Long overdue!

This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

The confederacy did not try to destroy our nation. It made no demand upon New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or any northern state to do anything. The overwhelming majority of people (soldiers and civilians both) who fought for the south, did so in self-defense of their land which was under attack. Most knew nothing about slavery, and never saw a black person in their entire lives.

Slavery was bad, of course, but if the 11 southern states would have had a GOOD reason to secede, would you still call it treason ? The 13 colonies had a good reason to secede from England. You call that "treason" ?
Hahahahahaha….NASCAR totally triggered the Neo-Confederates!!

Suck it racists!!!

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We will see what a price NASCAR will pay for this action. NASCAR is primarily a southern sport. If enough southerners are offended by the ban of the rebel flag, it could hurt NASCAR significantly. Time will tell.

If NASCAR's profits take some hit, they may reverse and allow the Confederate flag once again. If that happens, we'll see more Confederate flags at NASCAR events than ever before.
Hahahahahaha….NASCAR totally triggered the Neo-Confederates!!

Suck it racists!!!

View attachment 348749
We will see what a price NASCAR will pay for this action. NASCAR is primarily a southern sport. If enough southerners are offended by the ban of the rebel flag, it could hurt NASCAR significantly. Time will tell.

If NASCAR's profits take some hit, they may reverse and allow the Confederate flag once again. If that happens, we'll see more Confederate flags at NASCAR events than ever before.
Yall said that about the NFL and protesting too.....

000-aa-08 (22).jpg
Hahahahahaha….NASCAR totally triggered the Neo-Confederates!!

Suck it racists!!!

View attachment 348749
We will see what a price NASCAR will pay for this action. NASCAR is primarily a southern sport. If enough southerners are offended by the ban of the rebel flag, it could hurt NASCAR significantly. Time will tell.

If NASCAR's profits take some hit, they may reverse and allow the Confederate flag once again. If that happens, we'll see more Confederate flags at NASCAR events than ever before.
Yall said that about Nike too.....did they go out of business??00_008rea (87).jpg
Their secession was never recognized as legitimate and the USA fought a war and beat the traitors into defeat to prove confederate illegitimacy and confederate treason.
See post # 15. Answer the questions.
How were the confederates traitors? They seceded from the union.
Do you know what "traitor" means?
They took up arms against their country
What country? They SECEDED
Their secession was never recognized as legitimate and the USA fought a war and beat the traitors into defeat to prove confederate illegitimacy and confederate treason.

The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Lol, how does this change anything? My god you people are stupid sheep.

It removes an abomination from Nascar.

It also totally ticks off stupid people and I'm having a fantastic time watching them freak out and melt down.

After all these years of having to see that abomination of a flag, finally it's being removed from public places in our nation.

I can't be happier.
This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

This is huge news since it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there's regularly more Confederate flags than American flags at a NASCAR race in the South.
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
Everyone has stories. Right or wrong. But it wasn't no southern redneck racist that attacked my mother when our neighborhood was changing in the city I live in up North. Its all relative!
How were the confederates traitors? They seceded from the union.
Do you know what "traitor" means?
They took up arms against their country
What country? They SECEDED
Their secession was never recognized as legitimate and the USA fought a war and beat the traitors into defeat to prove confederate illegitimacy and confederate treason.
It doesnt matter how it was recognized. There was nothing holding them back from secession. It was as legal as could be.

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