Long overdue!

I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.
Oh definitely, once you've caved to the Social Justice Nazis the list of demands never ends. The bar will be continually lowered and the accusations of RACISM will encompass any and everything they want it to.

I saw a hollywood type pushing the idea that "White silence is violence" recently.

THink of that. Last couple of years, Antifa and their dem allies have been pretending that speech is violence, so that their violence is self defense.

Now, if that meme spreads, (and why would it not?), now some little old white lady, quietly sitting in her house, is "committing violence" with her silence, and using their already demonstrated logic, they would be doing "Self defense" if they kicked in her door and invaded her house and beat the shit out of her.
I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.

They already are. For some strange reason leftist assholes hate flags...well except that fag flag. That's telling

By the way you idiot loons the Stars and Bars was a battle flag....not the Confederate national flag. Morons

True. Which is one way to know that my prediction is true. And that my analysis of these lefties are not going to be satisfied with just the Confederate Flag, is correct.

They hate America, and indeed Western Civilization. THey are an expression of internal decay in our civilization.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

One thing about you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats. You don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The South was right. That is a historical fact.
Makes me sick that NASCAR is bowing down to the Liberals and BLM loons who despise auto racing, while spitting in the face of their loyal fan base. ... :cuckoo:

Do they think that the people this pleases, are going to start watching now? THey are fucking morons.
I'm definitely thinking about supporting NASCAR. This may be the only sport more boring than baseball but for this gesture they will at least get me to watch one event.

Which will not grow the sport. So, they insult their actual fans, to pander to people like you, who will never be ther for them.

Why? To what end? To get people who hate them to pretend to like them for one day?
This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

Ban Che shirts next.
This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

I have had a confederate flag snot rag handkerchief for many many years and will continue to blow my nose in it no matter what NASCAR says.

All Mao, Stalin, and Lenin, products should be banned also.

Isn't there a Lenin statue that needs to come down in Seattle?


This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

I have had a confederate flag snot rag handkerchief for many many years and will continue to blow my nose in it no matter what NASCAR says.

That is the proper way to use the confederate flag.

It should also be used as toilet paper.
How were the confederates traitors? They seceded from the union.
Do you know what "traitor" means?
Yup, since they seceded and became their own nation -- that makes it impossible for them to be traitors.....

So when that "nation" then goes to war with the USA and lose -- it's wrong to treat our fellow Confederate Americans as...oh wait!

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