Looking For The American Version!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Only if we see the same, but home-based, account following the next US election....
...will there be any hope for the 'shining city on the hill.'

1. "David Cameron will use the Conservative Party’s first majority in the House of Commons for nearly 20 years to “deliver” on a radical agenda to cut welfare, shrink the size of the state and re-define Britain’s relationship with Europe.

2. ... after five years of compromise with the Liberal Democrats.

3. The Tories also intend to publish plans to scrap the Human Rights Act within their first 100 days. All proposals had been previously blocked by the Lib Dems.

4. .... put together a comprehensive spending review in the next few months to meet the Tory pledge of eliminating the structural deficit by 2018.

5. As well as deep welfare cuts The Independent understands that the Department of Business and the Department of Energy and Climate Change, previously run by the Lib Dems, will be among the biggest casualties in terms of spending reductions.

6. ... slash Government regulation. These are likely to form a key part of the spending review.

7. ... a renegotiation of Britain’s EU membership. This is unlikely to be easy. Mr Cameron will have to tread a path between what the rest of Europe is prepared to concede in terms of migrant benefit restrictions and reclaiming powers from Brussels,.....

8. ... they were none-the-less taken aback by the size of the swing away from Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

9. ...fears of economic “chaos” under Labour. All the messages had been extensively tested on focus groups in key marginals. But even he was surprised by the extent of the Labour collapse."
Unshackled from Coalition partners Tories get ready to push radical agenda - General Election 2015 - UK Politics - The Independent

10. I am soooo looking forward to the Obama-backlash.....

....but would love to see, in addition, a conservative demand for a constitutionally based government.
Cameron's majority is teensy, which makes the left leaning SNP's 56 votes more important. The latter's leader is left leaning, thus NHS is safe. It would have been anyway.

Obama graciously congratulated Cameron.

New times and uncharterd waters. Very interesting.
Can someone explain this to me?
Election 2015 - BBC News

Scottish National Party: 1,454,436 votes 56 seats.
UKIP Party: 3,881,129 votes 1 seat.

Uh, whut?

If you're looking for the "American Version" that doesn't represent the will of the voters like that, then I think we may already have it!

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