Long Island Teen Accepted to 8 Ivy League Colleges Chooses Yale

I don't beleive that if someone were accepted to all 8 schools 50 years ago that anyone would necessarily remember today. Just because the reporter that wrote the story says it is unprecedented does not mean that he did the massive amount of research required to prove it was truly unprecedented.

And yes, being accepted to all 8 schools can easily happen without it being a major story. If the student doesn't announce to the world that he was accepted at all 8 school's, who else is to know? Each of the schools do not know what other schools accept a particular student.

If it happened before they would have fact checked that and found out. Its on you to prove they did not fact check. Where is your proof? Also he did not announce to the world. They sought him out. Bottom line. History will record him as the first to do it. You and the other clowns being jealous and trying to make up excuses to belittle the accomplishment only shows what small lives you have led. Excuses are the hallmark of a loser. Hang on while I laugh at you.....:lol:

And just how do you fact check such a thing? Do you really think the reporter obtained all the records of everyone who was accepted at the 8 schools over hundreds of years and did a cross reference to determine this guy is the first to be accepted at all 8? Use a little common sense! It takes a lot more than a google search to fact check something like this.

Yes thats what they are employed to do before making a claim. On top of that they have people behind them trying to discredit their stories by fact checking themselves and calling the original news breaker out.

Since you dont know how to fact check and have no proof it was not done why would anyone give merit to what you have to say about it? You are too clueless to understand a large part of their job is fact checking. Your opinion does not change the fact he is in the history books. You dont like? Tough.
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If it happened before they would have fact checked that and found out. Its on you to prove they did not fact check. Where is your proof? Also he did not announce to the world. They sought him out. Bottom line. History will record him as the first to do it. You and the other clowns being jealous and trying to make up excuses to belittle the accomplishment only shows what small lives you have led. Excuses are the hallmark of a loser. Hang on while I laugh at you.....:lol:

And just how do you fact check such a thing? Do you really think the reporter obtained all the records of everyone who was accepted at the 8 schools over hundreds of years and did a cross reference to determine this guy is the first to be accepted at all 8? Use a little common sense! It takes a lot more than a google search to fact check something like this.

Yes thats what they are employed to do before making a claim. On top of that they have people behind them trying to discredit their stories by fact checking themselves and calling the original news breaker out.

Since you dont know how to fact check and have no proof it was not done why would anyone give merit to what you have to say about it? You are too clueless to understand a large part of their job is fact checking. Your opinion does not change the fact he is in the history books. You dont like? Tough.

I have enough sense to know that many of the records that would need to be checked either no longer exist or are filed in the basements of different buildings located hundreds of miles apart at the various schools.
And just how do you fact check such a thing? Do you really think the reporter obtained all the records of everyone who was accepted at the 8 schools over hundreds of years and did a cross reference to determine this guy is the first to be accepted at all 8? Use a little common sense! It takes a lot more than a google search to fact check something like this.

Yes thats what they are employed to do before making a claim. On top of that they have people behind them trying to discredit their stories by fact checking themselves and calling the original news breaker out.

Since you dont know how to fact check and have no proof it was not done why would anyone give merit to what you have to say about it? You are too clueless to understand a large part of their job is fact checking. Your opinion does not change the fact he is in the history books. You dont like? Tough.

I have enough sense to know that many of the records that would need to be checked either no longer exist or are filed in the basements of different buildings located hundreds of miles apart at the various schools.

Where is your proof of this? You dont appear to have any sense because you assume the records dont exist or they are hidden.
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Good for the kid, must be smart and a hard worker. I want to know how much he spent on application fees though.
And just how do you fact check such a thing? Do you really think the reporter obtained all the records of everyone who was accepted at the 8 schools over hundreds of years and did a cross reference to determine this guy is the first to be accepted at all 8? Use a little common sense! It takes a lot more than a google search to fact check something like this.

Yes thats what they are employed to do before making a claim. On top of that they have people behind them trying to discredit their stories by fact checking themselves and calling the original news breaker out.

Since you dont know how to fact check and have no proof it was not done why would anyone give merit to what you have to say about it? You are too clueless to understand a large part of their job is fact checking. Your opinion does not change the fact he is in the history books. You dont like? Tough.

I have enough sense to know that many of the records that would need to be checked either no longer exist or are filed in the basements of different buildings located hundreds of miles apart at the various schools.

OK..so in other words.... if this HAS been done before...it has not been in a really really long time.

So still good for him.
Yes thats what they are employed to do before making a claim. On top of that they have people behind them trying to discredit their stories by fact checking themselves and calling the original news breaker out.

Since you dont know how to fact check and have no proof it was not done why would anyone give merit to what you have to say about it? You are too clueless to understand a large part of their job is fact checking. Your opinion does not change the fact he is in the history books. You dont like? Tough.

I have enough sense to know that many of the records that would need to be checked either no longer exist or are filed in the basements of different buildings located hundreds of miles apart at the various schools.

OK..so in other words.... if this HAS been done before...it has not been in a really really long time.

So still good for him.

Exactly. Still I wonder why he cannot supply the name of the last person who did it before this kid?
this thread is so intellectually dishonest it actually amuses me.

Good God, you are one silly bigoted turd. The young man accomplished something 'unprecendented' and you wish to deny and belittle the accomplishment because he is the wrong color in your book. You are the kind of asshole this nation just does not need. The kid is the kind of citizen this nation needs more of.
In this kids case Affirmative Action seemed to have worked .

Usually AA pushes substandard kids to the front of the line.

Which generally results in academic failure.
Well, here we have a poster that posts a very positive story about a young man doing very well. And the 'Conservatives' are falling all over themselves dissing the kid. They much seem to prefer the stories of the National Enquirer type. Says it all about their intellectual level.
Just a case of Affirmative Action on steroids. .. :cool:

unfortunately, you are right in this case.

It's only news because he is a negro.

If the kid was white or asian it wouldn't be in the news. .. :cool:

Your jealousy is amusing.

Why am I not surprised the underachiever loser [MENTION=1528]Yurt[/MENTION] is jealous of this highly intelligent young man?

Just wondering...where did you graduate from school, [MENTION=1528]Yurt[/MENTION]? Or did you?

What kind of work do you do?
Good God, you are one silly bigoted turd. The young man accomplished something 'unprecendented' and you wish to deny and belittle the accomplishment because he is the wrong color in your book. You are the kind of asshole this nation just does not need. The kid is the kind of citizen this nation needs more of.

Quoted for truth.
In this kids case Affirmative Action seemed to have worked .

Usually AA pushes substandard kids to the front of the line.

Which generally results in academic failure.

Why cant you prove it was AA? Lets see some documentation on this....:cool:

Even if it was AA that does not lessen the feat. Whites had AA for 400 years and never accomplished the feat.
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In this kids case Affirmative Action seemed to have worked .

Usually AA pushes substandard kids to the front of the line.

Which generally results in academic failure.

In a class of about 30, third quarter calculus, 7 are black. 4 are top students in this subject. Don't know their backgrounds, and this is just one class, but those kids are not substandard by any reasonable measure. Seems to me that you have a problem with bigotry, and only resent it when it is toward your specific religion.
I read the kid's bio and it became crystal clear why he excelled.

His parents are from Ghana and both are in the medical field as nurses.

They pushed him to achieve in academics and had him learn to play the viola in the high school orchestra.

So in essence, the kid isn't your typical Afro American.

He had 2 parents in the home......taught to read and write......and to appreciate classical music not rap crap. . :cool:
I read the kid's bio and it became crystal clear why he excelled.

His parents are from Ghana and both are in the medical field as nurses.

They pushed him to achieve in academics and had him learn to play the viola in the high school orchestra.

So in essence, the kid isn't your typical Afro American.

He had 2 parents in the home......taught to read and write......and to appreciate classical music not rap crap. . :cool:

So you now admit color makes no difference? Thanks for finally getting it right.
So you now admit color makes no difference? Thanks for finally getting it right.
I never said that it did in the first place.

It's the Afro American ebonics rap culture that is the biggest roadblock to negro children excelling academically in our country. . :cool:
So you now admit color makes no difference? Thanks for finally getting it right.
I never said that it did in the first place.

It's the Afro American ebonics rap culture that is the biggest roadblock to negro children excelling academically in our country. . :cool:

Thats not true. You have repeatedly said Blacks/Africans were inferior. My daughter listens to rap and she had a 4.7 GPA when she graduated from high school and got a full ride scholarship and they are now paying her to obtain her masters.

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