LOL...Obama Turns To Michael Dukakis For Mid Term Election Strategy!!!!


May 29, 2010
If the White House is looking to Dukakis for advice on how to run a successful campaign, they must be real desperate. Jimmy Carter has now officially been replaced as worst president ever. Just last week Fritz Mondale was giving Obama and candidates advice. This looks like it's going to be a democratic upset of the worst.


Dukakis shared his strategy for midterm elections at the White House - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Former Massachusetts Governor Michael S. Dukakis, the failed 1988 presidential nominee, recently visited the White House and delivered his strategy for the midterm elections: pound key precincts across the country with the message that Republicans want to implement the same policies that led to the Great Recession.

Dukakis, who said in a telephone interview that he "popped in" to the White House while on a trip here several weeks ago, said he told aides to President Obama that Republicans "want to go back and do exactly what got us in this mess in the first place."

"It seems to me there has to be a single message coming from Democrats, from the president on down," Dukakis said. "We've got to pound that message as hard as can from now until November."

Dukakis said that it was also important for Democrats to remind voters that former President George W. Bush left the country with an increasing deficit.

Urging Democrats to focus the message through grassroots efforts in key precincts, Dukakis concluded: "If we do that and deliver this message over and over again, we are going to be OK."
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The last thing the Democrats should be doing is reminding citizens about George Bush. Unemployment was at 4.6 %. The DOW was 14,000 and home values were high. 401Ks were intact and last but not least, Terrorists were afraid of the US.

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