London on Lockdown

The fact that you are so certain of your claims, only proves how out of touch with reality you are. Nothing cultural or racial going on here. Move on now. Got it. ;) WTFU.

She was accusing Muslims of being involved somehow even before she knew what was going on. This much is true. All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.

MO, Syrenn wasn't accusing any one.. She simply asked a question.
Maybe it would have satisfied you had she asked in a different light, I don't know.
But for goodness sake leave her alone. She's always good to all in here for the most part and has never said or even implied racist opinions.
Quite frankly the way blacks are behaving here these day.. They would have been my first thought as to who...... Muslims only act this way in there own countries, at least for now anyway.

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So Blaggar...

who is doing the rioting?

It has nothing to do with Muslims Syrenn. It started because of the killing by the police of a black guy in a taxi.

The family, friends and community wanted an explanation by the police and they kept them waiting too long. No one is sure how that changed into a riot and looting but possibly more and more people came. There is a thread with links in the Europe session.

It has spread because now people are texting each other on their mobile phones and going off to loot their favourite shops.

What seems to be the general consensus is that it would be stupid to give any single explanation for why this has arison. It seems to be many things, gangs which have been allowed to grow on estates, mass unemployment, not able to afford to carry on further education, dramatic (75%) reduction in funding for needed youth services, mistrust of the police, no hope for the future and nothing to lose.

People are just going on the rampage. Burning homes and business and looting all they can.

What is mentioned always is that it is the YOUTH. Some just early teens.

We have had a growing problem of gangs on estates and I suspect a lot is them on their cell phones organising thinking they are being cool.

I can understand Blagger being scared.

and yes, it is mainly African Caribbean neighbourhoods but black people are getting their homes and businesses burnt as well and white people are joining in. It is not a race issue.


As much as a lot of people would rather bury their heads in the sand, this is indeed a racial issue. A white police officer shot and killed a black man. His family converged upon the local police station demanding answers. A female member of the family instigated violence (I think she chucked half a brick at the police representative and she was duly restrained, though I could be wrong).

Can you provide the link to the family member being the person who started the rioting and looting because I have not heard it.

A large group of blacks then went on the rampage, but in their heady path of destruction they got distracted by all the goodies left unguarded. Large groups of blacks and muslim hangers-on form the core of the rioters. Granted, there are some white aggitators, but nowhere near the number minorities.

Of course they were nowhere near the number of blacks because this is happening in predominantly black neighbourhoods. Muslim hangers on :eusa_whistle: Where did you see this. Someone say 'here come the black bastards and a few Muslims hanging on.'

I don't think the same reaction would've been provoked had it been a black marksman that had pulled the trigger on Duggan. The black communities in London have a history of manipulating the tentative issue of racial sensitivity in their favour. I wonder why it is that all the hotspots are where there are large, international sportwear chains? I'll give you a clue: it's not a coincidence.

Might have something a little more to do with the fact that he died under fishy circumstances which they needed explained. Our police do not usually shoot people in taxi's do they? You do know by now that the original excuse that he had shot at a policeman who was only saved by his mobile has been shown to be incorrect, don't you?

There you are just showing your racism and to be honest craziness when you start suggesting that riots come about because black people want what is in sports shops.

Do not try to claim superior knowledge on this. I worked in Brixton when the 81 riots happened which were race riots or to be more exact they were riots caused by racism. I worked in FE on trying to change the issues which gave rise to them, which for most UK people have been fixed. Even most Islamohpbes are not against blacks any more. I was on a forum when a new member of the BNP said he agreed with their opinion on Muslims, but not that on blacks but he thought he would get used to it.

You make me so angry with your ignorant racism. 25 years ago my child had a friend at school who didn't like the colour of his face. Wonder why. Because of the thinking of people like you.

A different perspective to yours

One journalist wrote that he was surprised how many people in Tottenham knew of and were critical of the IPCC, but there should be nothing surprising about this. When you look at the figures for deaths in police custody (at least 333 since 1998 and not a single conviction of any police officer for any of them), then the IPCC and the courts are seen by many, quite reasonably, to be protecting the police rather than the people.

Combine understandable suspicion of and resentment towards the police based on experience and memory with high poverty and large unemployment and the reasons why people are taking to the streets become clear. (Haringey, the borough that includes Tottenham, has the fourth highest level of child poverty in London and an unemployment rate of 8.8%, double the national average, with one vacancy for every 54 seeking work in the borough.)

Those condemning the events of the past couple of nights in north London and elsewhere would do well to take a step back and consider the bigger picture: a country in which the richest 10% are now 100 times better off than the poorest, where consumerism predicated on personal debt has been pushed for years as the solution to a faltering economy, and where, according to the OECD, social mobility is worse than any other developed country.

There is a context to London's riots that can't be ignored | Nina Power | Comment is free |
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MO, Syrenn wasn't accusing any one.. She simply asked a question.
Maybe it would have satisfied you had she asked in a different light, I don't know.
But for goodness sake leave her alone. She's always good to all in here for the most part and has never said or even implied racist opinions.
Quite frankly the way blacks are behaving here these day.. They would have been my first thought as to who...... Muslims only act this way in there own countries, at least for now anyway.


Mind explaining this?
The fact that you are so certain of your claims, only proves how out of touch with reality you are. Nothing cultural or racial going on here. Move on now. Got it. ;) WTFU.

She was accusing Muslims of being involved somehow even before she knew what was going on. This much is true. All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.

The reports I see state plainly that the perpetrators are an out of control youth gang culture, that neither their society, teachers, or parents can control. It is cultural, it clearly has no respect for he life or property of others, right and wrong, or being accountable.

What breeds that mind set Modbert? What, in the human mind makes arson, violence, theft, okay? When we blow away the rule of law, due process, what is left? Anarchy? Lawlessness? Last Man Standing? The Military is long overdue.

All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.
They are reacting to what they see, and have seen in past experience. What is sad is the violence that is going on unnecessarily and the cost of repair. What is sad is a culture that defends need or want over virtue. The Means justifies the end. What you sow you reap. Rich or poor, why are we not satisfied with living within our means. How many lives and livelihoods are being destroyed right now? To what end? For what possible justification? England was a Sanctuary to these kids parents. Life is tough, we all need to get over our hang ups. There is nothing that justifies you, or I, or them rioting. That is the main issue, not whether someone questions their ethnic or religious make up.
Riots now in Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. This is so not about race. this is mindless hooliganism.
Started with the proverbial race card, played by the family in the first place.

But hey, we have plenty of Korean business owners here in So. Cal. who are quite adept at taking up arms and protecting their interests.......I see a grand opportunity to make serious money by renting them out to the brit business owners who's businesses need protecting.
It's not a race issue. It's a thug issue. From what I'm seeing, the race of the guy killed by the police was not the issue.... the issue was that the police shot him and didn't tell his family. His family, however, are not involved in the riots and have asked for it to stop. The shooting was an excuse, not a reason. These kids are just fucking thugs. They're calling it 'recreational rioting'.

Recreational rioting? WTF? Who raises these monsters?
It IS a race issue, CG..........Had he been white, there would not be blacks running around and rioting like the cowards they are........They wouldn't have given a damn.

I am sitting and watching the riots right now, as I type. There are blacks running around and rioting.... and there are a significant number of whites rioting right along side them. If this is a race riot, please explain why we have blacks and whites rioting together - not fighting each other... they are attacking all kinds of shit but not each other.

Well put. You hit the nail on the head.
MO, Syrenn wasn't accusing any one.. She simply asked a question.
Maybe it would have satisfied you had she asked in a different light, I don't know.
But for goodness sake leave her alone. She's always good to all in here for the most part and has never said or even implied racist opinions.
Quite frankly the way blacks are behaving here these day.. They would have been my first thought as to who...... Muslims only act this way in there own countries, at least for now anyway.


Mind explaining this?

Simply put.. she wondered if they were Muslims, She wasn't accusing but rather asking for information. She clearly stated she was unaware of what had occurred.
It was an innocent approach to gather information and become a part of the thread.
Please, let it go.

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00.57 Blackberry Messenger texts being circulated and seen by the Daily Telegraph calls for a riot in Southampton town centre on Friday night.

00.45 Cars torched in Grove St, Toxteth, Liverpool, ITV news reporter Ben Schofield says. An unmanned police station in Holyhead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham has been torched. Looting reported in Crystal Palace, London. Police have told all London football clubs to cancel matches.

00.41 Residents in Croydon have been evacuated due to the spreading fire, reports Guardian's Matthew Taylor. An officer tells him: "We can't cope. We have passed breaking point."

00.29 Carphone Warehouse on fire in Clapham Junction. Fires reported in Camden.

00.28 BBC: Residents in Clapham Junction have been told to evacuate their homes by police because of gas canisters in a blazing party supplies shop.

00.27 Reports of gangs of youths smashing shop windows in Romford Market, Essex.

London riots: live - Telegraph
The fact that you are so certain of your claims, only proves how out of touch with reality you are. Nothing cultural or racial going on here. Move on now. Got it. ;) WTFU.

She was accusing Muslims of being involved somehow even before she knew what was going on. This much is true. All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.

The reports I see state plainly that the perpetrators are an out of control youth gang culture, that neither their society, teachers, or parents can control. It is cultural, it clearly has no respect for he life or property of others, right and wrong, or being accountable.

What breeds that mind set Modbert? What, in the human mind makes arson, violence, theft, okay? When we blow away the rule of law, due process, what is left? Anarchy? Lawlessness? Last Man Standing? The Military is long overdue.

All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.
They are reacting to what they see, and have seen in past experience. What is sad is the violence that is going on unnecessarily and the cost of repair. What is sad is a culture that defends need or want over virtue. The Means justifies the end. What you sow you reap. Rich or poor, why are we not satisfied with living within our means. How many lives and livelihoods are being destroyed right now? To what end? For what possible justification? England was a Sanctuary to these kids parents. Life is tough, we all need to get over our hang ups. There is nothing that justifies you, or I, or them rioting. That is the main issue, not whether someone questions their ethnic or religious make up.

They seem to be able to afford blackberries :eusa_whistle:

it is not a problem of living within your means.... it is about wanting what others have...regardless of how you get it.
Riots now in Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. This is so not about race. this is mindless hooliganism.

Not to make light of the situation, but when the same thing happened in Egypt it was called the Arab Spring.

Poverty makes people do bad things sometimes.
Riots now in Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. This is so not about race. this is mindless hooliganism.

Yup. They're spreading everywhere. Unmanned police station is on fire in Birmingham too.

Yep. Loads of areas of London are having massive problems. I'm watching it. If it was race related, I would call it a race riot and risk the wrath of the apologists. But this isn't. I'm watching right now - blacks and whites are rioting. And blacks and whites are having their homes and businesses trashed. Some of these rioters are just children - 12/13 years old.

00.57 Blackberry Messenger texts being circulated and seen by the Daily Telegraph calls for a riot in Southampton town centre on Friday night.

00.45 Cars torched in Grove St, Toxteth, Liverpool, ITV news reporter Ben Schofield says. An unmanned police station in Holyhead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham has been torched. Looting reported in Crystal Palace, London. Police have told all London football clubs to cancel matches.

00.41 Residents in Croydon have been evacuated due to the spreading fire, reports Guardian's Matthew Taylor. An officer tells him: "We can't cope. We have passed breaking point."

00.29 Carphone Warehouse on fire in Clapham Junction. Fires reported in Camden.

00.28 BBC: Residents in Clapham Junction have been told to evacuate their homes by police because of gas canisters in a blazing party supplies shop.

00.27 Reports of gangs of youths smashing shop windows in Romford Market, Essex.

London riots: live - Telegraph

Maybe England should shut down the Blackberry messenger service.
Riots now in Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. This is so not about race. this is mindless hooliganism.

Yup. They're spreading everywhere. Unmanned police station is on fire in Birmingham too.

Yep. Loads of areas of London are having massive problems. I'm watching it. If it was race related, I would call it a race riot and risk the wrath of the apologists. But this isn't. I'm watching right now - blacks and whites are rioting. And blacks and whites are having their homes and businesses trashed. Some of these rioters are just children - 12/13 years old.

Time to start shooting them.....

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