Long-term consequences of Obama admin violating the law and getting away with it?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Government was created to protect our rights. Says so right in the Declaration of Independence.

But what happens when government itself, starts violating the rights of half the populace (or more), and uses the machinery of government to crack down on them? And worse, when the checks and balances that are supposed to control government and redress our grievances, fail to work? And the government gets away with it, and never has to face any consequences for violating, or refusing to uphold, American law?

Are we facing the first time in our history as a nation, where this is actually happening?

If it goes on, what might the long-term results be?

Are we starting out on the road to becoming a third-world banana republic, where one perk of gaining political office is that you can use your government power to throw your opponents in jail?

A thought-provoking article.


The Establishment?s Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives Could Destroy Our Country - Kurt Schlichter - Page 1

The Establishment’s Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives Could Destroy Our Country

Kurt Schlichter | Jun 23, 2014

The key to any democratic republic is legitimacy. If the system allows a full and fair airing of different views before a decision is made, groups that lose the debate will accept the decision. You are disappointed if the other side won fair and square. But you are furious if the other side cheated.

And all the other side does today is cheat. Worse, it does so with a mindless cynicism, having discovered that if other elements of the establishment play along – like a mainstream media that refuses to perform its accountability function – then there are no immediate consequences. Over time, this risks of alienating nearly half of our citizens.

Don’t think it’s only the leftist establishmentarians doing it. John Boehner felt secure enough to mock the majority of his own party for daring to have doubts about the wisdom of importing 30 million new Democrat voters. Shut up and stop being crybabies, chided the famously tan crybaby.

They love to deploy baseless slanders to figuratively ball-gag you and drive you out of the debate. Hate the idea of fascist college campus kangaroo courts run by academic Red Guards who, when examining the fallout of some beer-fueled hook-up, always presume the guilt of the drunken sophomore who has the penis and the victimhood of the drunken sophomore who doesn’t? Well, you must support rape!

Oh, and you’re racist too because you reject the lies of leftism and refuse to join the Kreepy Kollectivist Klan. Even if you are black. Especially if you are black.

Sometimes the establishment cheats blatantly. The administration simply ordered a couple dozen changes to Obamacare in direct violation of the statute. It doesn’t even pretend to follow our immigration laws.

And there’s no accountability. Facilitating the transfer of guns to Mexican drug gangs? No biggie. Four dead Americans in Benghazi? Fake scandal. Using the IRS to harass political opponents? Hell, the establishment thinks that’s a good thing. The Democrats supposed to be overseeing the IRS actually apologized to the IRS.

This IRS example is much more serious than just one single scandal. You have a substantial number of citizens who believe they have been grievously wronged. The IRS laughably contends that all the potential evidence has vanished down history’s most convenient memory hole. The establishment shrugs, winks, and refuses to enforce the system’s legal processes to determine if there has been wrongdoing.

It must be liberating for the establishment to be free of accountability. “Oh, we couldn’t possibly do that,” they initially thought. “There’d be hell to pay!” Except, when they did it there was no hell to pay. There were no valiant establishment politicians who put country above party and pushed back. The mainstream media didn’t just roll over; it covered up when it wasn’t actively cheerleading.

Now, is it a really great idea to tell about half the population that they are simply not entitled to seek redress of their grievances through the law? Any ideas from, say, American history about what can happen when you abandon the rule of law?

If the law means nothing, if half the people can’t avail themselves of it, and if there are no consequences for violating it, then what is there for the loyal opposition to be loyal to?

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
"This IRS example is much more serious than just one single scandal. You have a substantial number of citizens who believe they have been grievously wronged. The IRS laughably contends that all the potential evidence has vanished down history’s most convenient memory hole. The establishment shrugs, winks, and refuses to enforce the system’s legal processes to determine if there has been wrongdoing".

Is there not a single poster out there will will say:

"I am a Democrat, and this must not be allowed to stand."

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