Long overdue!

NASCAR sold its soul to the devil, believe it or not this is the Richard Petty entry, a Semi black drive and sponsored by BLM.
Before the last race they stopped the cars on the Start/Finish Line and paid their respects to George Floyd the great American hero

and this is what I think about that
This news will melt some snowflakes.

NASCAR is a business. They are doing what's good for business.

Most Americans.....and most NASCAR fans....know that confederate symbols are
bad for business.
I'm sure it all had to do with money, and nothing to do with racism like you claim, bitch.

Racism is finally bad for business in America. You are losing......again.
There is very little racism. Bitch.
NASCAR sold its soul to the devil, believe it or not this is the Richard Petty entry, a Semi black drive and sponsored by BLM.
Before the last race they stopped the cars on the Start/Finish Line and paid their respects to George Floyd the great American hero
View attachment 348465
and this is what I think about that

If I had a sister...
Makes me sick that NASCAR is bowing down to the Liberals and BLM loons who despise auto racing, while spitting in the face of their loyal fan base. ... :cuckoo:

Do they think that the people this pleases, are going to start watching now? THey are fucking morons.
They are currently racing in front of no one since fans are not allowed in the stands. They better get used to empty seats even when fans are allowed back in

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

the confedeRAT flag is a symbol of treason!

any CONSERVATIVE displaying the confedeRAT flag or the NAZI flag is SPITTING on the US flag and should be treated as the TRAITORS they truly are.


us you've never burnt, stepped on, threw to the ground, spit on, or disrespected the United States flag and I won't believe you.



And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

Hiding the symbols of your Democrat Party isn't going to do anything to cover up the long, violent, racist history of the party you belong to.

Now go find some black people, get on your knees, wash their feet, and apologize for being such a hateful inhuman monster, you racist bigot.
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For years NASCAR went to inner cities trying to drum up minority interest.
And Wallace is the only black they got for their efforts! And he hasn't won a single sprint car race! And now he dictates to NASCAR?
At least Kap won a few games.

Sports lite! Not about competition anymore but political correctness.
RIP major sports.
sunni man is a traitor to America!
ALL conservatives are traitors!
You need to see your mental health specialist asap and have your meds dosage readjusted asap. ... :cool:

cons are human garbage

you are a con


I hope everything you want to do to others happens to YOU first!

and it may it be very unpleasant.....
Conservatives like SunniMan are the backbone of America. Liberals like you are the unwanted belly fat.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual.

The ‘Stars and Bars’ origins were in affirming the value of slavery and White supremacy. It was the battle flag in a war that ultimately killed at least 600,000 Americans.
Swastikas and the Stars and Bars as Symbols | Gus diZerega


Please check out this book...

The liberals do not want you to read this, because it shows just what the left has done to fool US...
sunni man is a traitor to America!
ALL conservatives are traitors!
You need to see your mental health specialist asap and have your meds dosage readjusted asap. ... :cool:

cons are human garbage

you are a con


I hope everything you want to do to others happens to YOU first!

and it may it be very unpleasant.....
Conservatives like SunniMan are the backbone of America. Liberals like you are the unwanted belly fat.

Huh. Yet, most Cult45 wingers seem like fat asses in comparison to protestors. Weird.
the confedeRAT flag is a symbol of treason!
any CONSERVATIVE displaying the confedeRAT flag or the NAZI flag is SPITTING on the US flag and should be treated as the TRAITORS they truly are.
Take a :chillpill: retard. ... :cuckoo:

sunni man is a traitor to America!

ALL conservatives are traitors!
If we are traitors to America, what do you plan to do with US? Going to sic the government on US? You going to put US into indoctrination camps to reeducate US on your Communist values?

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
What i dont understand is that the Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Democrat Party. Why would any self respecting citizen want to soil their hands with such an emblem of slavery? It was the Democrats of the South that owned people, and rebelled against the Union because they didnt think blacks were worthy of citizenship, the Democrats have fooled everyone into thinking it is a heritage issue. It is deception of the left, as usual.

The ‘Stars and Bars’ origins were in affirming the value of slavery and White supremacy. It was the battle flag in a war that ultimately killed at least 600,000 Americans.
Swastikas and the Stars and Bars as Symbols | Gus diZerega
View attachment 348483

Please check out this book...

The liberals do not want you to read this, because it shows just what the left has done to fool US...

According to the old "liberal switcheroo", you are who they were back then, and they are who the Republicans were back then. The American leftist even believes that they're more aligned with the Founding Fathers, than today's conservatives.

I know that doesn't make a single fucking lick of sense, but that's just how confused, feverish, and convoluted the brain of a liberal, progressive, Democrat, or socialist is.

If they are who the Republicans were back then, why don't they just call themselves "Republicans" today?

And why don't they just call us "Democrats"?

Makes me sick that NASCAR is bowing down to the Liberals and BLM loons who despise auto racing, while spitting in the face of their loyal fan base. ... :cuckoo:

Do they think that the people this pleases, are going to start watching now? THey are fucking morons.
Every time i flew into Daytona beach, the stands were empty because there were no races going on that day, now when the races are going on, the stands will be empty again. You would think that sports venue would learn from the NFL, not to play nice with liberals, because it ends up fucking you up for a lot of years...

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