Look at this BLATANT fear mongering

He got his leg amputated because of a BLOOD CLOT.

Our media is so irresponsible with their click bait bullshit.

There is a certain irony here.

While everyone is arguing the minutia of whether or not his leg was amputated due to corona (and labeling this fear mongering) you are ignoring the larger picture here.

He has been on life support due to Covid.

According to his wife per the original article:
The surgery went well. The doctor said for Nick's heart and lungs right now they are in the best condition that they could be," she said, adding that he is still on medication to pump his heart and a ventilator to breathe.

He is young, and has no pre existing conditions.

Do you call this fear mongering?
Coronavirus exacerbated his conditions. He was rushed to the hospital and put into the ICU because of complications of the virus.

The fear mongering and disinformation is coming from you. You apparently don’t know the definition of “complications”. I recommend you consult a dictionary before you post.
Yesterday, a family got hit by a drunk driver and burned alive in a fiery crash.

COVID-19 exacerbated their condition.


He got his leg amputated because of a BLOOD CLOT.

Our media is so irresponsible with their click bait bullshit.

He got his leg amputated because of a BLOOD CLOT.

Our media is so irresponsible with their click bait bullshit.

What makes you think the blood clot is unrelated to COVID?
blood thinners doctors were using to help with clotting in Cordero's leg were causing issues with his blood pressure and internal bleeding in his intestines.

"We took him off blood thinners but that again was going to cause some clotting in the right leg, so the right leg will be amputated,
What’s your point?
The man CLEARY had other issues going on. Doctors were pumping him full of all kinds of drugs.
How many survivors have had limbs amputated? None that I've heard of.
Too many stories of deaths being attributed to the virus that are incredibly dubious. The addition of "money for covid diagnoses" has turned our medical situation into a profiteering racket.

Can we safely assume you have no idea what you’re talking about?

The guy was sick as hell from COVID. Endothelial damage is extremely common with COVID. Putting them on systemic anticipation is also very common. This guy was sick as hell from Coronavirus. Hell, he was on ECMO for a while.

You should admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and move on.
I'll ask again. How many people out of the hundreds of thousands that have it have had limbs amputated due to covid 19?
Don’t know. I’m not compiling statistics.

But that doesn’t mean you have any idea what you’re talking about. Your just making an argument from ignorance. You don’t understand how COVID could cause a blood clot so you decided it can’t be related.
You don't need to be an expert or even have much knowledge on ANY subject to be skeptical of the shit you're told. Simply find out what you can and apply as much common sense as you can to draw your own conclusions.
I am VERY skeptical of all the crap about this the media and our government are telling us.
You're more than welcome to eat up all the bullshit you're being spoon fed HOURLY
You are certainly not skeptical of those telling you covid is no big deal.
Because I believe once the antibody tests are widely available we are going to realize that the mortality rate is below 1% and we have done SIGNIFICANT damage to both our nation and its citizens by our massive overreaches and absurd spending as a result of those overreaches.
Oh, I see...you beeeeeelieve it. Based on your extensive experience as an infectious disease specialist?
Do you believe or disbelieve in god or extraterrestrial life or unknown life on earth or ANY other thing that YOU ARE NOT TRAINED OR SPECIALIZED IN?


I believe pigs fly out of your ass when you type...doesn't make it true.

Right now the mortality rate is as high as 6% in some places.
"Some places"

You mean places where the VAST MAJORITY aren't being tested? Thus making the mortality rates inflated...
To get the mortality of COVID down to the level of a BAD influenza (not even an average influenza), we’d have to be missing 95% of cases. I don’t anyone seriously believes that.

Some people do. In fact some people are estimating it is less than 2%.

A randomized German sampling found an infection rate of 14%.

Here that would translate into 45,848,000 infections in the US based on population.

At todays numbers of 738,923 cases the number is, again 1.6%

That may be off, of course, but we are many multiples off and have been since the beginning. It is very possible that we were, and are, are missing 95% of actual cases. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but this is what the Germans found and they were doing "well" by catching they think 15%. It also explains why their mortality rate was lower than other countries as they were catching/testing more than their neighbors.

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