Long Overdue; GOP Announces Investigation of Biden

$20.00 bet for you personally.

Not One high level Leftist will ever be convicted of a crime of go to jail.
"Maybe" a small time unknown player who is offered the right amount to play the fall guy part. "maybe"

We'll give it two years.
Do you accept the challenge?

So this is your concession tbat the Biden's ARE guilty, that they just won't be held accountable.

I have already won.
thats why you do investigations,,

and lets not forget one of hunters business partners confirm joe is the big guy,,

He confirms on RW Talk Radio
Will he make that statement under oath or take the fifth?
Will he admit to making direct payments to Joe Biden?
Remarkable that dupes need any more evidence than what they have already seen with their own 'lying' eyes...

Joe Biden claimed he NEVER met with any of Hunter's business associates:


He said this WHILE this photo was out in the media / on the internet.

I seriously don't know who is more stupid - Joe Biden or the dupes still trying to defend him.
Remarkable that dupes need any more evidence than what they have already seen with their own 'lying' eyes...

Joe Biden claimed he NEVER met with any of Hunter's business associates:

View attachment 727346

He said this WHILE this photo was out in the media / on the internet.

I seriously don't know who is more stupid - Joe Biden or the dupes still trying to defend him.

A Picture?
Biden gets lots of group photos taken

Lock him up
Again, Joe Biden claimed he NEVER met with any of Hunter Biden's business partners

"President Joe Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter Biden’s business associates, which contradicts the president’s insistence that he never spoke to his son about his overseas business dealings, Fox News reports."

Biden & Co have already lined up lawyers to defend them.

In fact (according to CNN this afternoon) they retained them a couple of months ago in anticipation of the House being lost and the chickens coming home to roost.

A lot of what you are seeing going on now was "in the can" long before election day.
no we are saying youre a dried up 5 dollar hooker from canada and we dont care what you have to say on american issues,,

Once again, you cannot refute a single thing I posted so you resort to insults that a 12 year purile adolescent wouldn be ashamed of. You don't care so much that you have to tell me that each and every time I post.

I can only surmise from your post that you've had extensive experience with $5 hookers. You better keep those STD tests up to date.
US Intel Officials LIED - the contents if Hunter's laptop has been confirmed as legitimate, NOT 'Russian Disinformation'.

They allhave committed perjury (signing an ofgicial docunent testifying to their lie), Obstruction of an investigation, and more - could face jail time (if anyone had the balls to hold them accountable).

At the very least they all should lose jobs / any connection to the federal govt and never be trusted again.

Once again, you cannot refute a single thing I posted so you resort to insults that a 12 year purile adolescent wouldn be ashamed of. You don't care so much that you have to tell me that each and every time I post.

I can only surmise from your post that you've had extensive experience with $5 hookers. You better keep those STD tests up to date.
I know when to reject them,, and I also noticed you didnt deny it,,
Actually this thread is nothing like the one posted before me.

The other one seeks to discredit the pursuit of justice and attempt to hold treasonous, self-serving criminals ACCOUNTABLE, calling it an act of 'revenge' - what Democrats have tried - and failed - to do for the last 7 years.

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