Long overdue!

The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
The US Flag? Hmmmm....OK
Yes, you are correct in pointing out that the United States tolerated the racists in its midst for close to a hundred years.

It took a war to rid ourselves of those racists
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?

View attachment 348863
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?
Personally, I saw a parody of hapless southern redneck rubes. The flag just further exemplified that.
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
Went right over your head. Surprising.

Of course the show wasn't racist. The gaudy display of the flag and naming the car "general lee" was part of the joke.

It's surprising though that people in the south loved that show.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
The show was nearly forty years ago, dope.
Times change.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
This country has never been truly moral toward black folks. The degrees to which have varied over time and change with time.
Stop being stupid, ya moron.
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
I'm an American, striving for a more perfect union.
You're dodging the question. Why?

And you lie, you do not want a more perfect union. Not remotely.

The American flag represents "liberty and justice for all". Our founding principle is that "all men are created equal".
Your cousin Jethro's lack of understanding of that in no way changes that fact.

Then why do you idiots feel the need to disrespect it all the time?

And many on your side don't see the American flag as "liberty and justice for all"

And all men weren't equal for about 4 score and 7 years of versions of that flag flying.
Then why do you idiots feel the need to disrespect it all the time?

And many on your side don't see the American flag as "liberty and justice for all"

And all men weren't equal for about 4 score and 7 years of versions of that flag flying.
Change in this country comes in fits and starts with defining moments of sea change few and far between. This is one of those moments.
You obviously don't like where we are. So what. Each time we change, the resistant always need to be dragged along.

I don't like being forced to do anything, in particular being forced by mewly little SJW twats like you to surrender to your commie cocksucker plans.

I don't like being forced to do anything, in particular being forced by mewly little SJW twats like you to surrender to your commie cocksucker plans.

You don't have to do anything except stew in your helpless bitterness.

Maybe you should learn to use the quote function properly.

and what part of "the resistant need to be dragged along" implies I don't have to do anything?
Maybe you should learn to use the quote function properly.

and what part of "the resistant need to be dragged along" implies I don't have to do anything?
Well...You don't have to do anything if you're being dragged along. You will be living in that new reality without any assistance from yourself and despite your protestations.

Still having issues with the quote function i see.
Still having issues with the quote function i see.
My problems pale in comparison to your disabilities.

Lol, what a fucking moron you are.

Make a point, or fuck off.
Make a point, or fuck off
I've made my point. Repeatedly. I've made you look like a total jackass and you've obliged. Good job, dope.:113:

You've done nothing but fuck up the quote function and increase my post count.
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
The US Flag? Hmmmm....OK
Yes, you are correct in pointing out that the United States tolerated the racists in its midst for close to a hundred years.

It took a war to rid ourselves of those racists
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?

View attachment 348863
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?
Personally, I saw a parody of hapless southern redneck rubes. The flag just further exemplified that.
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
Went right over your head. Surprising.

Of course the show wasn't racist. The gaudy display of the flag and naming the car "general lee" was part of the joke.

It's surprising though that people in the south loved that show.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
The show was nearly forty years ago, dope.
Times change.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
This country has never been truly moral toward black folks. The degrees to which have varied over time and change with time.
Stop being stupid, ya moron.
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
I'm an American, striving for a more perfect union.
You're dodging the question. Why?

And you lie, you do not want a more perfect union. Not remotely.
You're dodging the question. Why?

And you lie, you do not want a more perfect union. Not remotely.
I've answered each time. Your unwillingness to accept my answer is your problem.
Each step we take toward fulfilling our founding principles is a step toward a more perfect union. It's a shame you've never understood your own country.
The American flag represents "liberty and justice for all". Our founding principle is that "all men are created equal".
Your cousin Jethro's lack of understanding of that in no way changes that fact.

Then why do you idiots feel the need to disrespect it all the time?

And many on your side don't see the American flag as "liberty and justice for all"

And all men weren't equal for about 4 score and 7 years of versions of that flag flying.
Then why do you idiots feel the need to disrespect it all the time?

And many on your side don't see the American flag as "liberty and justice for all"

And all men weren't equal for about 4 score and 7 years of versions of that flag flying.
Change in this country comes in fits and starts with defining moments of sea change few and far between. This is one of those moments.
You obviously don't like where we are. So what. Each time we change, the resistant always need to be dragged along.

I don't like being forced to do anything, in particular being forced by mewly little SJW twats like you to surrender to your commie cocksucker plans.

I don't like being forced to do anything, in particular being forced by mewly little SJW twats like you to surrender to your commie cocksucker plans.

You don't have to do anything except stew in your helpless bitterness.

Maybe you should learn to use the quote function properly.

and what part of "the resistant need to be dragged along" implies I don't have to do anything?
Maybe you should learn to use the quote function properly.

and what part of "the resistant need to be dragged along" implies I don't have to do anything?
Well...You don't have to do anything if you're being dragged along. You will be living in that new reality without any assistance from yourself and despite your protestations.

Still having issues with the quote function i see.
Still having issues with the quote function i see.
My problems pale in comparison to your disabilities.

Lol, what a fucking moron you are.

Make a point, or fuck off.
Make a point, or fuck off
I've made my point. Repeatedly. I've made you look like a total jackass and you've obliged. Good job, dope.:113:

You've done nothing but fuck up the quote function and increase my post count.
You've done nothing but fuck up the quote function and increase my post count
Tell us some more about the lefty fascist nazi anti fascists, dope. :laugh2:
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
The US Flag? Hmmmm....OK
Yes, you are correct in pointing out that the United States tolerated the racists in its midst for close to a hundred years.

It took a war to rid ourselves of those racists
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?

View attachment 348863
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?
Personally, I saw a parody of hapless southern redneck rubes. The flag just further exemplified that.
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
Went right over your head. Surprising.

Of course the show wasn't racist. The gaudy display of the flag and naming the car "general lee" was part of the joke.

It's surprising though that people in the south loved that show.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
The show was nearly forty years ago, dope.
Times change.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
This country has never been truly moral toward black folks. The degrees to which have varied over time and change with time.
Stop being stupid, ya moron.
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
I'm an American, striving for a more perfect union.
You're dodging the question. Why?

And you lie, you do not want a more perfect union. Not remotely.
You're dodging the question. Why?

And you lie, you do not want a more perfect union. Not remotely.
I've answered each time. Your unwillingness to accept my answer is your problem.
Each step we take toward fulfilling our founding principles is a step toward a more perfect union. It's a shame you've never understood your own country.
You have never answered. Are you white? Yes or no?

The last sentence you should say to yourself in the mirror, daily.
Your anger and bitterness has left you mentally crippled. You're actually trying to argue that...
Nazis aren't righty fascist and the lefty anti fascists are really the fascists and the Nazis.

So who was fighting whom in chalottesville and which "very fine" people did you support?
I supported the very fine people who were peacefully (and legally) marching to protest the removal of a soldier statue from a park. I did not support the lawless counterprotestors who assembled in the street, without any legal permit to do that, and illegally blocked traffic, and illegally blocked legal protesters from entering the park, and illegally fought with the legally, permit-granted protestors.
Last edited:
This news will melt some snowflakes.

NASCAR is a business. They are doing what's good for business.

Most Americans.....and most NASCAR fans....know that confederate symbols are
bad for business.

The confederates are known American heroes by all in the south...Much of Nascars fan base resides in the south...This ban will not be accepted...Nascar will hear about it soon enough.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

the confedeRAT flag is a symbol of treason!

any CONSERVATIVE displaying the confedeRAT flag or the NAZI flag is SPITTING on the US flag and should be treated as the TRAITORS they truly are.
Says a Commie Traitor Douchelord.
Tell us some more about the lefty fascist nazi anti fascists, dope. :laugh2:
The lefty fascists do what all fascists do >>

1. Support BIG, powerful government
2. Enact strict regulations of businesses and people
3. Grab guns
4. Suppress free speech


Fear of protester violence stopped US hard-right pundit Ann Coulter speaking at Berkeley
Ann Coulter described it as a “dark day for free speech”.

Last edited:
The confederates are known American heroes by all in the south...Much of Nascars fan base resides in the south...This ban will not be accepted...Nascar will hear about it soon enough.
They may have barked up the wrong tree on this one. If thousands of rebel flag supporters quit watching NASCAR, they may have a tough row to hoe, to get those fans back again.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
I wonder if they're going to ban all those confederate flag stickers on the back of pickup trucks at NASCA races.
This news will melt some snowflakes.

NASCAR is a business. They are doing what's good for business.

Most Americans.....and most NASCAR fans....know that confederate symbols are
bad for business.

The confederates are known American heroes by all in the south...Much of Nascars fan base resides in the south...This ban will not be accepted...Nascar will hear about it soon enough.
It will do no good. The tide has changed. Sponsors, drivers, and the entire organization has been fighting claims of racism.
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
The US Flag? Hmmmm....OK
Yes, you are correct in pointing out that the United States tolerated the racists in its midst for close to a hundred years.

It took a war to rid ourselves of those racists
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?

View attachment 348863
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?
Personally, I saw a parody of hapless southern redneck rubes. The flag just further exemplified that.
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
So you didn’t see the show as racist?
Went right over your head. Surprising.

Of course the show wasn't racist. The gaudy display of the flag and naming the car "general lee" was part of the joke.

It's surprising though that people in the south loved that show.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
Yet it’s deemed racist by Leftists now and you ll never see it on TV again. Interesting. #butthurt lives matter.
The show was nearly forty years ago, dope.
Times change.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
So we were not moral in 1985? LOL

Censorship is a slippery slope, snowflake.
This country has never been truly moral toward black folks. The degrees to which have varied over time and change with time.
Stop being stupid, ya moron.
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
"The country"? You mean white people. Are you white?
I'm an American, striving for a more perfect union.
You're dodging the question. Why?

And you lie, you do not want a more perfect union. Not remotely.
You're dodging the question. Why?

And you lie, you do not want a more perfect union. Not remotely.
I've answered each time. Your unwillingness to accept my answer is your problem.
Each step we take toward fulfilling our founding principles is a step toward a more perfect union. It's a shame you've never understood your own country.
You have never answered. Are you white? Yes or no?

The last sentence you should say to yourself in the mirror, daily.
You have never answered. Are you white? Yes or no?

The last sentence you should say to yourself in the mirror, daily.
No. What you're implying with your question is where do my loyalties lie.

I've told you repeatedly.
Your anger and bitterness has left you mentally crippled. You're actually trying to argue that...
Nazis aren't righty fascist and the lefty anti fascists are really the fascists and the Nazis.

So who was fighting whom in chalottesville and which "very fine" people did you support?
I supported the very fine people who were peacefully (and legally) marching to protest the removal of a soldier statue from a park. I did not support the lawless counterprotestors who assembled in the street, without any legal permit to do that, and illegally blocked traffic, and illegally blocked legal protesters from entering the park, and illegally fought with the legally, permit-granted protestors.
I supported the very fine people who were peacefully (and legally) marching to protest the removal of a soldier statue from a park. I did not support the lawless counterprotestors who assembled in the street, without any legal permit to do that, and illegally blocked traffic, and illegally blocked legal protesters from entering the park, and illegally fought with the legally, permit-granted protestors.
The protest was organized by white supremacists, dope.
Like I said. It's very clear who supports who and where loyalties lie.

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