LOOK! It's a bird, it's a plane, no, It's ....


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2021
Sorry guy's, I meant to post this earlier!

Trump Card.png
Hunter proved conclusively that it’s the

BIDEN Card that has all the prestige that’s needed.

10% goes a long way!
That is sooo weird.

- He lowered my taxes enough so I was almost tempted to stay in business another year...But the D's and rhinos in the legislature have more sway on the budget than the president does
- Roads and bridges were not part of the deal...those are local issues, not federal
- My health care coverage was self-insured...so yeah, he sure as hell did get my coverage back by supporting a court case that ended the unconstitutional tax on those who don't pay into the 'insurance' scam
- He most certainly did have the deficit under control, beg your pardon...the pandemic spending was all paid for by those deficit reductions...until sleepy joe upped the ante by signing another 2 trillion away into thin air within his first month in office...totally unnessisary spending by all accounts, and no that spending disappeared without funding any major projects in my state.
- As far as paying for the wall, there are some communities in texas who *have* had Mexico pay for border security. It was the weak (demcrat controlled) congress that could not see fit to sign off on the international treaty. Oh, didn't you read the constitution? Only congress can authorize international treaties.
- If America isn't first in your book, you have an enem right here...Trumps America first policies ended 20 years of ridiculous Nafta policies and gave our economy a huge boom.
- He didn't drain the swamp, but he sure as heck did put the spotlight on all the corruption he saw, didn't he?
- There is no hate, only love for my fellow Americans, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all...these are the principals we live and die by
- Again, what hate? These are facts.

Lakhota you are out of touch with reality...how much have you been drinking lately to post such nonsense?

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