Long overdue!

I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.

Well, here’s what I was think, you’re correct that a lot of these people have a radical agenda, but I think specifically in reference to the confederate flag, there’s also some people with reasonable arguments as to why it’s has become a symbol for racists.

IN the nation I was raised in, the Confederate Flag was seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Some people? I never heard anyone have a problem with it, until just the last few years.

I think a lot of the Neo Nazis and white supremacist use the flag as a symbol of their racist ideology

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual.

The ‘Stars and Bars’ origins were in affirming the value of slavery and White supremacy. It was the battle flag in a war that ultimately killed at least 600,000 Americans.
Swastikas and the Stars and Bars as Symbols | Gus diZerega
View attachment 348483

Please check out this book...

The liberals do not want you to read this, because it shows just what the left has done to fool US...

"What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual."

those DEMOCRATS (and that flag you SPIT on) were CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS!

are YOU a conservative?

are YOU a christian?

how can any christian sully themselves with conservative christians who supported slavery?

are you actually ADMITTING that you spit on our flag and HATE the USA?

I believe you are!

you are human garbage
So you ARE indoctrinated by the public education system. Those liberal Democrats(Like Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic) were slave owners, when they had to give them up, those liberal Democrats terrorized the blacks and white republicans that supported blacks, but you didnt know that.

So you want to do some figures?
Black people say they are Christians, yet the murder each other most of the year.
Black people Kneel to the National Anthem thus spitting on their fathers and grandfathers who fought for America to keep it free.

So the way i see it, black people hate America, and should go back to Africa, where they still have slaves today, black slaves. Oh you didnt know that, that your people have slaves even today? You worthless piece of excrement that should of been aborted...

BlackGenocide.org | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?​
I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.

Well, here’s what I was think, you’re correct that a lot of these people have a radical agenda, but I think specifically in reference to the confederate flag, there’s also some people with reasonable arguments as to why it’s has become a symbol for racists.

IN the nation I was raised in, the Confederate Flag was seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Some people? I never heard anyone have a problem with it, until just the last few years.

I think a lot of the Neo Nazis and white supremacist use the flag as a symbol of their racist ideology
And a lot of ignorant people havent read up on the history of the battle flag of the south, but just take what a Democrat tells them, though public education.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual.

The ‘Stars and Bars’ origins were in affirming the value of slavery and White supremacy. It was the battle flag in a war that ultimately killed at least 600,000 Americans.
Swastikas and the Stars and Bars as Symbols | Gus diZerega
View attachment 348483

Please check out this book...

The liberals do not want you to read this, because it shows just what the left has done to fool US...

"What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual."

those DEMOCRATS (and that flag you SPIT on) were CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS!

are YOU a conservative?

are YOU a christian?

how can any christian sully themselves with conservative christians who supported slavery?

are you actually ADMITTING that you spit on our flag and HATE the USA?

I believe you are!

you are human garbage
So you ARE indoctrinated by the public education system. Those liberal Democrats(Like Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic) were slave owners, when they had to give them up, those liberal Democrats terrorized the blacks and white republicans that supported blacks, but you didnt know that.

So you want to do some figures?
Black people say they are Christians, yet the murder each other most of the year.
Black people Kneel to the National Anthem thus spitting on their fathers and grandfathers who fought for America to keep it free.

So the way i see it, black people hate America, and should go back to Africa, where they still have slaves today, black slaves. Oh you didnt know that, that your people have slaves even today? You worthless piece of excrement that should of been aborted...

BlackGenocide.org | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?​

you are a traitor to America

you are human garbage

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual.

The ‘Stars and Bars’ origins were in affirming the value of slavery and White supremacy. It was the battle flag in a war that ultimately killed at least 600,000 Americans.
Swastikas and the Stars and Bars as Symbols | Gus diZerega
View attachment 348483

Please check out this book...

The liberals do not want you to read this, because it shows just what the left has done to fool US...

"What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual."

those DEMOCRATS (and that flag you SPIT on) were CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS!

are YOU a conservative?

are YOU a christian?

how can any christian sully themselves with conservative christians who supported slavery?

are you actually ADMITTING that you spit on our flag and HATE the USA?

I believe you are!

you are human garbage
So you ARE indoctrinated by the public education system. Those liberal Democrats(Like Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic) were slave owners, when they had to give them up, those liberal Democrats terrorized the blacks and white republicans that supported blacks, but you didnt know that.

So you want to do some figures?
Black people say they are Christians, yet the murder each other most of the year.
Black people Kneel to the National Anthem thus spitting on their fathers and grandfathers who fought for America to keep it free.

So the way i see it, black people hate America, and should go back to Africa, where they still have slaves today, black slaves. Oh you didnt know that, that your people have slaves even today? You worthless piece of excrement that should of been aborted...

BlackGenocide.org | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?​
Too damn funny.

All of the blob supporting racists are coming out of the woodwork.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual.

The ‘Stars and Bars’ origins were in affirming the value of slavery and White supremacy. It was the battle flag in a war that ultimately killed at least 600,000 Americans.
Swastikas and the Stars and Bars as Symbols | Gus diZerega
View attachment 348483

Please check out this book...

The liberals do not want you to read this, because it shows just what the left has done to fool US...

"What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual."

those DEMOCRATS (and that flag you SPIT on) were CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS!

are YOU a conservative?

are YOU a christian?

how can any christian sully themselves with conservative christians who supported slavery?

are you actually ADMITTING that you spit on our flag and HATE the USA?

I believe you are!

you are human garbage
So you ARE indoctrinated by the public education system. Those liberal Democrats(Like Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic) were slave owners, when they had to give them up, those liberal Democrats terrorized the blacks and white republicans that supported blacks, but you didnt know that.

So you want to do some figures?
Black people say they are Christians, yet the murder each other most of the year.
Black people Kneel to the National Anthem thus spitting on their fathers and grandfathers who fought for America to keep it free.

So the way i see it, black people hate America, and should go back to Africa, where they still have slaves today, black slaves. Oh you didnt know that, that your people have slaves even today? You worthless piece of excrement that should of been aborted...

BlackGenocide.org | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?​

and you must have been educated at Idiot U.

those democrats at that time were CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS.

If you can't see that or understand it then you are a brainwashed piece of conservative garbage
So here i was agreeing with a liberal that the Democrat Battle Flag of slavery, shouldnt be proudly flown by white people unless they are Democrats, and the pajama boy went off on me, like i was a Southern White Democrat KKK member. Tell you what , pajama boy, with that attitude, you just might turn me against your movement. You fuckers are such stupid people.. never know when to shut up, just show your anger even to those that agree with you...Stupid is as stupid does..

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual.

The ‘Stars and Bars’ origins were in affirming the value of slavery and White supremacy. It was the battle flag in a war that ultimately killed at least 600,000 Americans.
Swastikas and the Stars and Bars as Symbols | Gus diZerega
View attachment 348483

Please check out this book...

The liberals do not want you to read this, because it shows just what the left has done to fool US...

"What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual."

those DEMOCRATS (and that flag you SPIT on) were CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS!

are YOU a conservative?

are YOU a christian?

how can any christian sully themselves with conservative christians who supported slavery?

are you actually ADMITTING that you spit on our flag and HATE the USA?

I believe you are!

you are human garbage
So you ARE indoctrinated by the public education system. Those liberal Democrats(Like Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic) were slave owners, when they had to give them up, those liberal Democrats terrorized the blacks and white republicans that supported blacks, but you didnt know that.

So you want to do some figures?
Black people say they are Christians, yet the murder each other most of the year.
Black people Kneel to the National Anthem thus spitting on their fathers and grandfathers who fought for America to keep it free.

So the way i see it, black people hate America, and should go back to Africa, where they still have slaves today, black slaves. Oh you didnt know that, that your people have slaves even today? You worthless piece of excrement that should of been aborted...

BlackGenocide.org | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?​

tell me

you traitor

did you LOVE lincoln because he ended slavery

or did you HATE him because he started the War of Northern Aggresion?

it's one thing to be stupid.

stupidity can be forgiven

but you make it worse by being human garbage
I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.

Well, here’s what I was think, you’re correct that a lot of these people have a radical agenda, but I think specifically in reference to the confederate flag, there’s also some people with reasonable arguments as to why it’s has become a symbol for racists.

IN the nation I was raised in, the Confederate Flag was seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Some people? I never heard anyone have a problem with it, until just the last few years.

I think a lot of the Neo Nazis and white supremacist use the flag as a symbol of their racist ideology

There are NOT a lot of neo nazis or white supremacists.

THere are a lot of Southerns, who are proud of their region, as part of the larger American identity.

IMO, the tiny number of neo-nazis, don't count for shit and I don't see a reason to let them define ANYTHING, in this country.
I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.
Oh definitely, once you've caved to the Social Justice Nazis the list of demands never ends. The bar will be continually lowered and the accusations of RACISM will encompass any and everything they want it to.

1 shitty driver whines and the entire sport collapses to its knees and begs for forgiveness. Someone might want to remind NASCAR who their demographic audience is! It isn't Jerome and his homies or Juan and his posse, Its good ole boys like me who live in the south and used to LOVE NASCAR. Not anymore. It can go the way of the NFL. There was a race on tonight in fact and since the stands are already empty this kind of stupidity will keep them empty.

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