thermal vents didn't create life from non-life. It's just another fail in evolution.
You're desperately trying to convince yourself that your religious claims are true. I can't help but notice that you're unable to refute science data, you simply insist that the Bible is true and then launch into feverish tirades. You continue to parrot the slogan that evolution is neither testable or observable when the facts clearly identify otherwise.

The charlatans you call "creation scientists" invent what they "bring up" only if it confoems to the "Statement of Faith" they agree to as a part of the creationer cult. If you have any new scientific data on creationism, you should come forward with it. Everything so far submitted by creationers has been completely lacking in evidence and totally unsubstantiated. Science is the process of learning and discovery, not reiterating theology. Have you ever stopped to consider that knowledge derives from inescapable conclusions drawn from the physical evidence that life has descended through millions of years from a common ancestor? Rational people accept biological evolution because that's what the evidence unambiguously tells us.

So.... since we have no evidence of the Biblical flood just a few thousand years ago and don't understand what ocean thermal vents are, what are these "fountains of the deep" you rattle on about?

Show us the magic.
Right on queue, but calm and collected as I have real science on my side. Your side doesn't even have an explanation.

"Two recent articles in Nature Geoscience may provide important validations of the global Flood. Did researchers find evidence of the “fountains of the great deep” that started the deluge?

Timothy Paulsen, from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and co-authors from Michigan Technological University and ETH Zurich, found evidence of a spike in volcanic activity and a rapid release of massive amounts of carbon dioxide just prior to the deposition of Cambrian rock layers.1

Cambrian rocks are considered by many creation geologists to represent the first extensive Flood deposits. Cambrian sediments are the bottom-most layer in the Sauk megasequence and contain fossils of the so-called Cambrian Explosion—the first sediments with prolific numbers of hard-shelled organisms.2"

I already posted the fountains of the deep youtube as proof, but here's another from UC Berkeley. These hydrothermal vents encircle the world along with plate tectonics. Atheist science can't explain them. Guess who discovered them? A group of marine scientists, but they called it like finding the garden of Eden. The thermal vents are the fountains of the great deep.

At least, Hollie is getting smarter but she still has a ways to go with her faith.

Why would you litter the science forum with nonsense from charlatans at the ICR?

From the ICR website:
"All origins research must begin with a premise.1 ICR holds that the biblical record of primeval history in Genesis 1–11 is factual, historical, and clearly understandable and, therefore, that all things were created and made in six literal days. Life exists because it was created on Earth by a living Creator. Further, the biblical Flood was global and cataclysmic, and its after-effects therefore explain most of the stratigraphic and fossil evidence found in the earth’s crust. It is within this framework that ICR research is conducted."

They literally shout out the bias. They announce they are dishonest.
Timothy Paulsen, from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and co-authors from Michigan Technological University and ETH Zurich, found evidence of a spike in volcanic activity and a rapid release of massive amounts of carbon dioxide just prior to the deposition of Cambrian rock layers.
The first reference you cited refers to the '
"Evidence of The Great Fountains of the Deep?" (<-- It is their question mark)
The authors say it is evidence of a rift, but it wasn't a source of flood water. It was a source of CO2.

The video you referenced concerns a peculiar tectonic shift that gave an unusual hydrothermal vent. The flow was a gentle flow of water. The water came from the ocean through a rift and shares the physics of a coffee percolator moving water by way of a temperature differential. It wasn't a source of water, just a flow.

None of that explains the hydrothermal vents as a source of flood water. Is there another source that shows where the flood water came from?

Why would you litter the science forum with nonsense from charlatans at the ICR?

From the ICR website:
"All origins research must begin with a premise.1 ICR holds that the biblical record of primeval history in Genesis 1–11 is factual, historical, and clearly understandable and, therefore, that all things were created and made in six literal days. Life exists because it was created on Earth by a living Creator. Further, the biblical Flood was global and cataclysmic, and its after-effects therefore explain most of the stratigraphic and fossil evidence found in the earth’s crust. It is within this framework that ICR research is conducted."

They literally shout out the bias. They announce they are dishonest.
They literally shout out the bias. They announce they are dishonest
Assuming the conclusion and filtering out contrary evidence is not science. At least they are honest about their dishonesty.

No, it isn't or else we would have had results already and the UC Berkeley website wouldn't be excusing itself as hypothesis.

I'm the one who knows both evolution and creation science, so it bothers atheists because science doesn't back up their religion.

No, it would not affect Christianity as religion. My claim is God didn't say anything about life elsewhere besides Earth. He focused on Earth as it was to be heaven. Unfortunately, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin against God which brought death into our lives. God had to leave the universe. Discovery of life on another planet would affect creation science. The Bible states God stopped creating on the sixth day. It means no life elsewhere.

We don't need to pile on evolution as its not observable nor testable so didn't even explain Earth or anything. Why don't you have any description of what happened to Earth in the billions of years we've been existence.

Thermal vents didn't create life from non-life. It's just another fail in evolution.

What is a hydrothermal vent?
Hydrothermal vents are the result of seawater percolating down through fissures in the ocean crust in the vicinity of spreading centers or subduction zones (places on Earth where two tectonic plates move away or towards one another). The cold seawater is heated by hot magma and reemerges to form the vents.
What is a hydrothermal vent?
Hydrothermal vents are the result of seawater percolating down through fissures in the ocean crust in the vicinity of spreading centers or subduction zones (places on Earth where two tectonic plates move away or towards one another). The cold seawater is heated by hot magma and reemerges to form the vents.
Thank you. That's pretty much what I said in post 549, but james won't see it because he has me on ignore.
What is a hydrothermal vent?
Hydrothermal vents are the result of seawater percolating down through fissures in the ocean crust in the vicinity of spreading centers or subduction zones (places on Earth where two tectonic plates move away or towards one another). The cold seawater is heated by hot magma and reemerges to form the vents.
It's found around the world and the "fountains of the great deep" or hydrothermal vents show that water came up from the oceans underground and helped cause the global flood. The Bible stated these vents way before 1977. It's another process where science backs up the Bible. You can say it didn't cause the flood, but if anyone knew, then it would've been nice if they mentioned it earlier.

Don't be like abu afak and state that he knew beforehand like with plate tectonics and the Himalayas and Mt. Everest when I said it first. I'm glad the idiot is banned temporarily. I pray I was the one who upset him to get banned lol. He's not worth discussing stuff with the way he gets so angry and upset. It shows low IQ. Anyway, I learned they are called hydrothermal vents from Hollie and you, too.
It's found around the world and the "fountains of the great deep" or hydrothermal vents show that water came up from the oceans underground and helped cause the global flood
They actually show precisely the opposite, as they show us that is an impossibility and very childish fantasy.
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You're desperately trying to convince yourself that your religious claims are true. I can't help but notice that you're unable to refute science data, you simply insist that the Bible is true and then launch into feverish tirades. You continue to parrot the slogan that evolution is neither testable or observable when the facts clearly identify otherwise.

The charlatans you call "creation scientists" invent what they "bring up" only if it confoems to the "Statement of Faith" they agree to as a part of the creationer cult. If you have any new scientific data on creationism, you should come forward with it. Everything so far submitted by creationers has been completely lacking in evidence and totally unsubstantiated. Science is the process of learning and discovery, not reiterating theology. Have you ever stopped to consider that knowledge derives from inescapable conclusions drawn from the physical evidence that life has descended through millions of years from a common ancestor? Rational people accept biological evolution because that's what the evidence unambiguously tells us.

So.... since we have no evidence of the Biblical flood just a few thousand years ago and don't understand what ocean thermal vents are, what are these "fountains of the deep" you rattle on about?

Show us the magic.
No, I stated from the beginning that it was creation science vs atheist science. I'm not trying to convince anybody to change sides or their religion. I'm beginning to think the creationists are right in that we teach creation science vs. evolution at the same time or one course.
It's found around the world and the "fountains of the great deep" or hydrothermal vents show that water came up from the oceans underground and helped cause the global flood. The Bible stated these vents way before 1977. It's another process where science backs up the Bible. You can say it didn't cause the flood, but if anyone knew, then it would've been nice if they mentioned it earlier.

Don't be like abu afak and state that he knew beforehand like with plate tectonics and the Himalayas and Mt. Everest when I said it first. I'm glad the idiot is banned temporarily. I pray I was the one who upset him to get banned lol. He's not worth discussing stuff with the way he gets so angry and upset. It shows low IQ. Anyway, I learned they are called hydrothermal vents from Hollie and you, too.

He's much brighter than you. Noah's flood is based on the much older Gilgamesh Myth. That's why the Gilgamesh Myth was found on tablets in Sumer, Dilmun and RasShamra a thousand years before there were any Hebrews.
They actually show precisely the opposite, as they show us that is an impossible and very childish fantasy.
It's surada who said water came up through the vents. I claimed science backs up the Bible and it helped cause the global flood. You don't read well prolly because you want to be right so badly when you're not. You act like a child. Bad Fort Fun Indiana. Bad. Bad. Bad.
No, I stated from the beginning that it was creation science vs atheist science. I'm not trying to convince anybody to change sides or their religion. I'm beginning to think the creationists are right in that we teach creation science vs. evolution at the same time or one course.

Absolutely not. Teach Cretan science in church and Sunday school
It's surada who said water came up through the vents. I claimed science backs up the Bible and it helped cause the global flood. You don't read well prolly because you want to be right so badly when you're not. You act like a child. Bad ouFort Fun Indiana. Bad. Bad. Bad.

You are talking about an artisan well and I'll wager you have never seen one and don't have a clue what they are.

What is Artesian Water & Is It Healthy? (& Potential Risks)
Aug 01, 2021 · An artesian well is produced by water flowing down an area of degraded land and passing into porous rock, such as gravel, limestone or sand. This porous rock substance needs to be located within a non-porous, impenetrable rock layer, which will create a high-pressure environment.

What is an Artesian Well? - Dales Water
Mar 07, 2013 · An artesian well is simply a well that doesn’t require a pump to bring water to the surface; this occurs when there is enough pressure in the aquifer. The pressure forces the water to the surface without any sort of assistance. A Free Flowing Artesian Borehole.
He's much brighter than you. Noah's flood is based on the much older Gilgamesh Myth. That's why the Gilgamesh Myth was found on tablets in Sumer, Dilmun and RasShamra a thousand years before there were any Hebrews.
LMAO. abu afak never mentioned any of the science before I did. Second, he starts attacking me with ad hominem attacks and then says what I said weeks later. If someone gets me that angry or bothers me that much, then I would just ignore them. Someone who bugged me to no end would be ignored. That would be Wuwei since he trolls me and the best way to deal with a troll is to ignore them. I don't have to go around and acting like a crybaby like Wuwei.

we can know that the true account was recorded by Moses and is found in Genesis 6–9. The many flood myths are retellings of the real event that have been distorted through centuries of passing down information. The earliest records of the event date back two millennia before Jesus was born. Some of these traditions are older than Moses’s writings, but that only confirms that these tablets were written earlier, not that the contents were original or correct.

MythCivilizationSimilarities to the Biblical Account
The Epic of GilgameshMesopotamiaConstruction of a boat, destruction of all humanity, dove, raven, sacrifice
The Ark of Nu’uHawaiiConstruction of a boat, Nu’u vs. Noah, rainbow, post-flood sacrifice
The Nüwa FloodChinaConstruction of a boat, Nüwa vs. Noah, divine judgment
Deucalion’s FloodGreeceConstruction of a boat, divine judgment
Manu’s FloodIndiaConstruction of a boat, preserving animals
Unu PachakutiIncaConstruction of a boat, divine judgment
Thai FloodThaiDivine judgment on human cruelty

I stated that the Gilgamesh story was based on a true event. The global flood which happened and was recorded by Moses. Creation scientists found plate tectonics and prolly found the hydrothermal vents. Atheist scientists wouldn't be looking for it.

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