Look what president elect obama inherited from the last president

He inherits a Republican House controlled by the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood more determined then ever to destroy this great country from within.
This is a good example that stupid will always repeat itself.
you're going to blame republicans who took control of the house for something a democrat controlled senate and house did four four years earlier?
Jeeeze how stupid are you?
Why not! You are blaming the Dems for what a republican controlled White House, Senate and House did for the 6 years before that. I'm just following the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's own rationalizations to their logical conclusions.

Jeeeze if it was stupid to blame the GOP for the Dems controlling 2 branches of government for 4 years, think of how much more stupid it is for you to blame the Dems for the GOP controlling all 3 branches for 6 years!!!
Another phony chart made by assholes who don't take into account the Boomers retiring.

Notice how the asshole didn't start the light blue job projection line from 2001 like an honest person would have if they actually believed that the labor force must ALWAYS grow!!!!!!!!! Can't do that because it would add another 4 million job losses to Bush. You can only assume a constant LFP rate for Democrats!

And this post is coming from an idiot that blames the Republican controlled house for what the democrat controlled senate and house did four years earlier.
Except, of course, the Dems could do nothing because the GOP would filibuster everything in the Senate and if somehow something got past the Senate Bush would veto it. If you remember Bush found his lost veto pen once the Dems won. The Dems could do nothing without GOP approval!
Another phony chart made by assholes who don't take into account the Boomers retiring.

Notice how the asshole didn't start the light blue job projection line from 2001 like an honest person would have if they actually believed that the labor force must ALWAYS grow!!!!!!!!! Can't do that because it would add another 4 million job losses to Bush. You can only assume a constant LFP rate for Democrats!

And this post is coming from an idiot that blames the Republican controlled house for what the democrat controlled senate and house did four years earlier.
Except, of course, the Dems could do nothing because the GOP would filibuster everything in the Senate and if somehow something got past the Senate Bush would veto it. If you remember Bush found his lost veto pen once the Dems won. The Dems could do nothing without GOP approval!
their is something terribly wrong with you. why allow the democrats to continue the destruction they started 4 years earlier?
He inherits a Republican House controlled by the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood more determined then ever to destroy this great country from within.
This is a good example that stupid will always repeat itself.
you're going to blame republicans who took control of the house for something a democrat controlled senate and house did four four years earlier?
Jeeeze how stupid are you?
Why not! You are blaming the Dems for what a republican controlled White House, Senate and House did for the 6 years before that. I'm just following the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's own rationalizations to their logical conclusions.

Jeeeze if it was stupid to blame the GOP for the Dems controlling 2 branches of government for 4 years, think of how much more stupid it is for you to blame the Dems for the GOP controlling all 3 branches for 6 years!!!

I placing the blame were it's due.
60+ years of democratic control of the government in part or whole.
This is a good example that stupid will always repeat itself.
you're going to blame republicans who took control of the house for something a democrat controlled senate and house did four four years earlier?
Jeeeze how stupid are you?
Why not! You are blaming the Dems for what a republican controlled White House, Senate and House did for the 6 years before that. I'm just following the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's own rationalizations to their logical conclusions.

Jeeeze if it was stupid to blame the GOP for the Dems controlling 2 branches of government for 4 years, think of how much more stupid it is for you to blame the Dems for the GOP controlling all 3 branches for 6 years!!!

I placing the blame were it's due.
60+ years of democratic control of the government in part or whole.

In response to you two argument, both parties are to blame. Both have led this country down. To just blame one seems ignorant. But Dems loooove to blame soemone else. Its all just a blame game to them
And this post is coming from an idiot that blames the Republican controlled house for what the democrat controlled senate and house did four years earlier.
Except, of course, the Dems could do nothing because the GOP would filibuster everything in the Senate and if somehow something got past the Senate Bush would veto it. If you remember Bush found his lost veto pen once the Dems won. The Dems could do nothing without GOP approval!
their is something terribly wrong with you. why allow the democrats to continue the destruction they started 4 years earlier?
The destruction of the United States Middle Class started with St Ronnie, continued with Bush I and peaked with Bush II. You are only pissed that Obama has started to reverse Bush II's massive destruction of the Middle Class foundation of this great country.
Except, of course, the Dems could do nothing because the GOP would filibuster everything in the Senate and if somehow something got past the Senate Bush would veto it. If you remember Bush found his lost veto pen once the Dems won. The Dems could do nothing without GOP approval!
their is something terribly wrong with you. why allow the democrats to continue the destruction they started 4 years earlier?
The destruction of the United States Middle Class started with St Ronnie, continued with Bush I and peaked with Bush II. You are only pissed that Obama has started to reverse Bush II's massive destruction of the Middle Class foundation of this great country.

LMMFAO! Reversed? Even Biden said the have been in "shackles". More middle class are lowering to poverty levels all the time. MSM does not do you good
Why not! You are blaming the Dems for what a republican controlled White House, Senate and House did for the 6 years before that. I'm just following the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood's own rationalizations to their logical conclusions.

Jeeeze if it was stupid to blame the GOP for the Dems controlling 2 branches of government for 4 years, think of how much more stupid it is for you to blame the Dems for the GOP controlling all 3 branches for 6 years!!!

I placing the blame were it's due.
60+ years of democratic control of the government in part or whole.

In response to you two argument, both parties are to blame. Both have led this country down. To just blame one seems ignorant. But Dems loooove to blame soemone else. Its all just a blame game to them

I place most of the blame on the democrats. since they have controlled the government more than the Republicans.

Yep, let's all pray for doom and gloom. You got your ass kicked in the last election because you prefered to see the American People suffer in order to make the President look bad. What do you think is going to change for the next election?

We aren't losing 750,000 jobs a month, and the market is not losing half it's value, as it was in 2008. Not only that, the American People understand that the GOP is responsible for the fiscal cliff.
Yes, you can spout the party line like a good little trooper. Problem is us conservatives here know it's nothing more than a big, streaming gob of horse shit.

YOU OWN the economy pal, YOU, the DEMS and OBAMA, at this stage in the game, it is ALL YOUR'S.

And if it gets WORSE, YOU OWN THAT TOO, and no amount of steaming gobs of your horse shit is going to change that.

YOU wanted obama, and YOU wanted his AGENDA, THIS is what HIS AGENDA LOOKS LIKE. We tried to tell you SOCIALISM doesn't work, but you wanted your OBAMA PHONES anyway.

Yes, let's hear what the liar and hypocrite has to say. Tell us more oh mighty asshole who lacks integrity or any shred of honor. You have no idea what being an American is, time to leave commie.
Except, of course, the Dems could do nothing because the GOP would filibuster everything in the Senate and if somehow something got past the Senate Bush would veto it. If you remember Bush found his lost veto pen once the Dems won. The Dems could do nothing without GOP approval!
their is something terribly wrong with you. why allow the democrats to continue the destruction they started 4 years earlier?
The destruction of the United States Middle Class started with St Ronnie, continued with Bush I and peaked with Bush II. You are only pissed that Obama has started to reverse Bush II's massive destruction of the Middle Class foundation of this great country.

Democrats 60+ years of control in part or whole of the government.
So this is where all the sore losers who will never get it and are completely out of touch with reality like to hang out.
So this is where all the sore losers who will never get it and are completely out of touch with reality like to hang out.

What is it you failed to comprehend from the op?
Obamination is trying to find that black guy that fucked things up the last 4 years...he wants to get him, if he can only find him.
So this is where all the sore losers who will never get it and are completely out of touch with reality like to hang out.

What is it you failed to comprehend from the op?

Oh I understand completely.

I understand that you don't give a shit about the country. You only care about "your side". Why else would you look for negative shit to post about how we're headed in the wrong direction. You're a sheep who is brainwashed by your corporate masters. I can't blame you entirely though, you're obviously not intelligent enough to exercise some critical thinking. You and everyone else in this thread who agrees with you has made it abundantly clear that you couldn't give a shit about America as much as you care about you and what you want more than anything else.

So no, I didn't fail to comprehend a thing.
So this is where all the sore losers who will never get it and are completely out of touch with reality like to hang out.

What is it you failed to comprehend from the op?

Oh I understand completely.

I understand that you don't give a shit about the country. You only care about "your side". Why else would you look for negative shit to post about how we're headed in the wrong direction. You're a sheep who is brainwashed by your corporate masters. I can't blame you entirely though, you're obviously not intelligent enough to exercise some critical thinking. You and everyone else in this thread who agrees with you has made it abundantly clear that you couldn't give a shit about America as much as you care about you and what you want more than anything else.

So no, I didn't fail to comprehend a thing.

OH but I do care about my country, that's why I will never support a party that has been in control of the government in part or how for 60+ years and continue to fuck this country up.
Yep, let's all pray for doom and gloom. You got your ass kicked in the last election because you prefered to see the American People suffer in order to make the President look bad. What do you think is going to change for the next election?

We aren't losing 750,000 jobs a month, and the market is not losing half it's value, as it was in 2008. Not only that, the American People understand that the GOP is responsible for the fiscal cliff.
Yes, you can spout the party line like a good little trooper. Problem is us conservatives here know it's nothing more than a big, streaming gob of horse shit.

YOU OWN the economy pal, YOU, the DEMS and OBAMA, at this stage in the game, it is ALL YOUR'S.

And if it gets WORSE, YOU OWN THAT TOO, and no amount of steaming gobs of your horse shit is going to change that.

YOU wanted obama, and YOU wanted his AGENDA, THIS is what HIS AGENDA LOOKS LIKE. We tried to tell you SOCIALISM doesn't work, but you wanted your OBAMA PHONES anyway.

Yes, let's hear what the liar and hypocrite has to say. Tell us more oh mighty asshole who lacks integrity or any shred of honor. You have no idea what being an American is, time to leave commie.

Idiot -----------------
I placing the blame were it's due.
60+ years of democratic control of the government in part or whole.

In response to you two argument, both parties are to blame. Both have led this country down. To just blame one seems ignorant. But Dems loooove to blame soemone else. Its all just a blame game to them

I place most of the blame on the democrats. since they have controlled the government more than the Republicans.

And they are, without a doubt, known as the "TAX AND SPEND" party. I squarely put the majority of blame on them also, but I hold the spineless republicans to blame also for not being able to stand up to them and the spending they've done that they'd rather us not see.

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