Look at this dumb ass video about racism


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
You can't control human emotions and what is a racial wound? LOL

Far as I know a black person in America can live anywhere he or she wants. Attend any university in any field of study they choose. Work at any job or career they are qualified in, and make as much money as their abilities take them. Buy a house in any neighborhood, provided they can afford it. Travel and visit any place in the country. Eat in any restaurant and stay at any hotel in all 50 states. Join any branch of the military, become a policeman or fireman.
So I have to ask, where is the racism the BLM bozo's are always screaming about? ... :dunno:
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Far as I know a black person in America can live anywhere he or she wants. Attend any university in any field of study they choose. Work at any job or career they are qualified in. Buy a house in any neighborhood provided they can afford it. Travel and visit any place in the country. Eat in any restaurant and stay at any hotel in all 50 states. Join any branch of the military, become a policeman or fireman.
So I have to ask, where is the racism the BLM bozo's are always screaming about? ... :dunno:

I have no idea and as a black man I dont concern myself about who is racist. I have more important things to think about
Far as I know a black person in America can live anywhere he or she wants. Attend any university in any field of study they choose. Work at any job or career they are qualified in. Buy a house in any neighborhood provided they can afford it. Travel and visit any place in the country. Eat in any restaurant and stay at any hotel in all 50 states. Join any branch of the military, become a policeman or fireman.
So I have to ask, where is the racism the BLM bozo's are always screaming about? ... :dunno:

I have no idea and as a black man I dont concern myself about who is racist. I have more important things to think about
That cereal ain't gonna eat itself off her azz..
Far as I know a black person in America can live anywhere he or she wants. Attend any university in any field of study they choose. Work at any job or career they are qualified in, and make as much money as their abilities allow them. Buy a house in any neighborhood provided they can afford it. Travel and visit any place in the country. Eat in any restaurant and stay at any hotel in all 50 states. Join any branch of the military, become a policeman or fireman.
So I have to ask, where is the racism the BLM bozo's are always screaming about? ... :dunno:
/——/ Yeah, but 200 years ago...
there is not a problem of racism--plain and simple
..the problem is blacks breeding DUMB criminals at high rates and graduating at low rates
I just added more proof today in my thread
The moron Dims and the media keeps using the phrase "systemic racism" as if they have any idea what that means. What it actually means is that the laws of the Country are specifically designed to hurt one group or race.

As Sunni Man said, a black person can work, go to school, be educated and live where ever they want. Systemic racism does not exist in America and has not existed since the 1960's.

Yes, individuals can certainly have racist thoughts, but the system in America does not allow those thoughts to be supported by Law. In fact, just the opposite is the case.

But Dims are too stupid to understand that.
there is not a problem of racism--plain and simple
..the problem is blacks breeding DUMB criminals at high rates and graduating at low rates
I just added more proof today in my thread
You won't hear one word from Black leadership on this. They are frauds. They live for today. And that is why there is so much suffering. Anyone who lives for today, faces the same angst.
there is not a problem of racism--plain and simple
..the problem is blacks breeding DUMB criminals at high rates and graduating at low rates
I just added more proof today in my thread
You won't hear one word from Black leadership on this. They are frauds. They live for today. And that is why there is so much suffering. Anyone who lives for today, faces the same angst.
I wouldn't doubt if it was black race hustlers that had MLK Jr. killed. He was fucking up their game!
there is not a problem of racism--plain and simple
..the problem is blacks breeding DUMB criminals at high rates and graduating at low rates
I just added more proof today in my thread
You won't hear one word from Black leadership on this. They are frauds. They live for today. And that is why there is so much suffering. Anyone who lives for today, faces the same angst.
I wouldn't doubt if it was black race hustlers that had MLK Jr. killed. He was fucking up their game!

How was he fucking up their game?
there is not a problem of racism--plain and simple
..the problem is blacks breeding DUMB criminals at high rates and graduating at low rates
I just added more proof today in my thread
You won't hear one word from Black leadership on this. They are frauds. They live for today. And that is why there is so much suffering. Anyone who lives for today, faces the same angst.
I wouldn't doubt if it was black race hustlers that had MLK Jr. killed. He was fucking up their game!

How was he fucking up their game?
By not blaming whitey for everything wrong under the sun, presenting a positive and winning path forward.
Systemic racism does not exist in America and has not existed since the 1960's.
True, racism was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 however in practice systemic racism still exists, even the Supreme Court recognizes this.
Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
When we talk about 'systems' within organizations, we either are referring to a network of established and documented procedures that those in the organization must follow, or we are just blowing shit out of our ass.

I can show you documented systemic racism against whites, here, where the city of Portland paid for a racist meeting that demonised whites and was a documented part of the cities emplyment policy. That is systemic.

There can also be systemic practices espoused by members of the leadership of an organization, though not part of their official processes, like this here, and here, and as BLM is supported by corporate culture in the USA, we see by their lack of action to rid BLM of such racism, that it is accepted and supported.

So where is the documentation of SYSTEMIC RACISM against blacks in the USA?

I dont see it, only simplistic bigotry of the 'Dem Animals Do More Crimes' variety.
there is not a problem of racism--plain and simple
..the problem is blacks breeding DUMB criminals at high rates and graduating at low rates
I just added more proof today in my thread
Add Pervert Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris to that
Far as I know a black person in America can live anywhere he or she wants. Attend any university in any field of study they choose. Work at any job or career they are qualified in, and make as much money as their abilities take them. Buy a house in any neighborhood, provided they can afford it. Travel and visit any place in the country. Eat in any restaurant and stay at any hotel in all 50 states. Join any branch of the military, become a policeman or fireman.
So I have to ask, where is the racism the BLM bozo's are always screaming about? ... :dunno:

If I say that the racism is the fact the so many have
bozo parents-----does that statement seem RACIST?
People who throw molotov cocktails at other people or cars or buildings as members of rioting mobs are
AFFLICTED with dysfunctional mothers.
If you listen to what they say----it is VERY REPETITIVE and inane ----The "movement" has
it's own silly lingo that seemingly intelligent people repeat like drones
PS----EVERYONE seems to be talking about
400 years of slavery. -----I got news. Its more
like 5000..... at least. ----then comes this silly
fantasy----"white" americans have been ACCUMULATING wealth for the past 400 years
that was denied to "persons of color" making
"white americans" 400 years ahead in the
WEALTH BUILDING game........... ???????.
Intelligent persons ---both "of color" and colorless
have decided to repeat this mantra ENDLESSLY
So where is the documentation of SYSTEMIC RACISM against blacks in the USA?

I dont see it, only simplistic bigotry of the 'Dem Animals Do More Crimes' variety.
I'll post something more specific tomorrow but this should be enough to get you started:
Ten Important Supreme Court Decisions in Black History

Updated February 28, 2017 | Infoplease Staff

From Dred Scott to Affirmative Action

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
Decreed a slave was his master's property and African Americans were not citizens; struck down the Missouri Compromise as unconstitutional.

Civil Rights Cases (1883)
A number of cases are addressed under this Supreme court decision. Decided that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 (the last federal civil rights legislation until the Civil Rights Act of 1957) was unconstitutional. Allowed private sector segregation.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
The Court stated that segregation was legal and constitutional as long as "facilities were equal"—the famous "separate but equal" segregation policy.

Powell v. Alabama (1932)
The Supreme Court overturned the "Scottsboro Boys'" convictions and guaranteed counsel in state and federal courts.

Shelley v. Kraemer (1948)
The justices ruled that a court may not constitutionally enforce a "restrictive covenant" which prevents people of certain race from owning or occupying property.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
Reversed Plessy v. Ferguson "separate but equal" ruling. "egregation [in public education] is a denial of the equal protection of the laws."

Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964)
This case challenged the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The court ruled that the motel had no right "to select its guests as it sees fit, free from governmental regulation."

Loving v. Virginia (1967)
This decision ruled that the prohibition on interracial marriage was unconstitutional. Sixteen states that still banned interracial marriage at the time were forced to revise their laws.

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)
The decision stated that affirmative action was unconstitutional in cases where the affirmative action program used a quota system.

Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)
The decision upheld affirmative action's constitutionality in education, as long it employeed a "highly individualized, holistic review of each applicant's file" and did not consider race as a factor in a "mechanical way."
LibGuides: African-American Rights Movements: Legislation / Court Cases

The hyperlink includes the above as well as relevant Executive Orders and legislation

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