Look out trannies, genderqueers are even more insane than you are!


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Gender free or gender freedom? - Transgender Talk

Look what libs are trying to push next..

Oh, and the consequences of this, if you don't call them xi/xhi or whatever their delusion dictates you call them, you'll get arrested/fired, etc like with not conforming with the delusions of tranny freaks of nature.

Its just that these mutants, freaks of nature think they are neither male nor female despite the genitalia they have. And liberals are catering to their dysfuction, because that's what pancing liberal fruits do.
Since a genderqueer can change genders at whim, a "man" can become a "woman" by lunch time.
Man, you have a lot of insecurities. You really should get some help.

He/she isn't the only one. katzen is another one who doesn't know if he's a he or she's a she or it's an it.

I know.

I'm a unisexual. A woman, trapped in the body of a woman, but one who liberal women get all excited about when they imagine a man, and the kind of man who will slap them around a little or a lot because they are "naughty dirty girls". Liberal women and metrosexual men daydream about it. Look at you! We all know you read my posts with one hand between your legs.
I'm a dodecasexual. I have 12 separate but equal sexual preferences. I will pos anybody who can guess what all 12 are.

Your DNA determines your gender. You can hire someone to mutilate your body but you will be the same person with a mutilated body. The greatest Country in the world gives crazy people the freedom of self mutilation but if the revolution you are looking for ever comes the gender confused will be the first ones to be shipped to the gulag.

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