Long Island Teen Accepted to 8 Ivy League Colleges Chooses Yale

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Its news because its unprecedented. Plenty of people get turned down. You just told on yourself that you are a scrub that never went to college. Grades are not the only thing they look at. They also look at how well rounded the kid is. So a kid with a lower SAT but well rounded will get in before a kid with a perfect SAT and thats all they do is study like a little Poindexter.

Hey dumbass, colleges weigh different aspects as per what creates the excuse to help them meet demographic quotas whereby they receive more grant $$, etc.
Most colleges right now put more weight into GPA so they can attract more less-qualified minorities. SAT and ACT pit apples against apples but that's too fair to allow for accommodating blacks.

You dont know what you are talking about. They want well rounded students over GPA. Evidently the college experience was never offered to you.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. I just went through this process with my own kid. When my insulated whitie friends challenge me on my experience dealing with ghetto black racism I'll just direct them to a string of your posts.
Hey dumbass, colleges weigh different aspects as per what creates the excuse to help them meet demographic quotas whereby they receive more grant $$, etc.
Most colleges right now put more weight into GPA so they can attract more less-qualified minorities. SAT and ACT pit apples against apples but that's too fair to allow for accommodating blacks.

You dont know what you are talking about. They want well rounded students over GPA. Evidently the college experience was never offered to you.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. I just went through this process with my own kid. When my insulated whitie friends challenge me on my experience dealing with ghetto black racism I'll just direct them to a string of your posts.

We totally believe you. You are too stupid to tie your own shoes let alone influence someone to get into college. You need to prove that. Everyone knows you are lying just like you lied about being a coach. Thanks for admitting you never went to college.
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It's only news because he is a negro.

If the kid was white or asian it wouldn't be in the news. .. :cool:

If a white or asian kid got accepted into 8 Ivy league schools it would be news. Its never been done until now...:cool:

How would we know that it's never been done until now? Have the 8 Ivy League school kept a common database of students which have approved applications? This is not to take away from this kid's accomplishment, but logic would dictate that a student with "first round draft pick" credentials would stand an excellent chance to be accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools if he took the time to apply to all 8. Most students probably do not do this. This is a nice human interest story, but I would be very surprised if no one has ever been excepted at all 8 schools before. Just because no one here has been motivated to do the dective work to find out who those people are does not mean it's never happened.
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Still going to Yale after being accepted by 8...countem 8 Ivy league schools....:cool:
I fail to see what's the big deal?

Because even Ivy League schools have to meet their mandated AA quota. . :cool:

Prove it was AA. The big deal is he got accepted to all 8 and you never even graduated like you told me...
I graduated college because of "white privilege". . :thup:

First, my "white privilege" got me drafted for Vietnam.

Then my "white privilege" gave me the G.I. Bill when I got out of the service.

Next my "white privilege" allowed me to work 2 part time jobs while going to school.

Lastly, my "white privilege" allowed me to study hard and graduate. .

All due to "white privilege"!! . :eusa_angel:
It's only news because he is a negro.

If the kid was white or asian it wouldn't be in the news. .. :cool:

If a white or asian kid got accepted into 8 Ivy league schools it would be news. Its never been done until now...:cool:

How would we know that it's never been done until now? Have the 8 Ivy League school kept a common database of students which have approved applications? This is not to take away from this kid's accomplishment, but logic would dictate that a student with "first round draft pick" credentials would stand an excellent chance to be accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools if he took the time to apply to all 8. Most students probably do not do this. This is a nice human interest story, but I would be very surprised if no one has ever been excepted at all 8 schools before. Just because no one here has been motivated to do the dective work to find out who those people are does not mean it's never happened.

You are not making any sense. It was unprecedented which means no one ever did it before. If someone had done it there would be no story, no piece in time magazine, no press conference.

If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. It doesnt matter if no one else applied to all 8 schools. The fact is that they didnt or if they did they did not get accepted. So go ahead and be surprised because no one has ever been accepted to all 8 schools.
I fail to see what's the big deal?

Because even Ivy League schools have to meet their mandated AA quota. . :cool:

Prove it was AA. The big deal is he got accepted to all 8 and you never even graduated like you told me...
I graduated college because of "white privilege". . :thup:

First, my "white privilege" got me drafted for Vietnam.

Then my "white privilege" gave me the G.I. Bill when I got out of the service.

Next my "white privilege" allowed me to work 2 part time jobs while going to school.

Lastly, my "white privilege" allowed me to study hard and graduate. .

All due to "white privilege"!! . :eusa_angel:

You told me that you flunked out of high school and now work as a janitor. I never forget anything. I still need you to prove it was AA that got this kid in. Lets see some documentation instead of your witless conversation.....:cool:
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If a white or asian kid got accepted into 8 Ivy league schools it would be news. Its never been done until now...:cool:

How would we know that it's never been done until now? Have the 8 Ivy League school kept a common database of students which have approved applications? This is not to take away from this kid's accomplishment, but logic would dictate that a student with "first round draft pick" credentials would stand an excellent chance to be accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools if he took the time to apply to all 8. Most students probably do not do this. This is a nice human interest story, but I would be very surprised if no one has ever been excepted at all 8 schools before. Just because no one here has been motivated to do the dective work to find out who those people are does not mean it's never happened.

You are not making any sense. It was unprecedented which means no one ever did it before. If someone had done it there would be no story, no piece in time magazine, no press conference.

If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. It doesnt matter if no one else applied to all 8 schools. The fact is that they didnt or if they did they did not get accepted. So go ahead and be surprised because no one has ever been accepted to all 8 schools.

I don't beleive that if someone were accepted to all 8 schools 50 years ago that anyone would necessarily remember today. Just because the reporter that wrote the story says it is unprecedented does not mean that he did the massive amount of research required to prove it was truly unprecedented.

And yes, being accepted to all 8 schools can easily happen without it being a major story. If the student doesn't announce to the world that he was accepted at all 8 school's, who else is to know? Each of the schools do not know what other schools accept a particular student.

It can be very difficult to prove a negative. You would have us beleive that of the thousands of students that have applied to these universities over a time period of over a hundred years that not one had been accepted to all 8 until now?
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Congrats to him.

All schools love to get a smart African, they are not easy to find and it proves their not racist.

At least he's in school and not out raping like alot of other ones are
How would we know that it's never been done until now? Have the 8 Ivy League school kept a common database of students which have approved applications? This is not to take away from this kid's accomplishment, but logic would dictate that a student with "first round draft pick" credentials would stand an excellent chance to be accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools if he took the time to apply to all 8. Most students probably do not do this. This is a nice human interest story, but I would be very surprised if no one has ever been excepted at all 8 schools before. Just because no one here has been motivated to do the dective work to find out who those people are does not mean it's never happened.

You are not making any sense. It was unprecedented which means no one ever did it before. If someone had done it there would be no story, no piece in time magazine, no press conference.

If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. It doesnt matter if no one else applied to all 8 schools. The fact is that they didnt or if they did they did not get accepted. So go ahead and be surprised because no one has ever been accepted to all 8 schools.

I don't beleive that if someone were accepted to all 8 schools 50 years ago that anyone would necessarily remember today. Just because the reporter that wrote the story says it is unprecedented does not mean that he did the massive amount of research required to prove it was truly unprecedented.

And yes, being accepted to all 8 schools can easily happen without it being a major story. If the student doesn't announce to the world that he was accepted at all 8 school's, who else is to know? Each of the schools do not know what other schools accept a particular student.

If it happened before they would have fact checked that and found out. Its on you to prove they did not fact check. Where is your proof? Also he did not announce to the world. They sought him out. Bottom line. History will record him as the first to do it. You and the other clowns being jealous and trying to make up excuses to belittle the accomplishment only shows what small lives you have led. Excuses are the hallmark of a loser. Hang on while I laugh at you.....:lol:
I wish there were more like this guy, then they wouldn't have to leave Africa to find a Ivy school.
And the Piece of Shit of the Day Award goes to:

Congrats to him.

All schools love to get a smart African, they are not easy to find and it proves their not racist.

At least he's in school and not out raping like alot of other ones are
Jesus you all are a bunch of assholes.

Good for the kid. He has a wonderful future ahead of him.
You are not making any sense. It was unprecedented which means no one ever did it before. If someone had done it there would be no story, no piece in time magazine, no press conference.

If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. It doesnt matter if no one else applied to all 8 schools. The fact is that they didnt or if they did they did not get accepted. So go ahead and be surprised because no one has ever been accepted to all 8 schools.

I don't beleive that if someone were accepted to all 8 schools 50 years ago that anyone would necessarily remember today. Just because the reporter that wrote the story says it is unprecedented does not mean that he did the massive amount of research required to prove it was truly unprecedented.

And yes, being accepted to all 8 schools can easily happen without it being a major story. If the student doesn't announce to the world that he was accepted at all 8 school's, who else is to know? Each of the schools do not know what other schools accept a particular student.

If it happened before they would have fact checked that and found out. Its on you to prove they did not fact check. Where is your proof? Also he did not announce to the world. They sought him out. Bottom line. History will record him as the first to do it. You and the other clowns being jealous and trying to make up excuses to belittle the accomplishment only shows what small lives you have led. Excuses are the hallmark of a loser. Hang on while I laugh at you.....:lol:

And just how do you fact check such a thing? Do you really think the reporter obtained all the records of everyone who was accepted at the 8 schools over hundreds of years and did a cross reference to determine this guy is the first to be accepted at all 8? Use a little common sense! It takes a lot more than a google search to fact check something like this.

Edit: I have not found a quote in any of these news stories that I have read that this is unprecedented. I'm not going to subscribe to be able to use you link in the OP.
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