London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

Stick to the topic Internet crusader jihadi terrorist ass kisser. Better yet, show us how you can drive over an old woman at a bus stop, "defensively" as the Palestinian and ISIS animals do. Which is why there's no difference between the two.

While I am against any killing, even for national liberation. To single out the Palestinians, an occupied people, when other national liberation organizations used the same tactics, is absurd. The French Resistance, the Partisans throughout Europe, the ANC freedom fighters, the Algerian FLN, and many others were far more violent than the Palestinians. Just because Jews are the military occupiers doesn't change their status as military occupiers. The white South Africans, the French in Algeria, etc. were no different than the current Jewish occupiers.
So according to donkey breath here, it's absurd to single out people that drive over and stab innocent civilians? :cuckoo:

Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.
While I am against any killing, even for national liberation. To single out the Palestinians, an occupied people, when other national liberation organizations used the same tactics, is absurd. The French Resistance, the Partisans throughout Europe, the ANC freedom fighters, the Algerian FLN, and many others were far more violent than the Palestinians. Just because Jews are the military occupiers doesn't change their status as military occupiers. The white South Africans, the French in Algeria, etc. were no different than the current Jewish occupiers.
So according to donkey breath here, it's absurd to single out people that drive over and stab innocent civilians? :cuckoo:

Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.

Direct response to 60sFan false assertion below. Quit spamming.

"The Jews are the colonized ones."
So according to donkey breath here, it's absurd to single out people that drive over and stab innocent civilians? :cuckoo:

Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.

Direct response to 60sFan false assertion below. Quit spamming.

"The Jews are the colonized ones."

Your post had absolutely nothing to do with:
London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing
Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.

Direct response to 60sFan false assertion below. Quit spamming.

"The Jews are the colonized ones."

Your post had absolutely nothing to do with:
London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

Of course it does. The difference is that the Palestinians are people whoae land was colonized (and now live under occupation) by Europeans. Violent resistance by colonized and people under occupation is one of the differences.
The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.

Direct response to 60sFan false assertion below. Quit spamming.

"The Jews are the colonized ones."
Your post had absolutely nothing to do with:
London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

Of course it does. The difference is that the Palestinians are people whoae land was colonized (and now live under occupation) by Europeans. Violent resistance by colonized and people under occupation is one of the differences.

So tell us, then, about the land colonized by the European Christian Crusaders. You're obviously selective about who you choose to try and vilify with your silly "Zionist Invaders" slogans.

While the Jewish people were encouraged to immigrate to the area designated as the Jewish National Home, who encouraged the Christian Crusaders to colonize the area?
Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.

Direct response to 60sFan false assertion below. Quit spamming.

"The Jews are the colonized ones."

Your post had absolutely nothing to do with:
London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

Same Koran, same idea of an Islamist caliphate and the same Islamic terrorist tactics directed at the non-Islamics.
Stick to the topic Internet crusader jihadi terrorist ass kisser. Better yet, show us how you can drive over an old woman at a bus stop, "defensively" as the Palestinian and ISIS animals do. Which is why there's no difference between the two.

While I am against any killing, even for national liberation. To single out the Palestinians, an occupied people, when other national liberation organizations used the same tactics, is absurd. The French Resistance, the Partisans throughout Europe, the ANC freedom fighters, the Algerian FLN, and many others were far more violent than the Palestinians. Just because Jews are the military occupiers doesn't change their status as military occupiers. The white South Africans, the French in Algeria, etc. were no different than the current Jewish occupiers.
So according to donkey breath here, it's absurd to single out people that drive over and stab innocent civilians? :cuckoo:

Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Let's not confuse the nutters with the facts.
The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.

Direct response to 60sFan false assertion below. Quit spamming.

"The Jews are the colonized ones."
Your post had absolutely nothing to do with:
London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

Of course it does. The difference is that the Palestinians are people whoae land was colonized (and now live under occupation) by Europeans. Violent resistance by colonized and people under occupation is one of the differences.
So, you consider driving over an old Israeli woman standing at a bus stop, "violent resistance", as do the ISIS supporters. In other words, not only do the Palestinian animals and the ISIS animals kill innocent people in the same manner, their supporters also repeat the same justifications.

Thank you for proving my point.
The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Yet another off topic irrelevant meaningless spam that Monte posts regardless of what the topic is.

Direct response to 60sFan false assertion below. Quit spamming.

"The Jews are the colonized ones."
Your post had absolutely nothing to do with:
London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

Same Koran, same idea of an Islamist caliphate and the same Islamic terrorist tactics directed at the non-Islamics.
As a matter of fact, the ISIS terrorist animals learned a lot from the Pslestinian terrorist animals.
While I am against any killing, even for national liberation. To single out the Palestinians, an occupied people, when other national liberation organizations used the same tactics, is absurd. The French Resistance, the Partisans throughout Europe, the ANC freedom fighters, the Algerian FLN, and many others were far more violent than the Palestinians. Just because Jews are the military occupiers doesn't change their status as military occupiers. The white South Africans, the French in Algeria, etc. were no different than the current Jewish occupiers.
So according to donkey breath here, it's absurd to single out people that drive over and stab innocent civilians? :cuckoo:

Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Let's not confuse the nutters with the facts.

Correct. The fact is: the Jewish people were invited / encouraged to immigrate to the area called Palestine to re establish the Jewish National Home.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
So according to donkey breath here, it's absurd to single out people that drive over and stab innocent civilians? :cuckoo:

Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Let's not confuse the nutters with the facts.

Correct. The fact is: the Jewish people were invited / encouraged to immigrate to the area called Palestine to re establish the Jewish National Home.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?

The fact is: the Jewish people were invited /
By people who had no authority to do so.
Whether the ANC bombed shopping centers filled with whites, or the Algerians bombed French cafes in Algiers, doesn't change the fact that occupied people, unfortunately, do whatever they can to resist oppression. The Palestinians are resisting a foreign military occupation, if they had better weapons they would do things differently.

But even the Algerians did whatever they could to attack the oppressor. Do you think the colonizing Jews in Palestine deserve to be treated differently by the oppressed than the colonizing French in Algeria, for some reason.

The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

Let's not confuse the nutters with the facts.

Correct. The fact is: the Jewish people were invited / encouraged to immigrate to the area called Palestine to re establish the Jewish National Home.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?

The fact is: the Jewish people were invited /
By people who had no authority to do so.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
The Jews are the colonized ones. And you do know it, Habibi.

The Jews, on their Ancient Jewish Homeland, are doing exactly what every other indigenous people on their own land has ever done. DEFEND THEMSELVES and keep the invading colonizers away.
The Kurds defended themselves against Sadam Hussein and now ISIL.

Arabs/Muslims are the invaders since the 7th Century, and you do know that very well.
They have been kicked out from Spain and other parts of Europe.
Northern Africa never got to be rid of them.

Muslims do not like it when they lose land or wars, or anything else.

ESPECIALLY to their "lowly" Jews, who were nothing but a punching bag to Muslims for 1300 years before the recreation of the State of Israel on Jewish ancient land.

And you continue to think that you can fool others with your revisionist garbage.

Raise your hands those who take Monte's words as nothing but the truth !!!

The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Let's not confuse the nutters with the facts.

Correct. The fact is: the Jewish people were invited / encouraged to immigrate to the area called Palestine to re establish the Jewish National Home.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
The fact is: the Jewish people were invited /
By people who had no authority to do so.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
Conquest was not illegal back then. It was in1948.
The Jews were Europeans, from another continent. They were of course colonizers. But don't take it from me, they said it clearly themselves, even in the New York Times.

"An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”
The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers."

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

uly 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee"

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Europeans are not the indigenous people of Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine are people that have always lived in Palestine. The Arabians were not settler colonists no more than the Crusaders were. They conquered to rule (and tax) the native people. How many people do you think the Arabian desert could support in those days?

Changing religion from Judaism to Christianity, as the indigenous Jews (and Samaritans and Pagans) of Palestine did after Christianity became the Roman State religion, , does not change their ancestry. They remain the indigenous people though they follow Christianity and Islam. The Zionists were Europeans.

And for the coup de grace, here is something from a site that cannot possibly be anti-Israel called

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Let's not confuse the nutters with the facts.

Correct. The fact is: the Jewish people were invited / encouraged to immigrate to the area called Palestine to re establish the Jewish National Home.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
The fact is: the Jewish people were invited /
By people who had no authority to do so.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
Conquest was not illegal back then. It was in1948.

So, we can agree that you excuse Arab-Moslem conquest along arbitrary timelines.

What conquest occurred in 1948?
Let's not confuse the nutters with the facts.

Correct. The fact is: the Jewish people were invited / encouraged to immigrate to the area called Palestine to re establish the Jewish National Home.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
The fact is: the Jewish people were invited /
By people who had no authority to do so.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
Conquest was not illegal back then. It was in1948.

So, we can agree that you excuse Arab-Moslem conquest along arbitrary timelines.

What conquest occurred in 1948?
:eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: Why do you post here when you don't know jack shit?
Correct. The fact is: the Jewish people were invited / encouraged to immigrate to the area called Palestine to re establish the Jewish National Home.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
The fact is: the Jewish people were invited /
By people who had no authority to do so.

So, the questions remain fully unanswered. Who invited Muhamnedans to conquer / colonize the area? Who invited the xtian Crusaders?
Conquest was not illegal back then. It was in1948.

So, we can agree that you excuse Arab-Moslem conquest along arbitrary timelines.

What conquest occurred in 1948?
:eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: Why do you post here when you don't know jack shit?

Your usual retreat to nonsensical banter when you have no argument.
Perhaps the reason all these islamic terrorist groups behave the same is because their leaders are all graduates of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is basically the Harvard of Islamic terrorism. Ben Laden, Zawahiri, Arafat, Hamas, etc. are all Muslim Brotherhood honoraries.
The Manchester suicide bomber watched videos from Gaza to learn bomb making. Israel is the canary. When the world stops us from dealing effectively with Islamic terror in Gaza, eventually the world suffers just as we do.

(full article online)

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