Lookin' For That Apology...


You people on the right told us he was a Marxist/socialist left wing extremist.

You could not have made a worse guess if you tried.

so on the number line, the zero being as close to indy center as possible, 1 being slight 4 certain right or left and 8 being far left or right, where do you put obama?

I put Obama wherever the gutless weasels who won't fight for what they pretend to believe in go.

Am I allowed just a wee bit of schadenfreude here???

I'll repent tomorrow- I promise.
This is almost as funny as back when people on the left were demanding apologies from the right for putting Bush in office.

Yeah, I am going to apologize to you assholes for my vote. I'd vote for Obama again today.


By the way, you guys might have a stronger case if you didn't run a Bush Administration bootlicker who subsequently picked a train wreck for a running mate.

I was trying to think of a way to sum up the McCain/Palin ticket. That fits it perfectly. :clap2:

Kinda sad, really. If McCain version 2000 had showed up and picked a solid VP, it might have gone very differently. I probably would feel differently. But water under the bridge....can't call it back now.

The goofball idealists on the left and right still haven't figured out that Obama was elected as a reaction to Bush more than any single platform issue.

Whether right or wrong, that's the way it is.

And it means that Bush was that bad.

I do love me some selective amnesia from the right wing partisans though.

I guess that want us to forget how badly they fucked the country up.

At least Clinton handed Bush a well running country.

Bush handed Obama a fucking train wreck of his own making.
so on the number line, the zero being as close to indy center as possible, 1 being slight 4 certain right or left and 8 being far left or right, where do you put obama?

I put Obama wherever the gutless weasels who won't fight for what they pretend to believe in go.

Am I allowed just a wee bit of schadenfreude here???

I'll repent tomorrow- I promise.

I say "enjoy" the left's misfortune for all it is worth.

We know and they know that in less then 2 years they will be "crying" out for his support. They may have to hold their nose when they vote for him but they will vote for him.

No matter how incompetent Papa Obama is....
The left has painted themselves into a corner with their "racial politics" and they are stuck with this loser- no matter what

They can't afford to alienate their black supporters by trying to drop Obama from the ticket
Lookin' For That Apology...

If I were you I would forward that request to the administrators of all of the schools you have attended PC. You are just too stupid to understand how much worse things could be. I don't know if Obama has done the BEST job possible but I thank our lucky stars every day that McCain wasn't elected. Can you imagine If crash and burn Johnnie had been elected THEN found out how fucked we were... He'd have had a stroke and AND THEN we would be blessed with the winky blinky retard beauty queen as our leader. I suppose you think John or Sarah would have everything fixed by now eh?
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This is almost as funny as back when people on the left were demanding apologies from the right for putting Bush in office.

Yeah, I am going to apologize to you assholes for my vote. I'd vote for Obama again today.


By the way, you guys might have a stronger case if you didn't run a Bush Administration bootlicker who subsequently picked a train wreck for a running mate.

I was trying to think of a way to sum up the McCain/Palin ticket. That fits it perfectly. :clap2:

Kinda sad, really. If McCain version 2000 had showed up and picked a solid VP, it might have gone very differently. I probably would feel differently. But water under the bridge....can't call it back now.

The goofball idealists on the left and right still haven't figured out that Obama was elected as a reaction to Bush more than any single platform issue.

Whether right or wrong, that's the way it is.

And it means that Bush was that bad.

I do love me some selective amnesia from the right wing partisans though.

I guess that want us to forget how badly they fucked the country up.

At least Clinton handed Bush a well running country.

Bush handed Obama a fucking train wreck of his own making.

Yep. And Obama has disappointed because he's just kept the majority of the Bush policies, followed Reid and Pelosi on the rest, and the result is he hasn't done jack shit with it.

McCain would have driven it straight off a cliff, but the scenic route to the same destination isn't what most Obama supporters bargained for.

I agree with Carbineer on the gutless part. Elect a man to lead and he follows....not cool.
Yep. And Obama has disappointed because he's just kept the majority of the Bush policies, followed Reid and Pelosi on the rest, and the result is hew hasn't done jack shit with it.

McCain would have driven it straight off a cliff, but the scenic route to the same destination isn't what most Obama supporters bargained for.

I agree with Carbineer on the gutless part. Elect a man to lead and he follows....not cool.

Part of this mess is the fault of the DEMs for retaining those two losers Pelosi and Reid.

I think Obama would have disappointed no matter what. Bush was so bad, that the expectations were not realistic. That falls on Obama to a degree since his platform was basically "I am not George Bush!".

However, on the whole, the trains are still running.

This is shaping up to be Clinton 1994 all over again and look how that turned out.
Lookin' For That Apology...

If I were you I would forward that request to the administrators of all of the schools you have attended PC. You are just too stupid to understand how much worse things could be. I don't know if Obama has done the BEST job possible but I thank our lucky stars every day that McCain wasn't elected. Can you imagine If crash and burn Johnnie had been elected THEN found out how fucked we were... He'd have had a stroke and AND THEN we would be blessed with the winky blinky retard beaty queen as our leader. I suppose you think John or Sarah would have everything fixed by now eh?

McCain deserved to lose as much as Papa Obama should not have been on the ticket. In retrospect- Hillary would not have been as bad- Why not? You even got Bill up there doing his job now.

However, would things have been better- no on can really say
But, I have no doubt that they would have worked on unemployment before Health care
PC, your wackaloon far right nonsense remains nonsense, sis. Slink off.
I put Obama wherever the gutless weasels who won't fight for what they pretend to believe in go.

Am I allowed just a wee bit of schadenfreude here???

I'll repent tomorrow- I promise.

I say "enjoy" the left's misfortune for all it is worth.

We know and they know that in less then 2 years they will be "crying" out for his support. They may have to hold their nose when they vote for him but they will vote for him.

No matter how incompetent Papa Obama is....
The left has painted themselves into a corner with their "racial politics" and they are stuck with this loser- no matter what

They can't afford to alienate their black supporters by trying to drop Obama from the ticket

I'll sign on to this prediction right now. Without the black vote, Dems never win another election...

But, consider this:

1. The two periods of fiscal responsibility in six decades were the Eisenhower and the Clinton administrations, periods during which the presidency and Congress were controlled by different parties. William A. Niskanen, “A Case For Divided Government,” A Case for Divided Government | William A. Niskanen | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

2. The worst spending periods were those with one party in charge
a. a. 1967 and 1968, LBJ and the Democrats, spending increased 11.6% a year. Historical Tables | The White House (table 1.1)
b. Guess the other one.

3. The largest average decrease came in 1955 and 1956, with spending decreasing an average 4.2% a year. Eisenhower was President, with Democrats in charge in Congress. Ibid.

In 2012 the Repubs will take the Senate (of the 33 seats up, 23 have to be defended by the Dems) , and keep the House.

What are the chances that the nation will see the advantage of gridlock, and put Obama back in?
He'd be even more of an empty suit than he is...

scratch that: not an empty suit, a chalk outline.
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Yep. And Obama has disappointed because he's just kept the majority of the Bush policies, followed Reid and Pelosi on the rest, and the result is hew hasn't done jack shit with it.

McCain would have driven it straight off a cliff, but the scenic route to the same destination isn't what most Obama supporters bargained for.

I agree with Carbineer on the gutless part. Elect a man to lead and he follows....not cool.

Part of this mess is the fault of the DEMs for retaining those two losers Pelosi and Reid.

I think Obama would have disappointed no matter what. Bush was so bad, that the expectations were not realistic. That falls on Obama to a degree since his platform was basically "I am not George Bush!".

However, on the whole, the trains are still running.

This is shaping up to be Clinton 1994 all over again and look how that turned out.

Clinton 1994 was a wake up call for the Dems and they listened. I hope something similar happens, I can't stand the thought of another 2 years of the same failed Bush policies with a veneer of Pelosi and Reid. I fear it's just going to be more petty fauxrage and hyperventilating over meaningless twaddle while the country goes absolutely nowhere.

You people on the right told us he was a Marxist/socialist left wing extremist.

You could not have made a worse guess if you tried.

weak deflection from the OP

typical for you....run from the uncomfortable facts and issues and just keep repeating -- bad republicans, bad republicans....

Who on the Right predicted that Obama would be a weak willed corporatist lackey who would cave to the GOP every time the going got tough?

Answer, none of YOU.

Actually at that level, there is a great risk of corruption on both sides. The powers that be tend to hedge their bets. The difference between a Statist McCain and a Statist Obama, is small. I agree with you there. The Puppet Masters have their demands either way. Do I personally doubt or have I doubted that strings would be pulled, and the Marionettes would dance? Not for a second. You were the one that was duped.
In some ways, you have to kinda feel sorry for Obama.

Here was a junior senator with zero experience who was propped up by dem's and the Soro's machine after making his speech at the DNC.......They looked at him and said, "Damn, he sounds just like Martin Luther King". (of course, MLK could speak amazingly without a teleprompter), But still, the dem's and Soro's saw someone who could speak far better than anybody they were considering pushing.....They knew they could USE him to mezmerize the ignorant, and USE him to try and advance their ridiculous agenda.

That agenda, along with Obama has miserably failed. Obama was not presidential material, as we have clearly seen. The man never led anything in his life. He was set up by his own party in a desperate attemp to advance their agenda. They failed, and now Obama's legacy will forever be that failure.

In a way, I do feel sorry for him. I don't think he's a bad person. I think he was USED by the progressive machine. I think he's more of a follower than a leader. He followed along with what the machine was telling him.

Just look at what happened today. He had to pull Clinton out of bed and prop him up to try and do some serious convincing......A true leader does not have to bring a former leader in to do his talking for him.

Unfortunately, the american people are now paying a very heavy price. Our future generation is going to pay a heavy price. Obama's legacy is going to pay a heavy price.
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Obama is not the kind of president America needs. But would McCain have been better?

I don't think so.

No, The Conservatives lost as soon as he was nominated. They both make me want to puke. They are interchangeable that way. ;)
In some ways, you have to kinda feel sorry for Obama.

Here was a junior senator with zero experience who was propped up by dem's and the Soro's machine after making his speech at the DNC.......They looked at him and said, "Damn, he sounds just like Martin Luther King (of course, MLK could speak amazingly without a teleprompter), But still, the dem's and Soro's saw someone who could speak far better than anybody they were considering pushing.....They knew they could USE him to mezmerize the ignorant, and USE him to try and advance their ridiculous agenda.

That agenda, along with Obama has miserably failed. Obama was not presidential material, as we have clearly seen. The man never led anything in his life. He was set up by his own party in a desperate attemp to advance their agenda. They failed, and now Obama's legacy will forever be that failure.

In a way, I do feel sorry for him. I don't think he's a bad person. I think he was USED by the progressive machine. I think he's more of a follower than a leader. He followed along with what the machine was telling him.

Just look at what happened today. He had to pull Clinton out of bed and prop him up to try and do some serious convincing......A true leader does not have to bring a former leader in to do his talking for him.

Unfortunately, the american people are now paying a very heavy price. Our future generation is going to pay a heavy price. Obama's legacy is going to pay a heavy price.

He had no fucking idea what he was buying into.
Yep. And Obama has disappointed because he's just kept the majority of the Bush policies, followed Reid and Pelosi on the rest, and the result is hew hasn't done jack shit with it.

McCain would have driven it straight off a cliff, but the scenic route to the same destination isn't what most Obama supporters bargained for.

I agree with Carbineer on the gutless part. Elect a man to lead and he follows....not cool.

Part of this mess is the fault of the DEMs for retaining those two losers Pelosi and Reid.

I think Obama would have disappointed no matter what. Bush was so bad, that the expectations were not realistic. That falls on Obama to a degree since his platform was basically "I am not George Bush!".

However, on the whole, the trains are still running.

This is shaping up to be Clinton 1994 all over again and look how that turned out.

Clinton 1994 was a wake up call for the Dems and they listened. I hope something similar happens, I can't stand the thought of another 2 years of the same failed Bush policies with a veneer of Pelosi and Reid. I fear it's just going to be more petty fauxrage and hyperventilating over meaningless twaddle while the country goes absolutely nowhere.

We need to squash collective thinking. State Corporatism, State Capitalism is not the solution.

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