Look like its all over but the crying in NATIONAL elections


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Read it and weep or, laugh and point or snicker and smerk

White men are 31 percent of the American population. take out the non christians and it is even lower. Day by day it is getting lower . just how low can it go :dunno:

Since they do such a great job with women and minorities their place as the regional party is assured
Read it and weep or, laugh and point or snicker and smerk

White men are 31 percent of the American population. take out the non christians and it is even lower. Day by day it is getting lower . just how low can it go :dunno:

Since they do such a great job with women and minorities their place as the regional party is assured
Considering that the GObP is 94%+ white, those #'s don't bode well for them :(
Read it and weep or, laugh and point or snicker and smerk

White men are 31 percent of the American population. take out the non christians and it is even lower. Day by day it is getting lower . just how low can it go :dunno:

Since they do such a great job with women and minorities their place as the regional party is assured

Let me guess, you read this in an email from Hillary? LOL!
Read it and weep or, laugh and point or snicker and smerk

White men are 31 percent of the American population. take out the non christians and it is even lower. Day by day it is getting lower . just how low can it go :dunno:

Since they do such a great job with women and minorities their place as the regional party is assured

Dems are going to ride those demographics to a major victory in 2014 midterms, Dean
And Hillary is the best you lefties can come up with[emoji87][emoji86][emoji85]

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Read it and weep or, laugh and point or snicker and smerk

White men are 31 percent of the American population. take out the non christians and it is even lower. Day by day it is getting lower . just how low can it go :dunno:

Since they do such a great job with women and minorities their place as the regional party is assured

Stupid farmers count their chickens before the chickens hatch.
Let the Democrats insult non-whites and women by taking their votes for granted.
Did it happen overnight? Republicans won by the biggest mid-term landslide in modern history just last November and the left wing hasn't stopped whining.
Read it and weep or, laugh and point or snicker and smerk

White men are 31 percent of the American population. take out the non christians and it is even lower. Day by day it is getting lower . just how low can it go :dunno:

Since they do such a great job with women and minorities their place as the regional party is assured
You are an idiot racist.
Why do we even bother having elections? Heck let's just install Obama as President For Life.
Hillary said she took fire while landing in Bosnia. Tapes showed her gathering flowers from young girls in a ceremony on the tarmac.

Well after everyone in the Government knew the video had nothing to do with the take-over of our Benghazi Office, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the coffins of our dead Americans---and told their parents that they were going to get that man who made the video & got their sons killed. This was not just a lie...it was a depraved lie...and it alone disqualifies her to be president.

But, all they got on deck is Pocahontas...and she's a liar too, and an even worse loon.

Could get ugly. Hillary ugly.
Hillary said she took fire while landing in Bosnia. Tapes showed her gathering flowers from young girls in a ceremony on the tarmac.

Well after everyone in the Government knew the video had nothing to do with the take-over of our Benghazi Office, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the coffins of our dead Americans---and told their parents that they were going to get that man who made the video & got their sons killed. This was not just a lie...it was a depraved lie...and it alone disqualifies her to be president.

But, all they got on deck is Pocahontas...and she's a liar too, and an even worse loon.

Could get ugly. Hillary ugly.
When "Pocahontas" gets in a debate with the Republican candidate it will be ugly.
Hillary said she took fire while landing in Bosnia. Tapes showed her gathering flowers from young girls in a ceremony on the tarmac.

Well after everyone in the Government knew the video had nothing to do with the take-over of our Benghazi Office, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the coffins of our dead Americans---and told their parents that they were going to get that man who made the video & got their sons killed. This was not just a lie...it was a depraved lie...and it alone disqualifies her to be president.

But, all they got on deck is Pocahontas...and she's a liar too, and an even worse loon.

Could get ugly. Hillary ugly.
When "Pocahontas" gets in a debate with the Republican candidate it will be ugly.
I think it could be entertaining.
Hillary is the best hope liberals have of someday having a toy president.

But she's not black, she's female and she was born in America.

She's three times ineligible for their nomination.
Hillary said she took fire while landing in Bosnia. Tapes showed her gathering flowers from young girls in a ceremony on the tarmac.

Well after everyone in the Government knew the video had nothing to do with the take-over of our Benghazi Office, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the coffins of our dead Americans---and told their parents that they were going to get that man who made the video & got their sons killed. This was not just a lie...it was a depraved lie...and it alone disqualifies her to be president.

But, all they got on deck is Pocahontas...and she's a liar too, and an even worse loon.

Could get ugly. Hillary ugly.
When "Pocahontas" gets in a debate with the Republican candidate it will be ugly.

And how!
Hillary will be wearing a pants suit. We know that...and we know why. To hide that overly ample ass...which is a symbol of poor health, over-indulgence, and lack of self control...traits we don not prefer in out presidents. Her footprint, carbon and otherwise, is heavy and deep.

But, will it be an orange jump suit such as they wear in Women's Correctional Facilities?

I think we all know...some of us won't admit it...but I think she's done in politics, and the real question is:

Has She Committed A Crime?
Hillary will be wearing a pants suit. We know that...and we know why. To hide that overly ample ass...which is a symbol of poor health, over-indulgence, and lack of self control...traits we don not prefer in out presidents. Her footprint, carbon and otherwise, is heavy and deep.

But, will it be an orange jump suit such as they wear in Women's Correctional Facilities?

I think we all know...some of us won't admit it...but I think she's done in politics, and the real question is:

Has She Committed A Crime?

Most likely. But the real question is will Billy get free reign in the White House if she gets her way and takes the presidency? Does she ban interns from the WH or does she just tell Bill to go spend time with "the little girls" on the island far away?
Hillary said she took fire while landing in Bosnia. Tapes showed her gathering flowers from young girls in a ceremony on the tarmac.

Well after everyone in the Government knew the video had nothing to do with the take-over of our Benghazi Office, Hillary Clinton stood in front of the coffins of our dead Americans---and told their parents that they were going to get that man who made the video & got their sons killed. This was not just a lie...it was a depraved lie...and it alone disqualifies her to be president.

But, all they got on deck is Pocahontas...and she's a liar too, and an even worse loon.

Could get ugly. Hillary ugly.
When "Pocahontas" gets in a debate with the Republican candidate it will be ugly.

And how!
I think you misunderstood me. Then again I am just one of those liberals who are bad at math, unlike the genius you are.

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