Lookin' For That Apology...

Way back when, before the election of '08, what were those of us on the right telling you guys?

We told you that the press wasn't vetting this articulate senator...

we told you you were unaware of his politics, that you were pickin,' with due respect to the President, 'a pig in a poke'...

we even suggested the dire possibilities...

did you listen? Nooooooooooo!

Then, finally, after the election, Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw admit they don't know who he is....


Now, the Democratic Party itself is saying the same things"

"But many other Democrats, including Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said they didn’t even know the provision was included.

Moran’s anger with the president boiled over in a short interview Thursday with The Hill about the provision and the tax debate held shortly after the Democratic Caucus voted to reject Obama’s tax-cut deal.

“This is a lack of leadership on the part of Obama,” fumed Moran (D-Va.) “I don’t know where the f*** Obama is on this or anything else. They’re AWOL.”

Dems show signs of abandoning Obama elsewhere after frustration with tax deal - TheHill.com

As soon as the Republicans apologize for destroying America.

Try do-gooder Government Statists destroying this Republic.
Way back when, before the election of '08, what were those of us on the right telling you guys?

We told you that the press wasn't vetting this articulate senator...

we told you you were unaware of his politics, that you were pickin,' with due respect to the President, 'a pig in a poke'...

we even suggested the dire possibilities...

did you listen? Nooooooooooo!

Then, finally, after the election, Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw admit they don't know who he is....


Now, the Democratic Party itself is saying the same things"

"But many other Democrats, including Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said they didn’t even know the provision was included.

Moran’s anger with the president boiled over in a short interview Thursday with The Hill about the provision and the tax debate held shortly after the Democratic Caucus voted to reject Obama’s tax-cut deal.

“This is a lack of leadership on the part of Obama,” fumed Moran (D-Va.) “I don’t know where the f*** Obama is on this or anything else. They’re AWOL.”

Dems show signs of abandoning Obama elsewhere after frustration with tax deal - TheHill.com

As soon as the Republicans apologize for destroying America.

You guys are really funny.
One of my best friends was brought home in a box in 1969 from Viet Nam.
Were you even born yet?
"Buy time"?
If my friends and family had not served and died over there that would be laughable.
You are real good at one liners and cut and paste but can you take it when proven wrong?
Nixon CONTINUED the war.
Again, for the deaf, dumb and blind as I can cut and paste also:
"where in US history have we been at war and the next guy NOT CONTINUE that war?"

Well, since you dropped the first item on your list, I guess I win on that one, huh?

As for "...but can you take it when proven wrong?"

You don't seem to be able to handle having been proven wrong...

As for whether or not I had been born...here's a suggestion that no one seems
to have given you yet: learn how to read, then the premise is obviated.

Nope, you are not partly wrong.
Someone else schooled you on that one already.
You are completely wrong.

The war continued and there are 10,000 of our boys in the ground to prove it.
Shame on you but you are young and do not know any better.
Next time govern yourself accordingly.

"In October 1972, Nixon’s National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, concluded a secret peace agreement with North Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho. After reviewing the agreement, President Thieu demanded major alterations to the document. In response, the North Vietnamese published the details of the agreement and stalled the negotiations."
End of the Vietnam War - End of the Vietnam War Peace

"He initially escalated the conflict, overseeing incursions into neighboring countries, though American military personnel were gradually withdrawn and he successfully negotiated a ceasefire with North Vietnam in 1973, effectively ending American involvement in the war." Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't wait to see which of your vast repertoire of responses you will use!

1. Could it be 'your not old enough to know about....(fill in appropiate topic)'

BTW, is it true that your high school field trip was the Gold Rush??

2. Could it be 'who told you that...(whatever)?

You have the advantage, since nobody ever tells you anything, and
what ever you are asked about, you make up!

3. Could it be your tried and well-worn 'you are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong......'

I guess the repertoire isn't that vast after all.

Oh- one more thing, your post has nothing to do with the OP.

Did you see that Chris posted a few posts up? He's going to be really pleased that you were recently named as our 'Main Source of Greenhouse Gas.'

Well, it's been one...
Thanks for participating, and for proving that for some posters, all you need is a keyboard, a monitor, and a little thing I like to call…a deathwish.
It's how much the country has to produce.

Soooooo the gubmint is the private sector? What Stalinist fantasy world are YOU living in? I go to the store and buy government brand? Is my ISP the US gubmint?

What does the GOVERNMENT produce? Come on now. The Government is NOT the country. The Government is the organization that handles the administration.

What does the Government produce?

It produces the most powerful military on earth
It produces roads, bridges, tunnels, water and sewer systems
It produces police and fire protection
It builds librarys, schools, universities

uhm what?

the gov does not produce any of those items, taxs paid to the gov. whom then apportions them out pays folks to build say the fire trucks, rifles, or cement co's who then supply via free market activity those materials,.

you can say the gov. manages the military, or state and local gov's manage police and fire depts. if the government owned like oh GM and bought fleet cars from them (which they are btw) I guess, you could say the gov. produces those cars...:lol:
The top 5% of all wage earners currently pay more than 75% of all taxes. The bottom 60% pays nothing, or worse, gets more back than they paid. This would actually take the burden off the top tax brackets while still collecting the most from them (meaning that 10% of their earnings is still larger than everyone else). The ending of the redistribution would also lower the tax burden.

Combine that with appropriate spending cuts and federal departments, problem's solved quickly.

You must realize that if hiring an accountant for a tens of thousands of dollars to play loophole games that then dodge hundreds of thousands of dollars is a great savings, even though you're still having to employ someone specifically for the job of finding exemptions because someone in the government feels it's wrong for them to have what they earn or own. Better to reduce excessive rates and eliminate social engineering loopholes and dodges and just charge it flat and let the chips fall where they may.

FYI, Russia employs a flat tax of 13%.

We pay an "income tax".....top 5% pays 75% of the tax because they take 75% of available income

FYI, Russia employs a flat tax of 13%

Never thought I would live to see the day that our conservatives said we need to be more like Russia

take take take my booty...:rolleyes:...someone come to your house and take your income RW? WHO took it? how much did they take?

or did you not get an education or discover a talent there by making enough money, so that others don't have it? :lol:

you never seem to answer anything inconvenient for you that requires defending your convoluted thinking...............

so anyway, here we go again, what about the income 'TAKEN' by the bottom 45% who pay no net fed taxes?????

AND some of whom get money back, having paid nothing in?
"...fitz, and daveman, and PC, and boedicca..."

Oh, wow!

We're forming teams? How exciting!

OK, let's call ours the "Get Government Out Of The Way and Let Capitalism Work Its Magic" team....

and based on the news, we also get President Obama, President Clinton, Mark Zandi, and Austan Goolsbee and Larry Summers and, of course all of the Repub leadership....

BTW, what is the name of your team?
The Troglodytes?
:clap2: And the Trogs are 0-Everything. :lol:

Would you please state once for the record whether you support or oppose this tax bill?
You picked up on it in about the 5 second time frame it took me. The hilarious irony here is that the ONE thing the Right never claimed about Obama was that he was more moderate/centrist/conservative than anyone thought he was. Something that apparently PC didn't think through before she made this thread. I'm sure she'll apologize though, seeing as that is what she thinks is the honorable thing to do.

did you watch the video?

oh and my question ala ; equal opportunity resulting in equal outcome, have you formulated an opinion yet?
"...fitz, and daveman, and PC, and boedicca..."

Oh, wow!

We're forming teams? How exciting!

OK, let's call ours the "Get Government Out Of The Way and Let Capitalism Work Its Magic" team....

and based on the news, we also get President Obama, President Clinton, Mark Zandi, and Austan Goolsbee and Larry Summers and, of course all of the Repub leadership....

BTW, what is the name of your team?
The Troglodytes?
:clap2: And the Trogs are 0-Everything. :lol:

Would you please state once for the record whether you support or oppose this tax bill?
I support taxes being lowered.
You picked up on it in about the 5 second time frame it took me. The hilarious irony here is that the ONE thing the Right never claimed about Obama was that he was more moderate/centrist/conservative than anyone thought he was. Something that apparently PC didn't think through before she made this thread. I'm sure she'll apologize though, seeing as that is what she thinks is the honorable thing to do.

did you watch the video?

oh and my question ala ; equal opportunity resulting in equal outcome, have you formulated an opinion yet?


Where did this subject come in???

One of my favs...the very ground-floor, prime, genesis of progressivism!

100 to one libs don't understand the difference between equality and liberty!
"...fitz, and daveman, and PC, and boedicca..."

Oh, wow!

We're forming teams? How exciting!

OK, let's call ours the "Get Government Out Of The Way and Let Capitalism Work Its Magic" team....

and based on the news, we also get President Obama, President Clinton, Mark Zandi, and Austan Goolsbee and Larry Summers and, of course all of the Repub leadership....

BTW, what is the name of your team?
The Troglodytes?

First of all, this is not getting the government out of the way since every time the government goes deeper in debt it ties the fortunes, or misfortunes of the people ever more inextricably TO the government.

Interest on the debt is one of the biggest government spending programs we have. You phoney fiscal conservatives claim you don't like big government programs, but you support action after action that makes the government program of debt service bigger and bigger and bigger.

You phoney fiscal conservatives rant about the government 'raiding' Social Security, and yet this payroll tax holiday does exactly that...

...which should be the next sub-topic of conversation here. Why the fuck are you people supporting reducing the payroll tax?

Watch your language.

1. "...this is not getting the government out of the way..."
Of course it is. By holding the line on taxes, cutting Social Security taxes on both workers and employers, along with a two year guarantee, the government gives more security to the business community.

Whether you are willing to admit it or not, the reason that the Obama administration went with the deal is the implicit admission that lower taxes increases the possibility of less unemployment, and a better chance of his re-election.

You are implicitly conceding that the only way our economy can be sustained is for us to go deeper and deeper into debt.

2. "...government goes deeper in debt..."
Where was that argument when Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare were passed????

You're equating this to Obamacare, and yet you're supporting it. That would be a 2 wrongs make a right fallacy. 'I'm supporting this because it's comparable to that Obamacare that I consider a disaster.' That is mildly insane.

You will find somewhere in this never-ending thread, my suggestions that the only way to ever, ever reduce the $13 trillion debt is to lower taxes, lower spending, decrease red tape and regulation, and honor initiative and innovation, i.e. business.

First of all, since history has all but proven beyond a reasonable doubt that neither party will cut spending, your 'program' is unworkable.'

Interest on the debt is one of the biggest government spending programs..."
Let's take this year's interest, as per Obama 2011 budget: $251 billion.
The budget is $3,575.94
Obama?s 2011 Budget Proposal: How It?s Spent - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com

Do the math.

The interest on the national debt was over 400 billion dollars in 2010.


Interest on the debt looks to be about 4th in size on that chart. You want to argue that fourth biggest doesn't qualify as one of biggest? You want to tell me I'm wrong again?
You picked up on it in about the 5 second time frame it took me. The hilarious irony here is that the ONE thing the Right never claimed about Obama was that he was more moderate/centrist/conservative than anyone thought he was. Something that apparently PC didn't think through before she made this thread. I'm sure she'll apologize though, seeing as that is what she thinks is the honorable thing to do.

did you watch the video?

oh and my question ala ; equal opportunity resulting in equal outcome, have you formulated an opinion yet?

Americans don't get either. I'll try to watch your dang video later.
Well, since you dropped the first item on your list, I guess I win on that one, huh?

As for "...but can you take it when proven wrong?"

You don't seem to be able to handle having been proven wrong...

As for whether or not I had been born...here's a suggestion that no one seems
to have given you yet: learn how to read, then the premise is obviated.

Nope, you are not partly wrong.
Someone else schooled you on that one already.
You are completely wrong.

The war continued and there are 10,000 of our boys in the ground to prove it.
Shame on you but you are young and do not know any better.
Next time govern yourself accordingly.

"In October 1972, Nixon’s National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, concluded a secret peace agreement with North Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho. After reviewing the agreement, President Thieu demanded major alterations to the document. In response, the North Vietnamese published the details of the agreement and stalled the negotiations."
End of the Vietnam War - End of the Vietnam War Peace

"He initially escalated the conflict, overseeing incursions into neighboring countries, though American military personnel were gradually withdrawn and he successfully negotiated a ceasefire with North Vietnam in 1973, effectively ending American involvement in the war." Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't wait to see which of your vast repertoire of responses you will use!

1. Could it be 'your not old enough to know about....(fill in appropiate topic)'

BTW, is it true that your high school field trip was the Gold Rush??

2. Could it be 'who told you that...(whatever)?

You have the advantage, since nobody ever tells you anything, and
what ever you are asked about, you make up!

3. Could it be your tried and well-worn 'you are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong......'

I guess the repertoire isn't that vast after all.

Oh- one more thing, your post has nothing to do with the OP.

Did you see that Chris posted a few posts up? He's going to be really pleased that you were recently named as our 'Main Source of Greenhouse Gas.'

Well, it's been one...
Thanks for participating, and for proving that for some posters, all you need is a keyboard, a monitor, and a little thing I like to call…a deathwish.

You claimed Nixon ended the war when he took office pumpkin.
I stated that Nixon continued the Viet Nam War.
You continue to claim Nixon never continued the war.
And you have offered no evidence otherwise. 10,000 died AFTER Nixon took office and you still claim he never continued the war.
You know better but pride and a lack of humility along with your ideology do not allow you to ever admit you are wrong.
No wonder we lost the White House and Congress a few years ago. Right wing kooks like you are worse than the liberals.
You picked up on it in about the 5 second time frame it took me. The hilarious irony here is that the ONE thing the Right never claimed about Obama was that he was more moderate/centrist/conservative than anyone thought he was. Something that apparently PC didn't think through before she made this thread. I'm sure she'll apologize though, seeing as that is what she thinks is the honorable thing to do.

did you watch the video?

oh and my question ala ; equal opportunity resulting in equal outcome, have you formulated an opinion yet?


Where did this subject come in???

One of my favs...the very ground-floor, prime, genesis of progressivism!

100 to one libs don't understand the difference between equality and liberty!

With them? It's equality of result which is impossible.
You picked up on it in about the 5 second time frame it took me. The hilarious irony here is that the ONE thing the Right never claimed about Obama was that he was more moderate/centrist/conservative than anyone thought he was. Something that apparently PC didn't think through before she made this thread. I'm sure she'll apologize though, seeing as that is what she thinks is the honorable thing to do.

did you watch the video?

oh and my question ala ; equal opportunity resulting in equal outcome, have you formulated an opinion yet?

Americans don't get either.

oh for god sakes stop the crap dude...if you don't want to discuss the issue of the rich getting less good s and services for their buck ad compared to the 'porr' just say so.

I'll try to watch your dang video later.

hey it aint mine, we were having a discussion, I posted it as a point. if you don't want to watch it don't.
Anyone notice that the more both sides 'compromised' on this Stimulus II bill,

the more expensive it got?

I agree , its turned into the usual piece of shit pork bill, the reps, you know the moderates, the ones the media told us the TP was trying cleanse from the party, Grassley, Nelson et al added the ethanol subsidies back in the bastards. :evil:
did you watch the video?

oh and my question ala ; equal opportunity resulting in equal outcome, have you formulated an opinion yet?


Where did this subject come in???

One of my favs...the very ground-floor, prime, genesis of progressivism!

100 to one libs don't understand the difference between equality and liberty!

With them? It's equality of result which is impossible.

The most basic truth is that equality of outcome is a rebuke to individual rights. “The finest opportunity ever given to the world was thrown away because the passion of equality made vain the hope for freedom.” Lord Acton, Lord Acton on Liberty and Government - Gary Galles - Mises Daily

To insure the proper outcomes, and it is a win-win for progressives, as it gives them the ability to use force, and the power of the state: czars, commissions, agencies, panels, ‘experts’….

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