Looks Like Obama Had Better Lawyer Up.....Cuz He's About To Be Under Investigation For Corruption

They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

Make the case. What law did Obama break? What’s the evidence to support it?
Lemme know when they subpeona Obama.
Truly do not see that happening.
Should he hang for being a traitor? Definitely; If for nothing else for when he released 5 enemy-of-the-state leaders in exchange for a traitor. How do lefties justify that? :cuckoo:
Will anything ever be done? Not getting my hopes up.
The Mulatto Messiah could get caught in bed with both the dead woman and the live boy, and his ass swabs in the party and the media would deem it to be a brilliant example of him being "inclusive".
Obama is just one symptom of a collapsing, far-left controlling faction of the Democrat party. To add insult to injury, now a really radical-left contingent (the Squad) is going even further left. The next chaotic element of the Democrat Party is their Presidential candidate. Joe Biden is an old Clinton-leftist with no relevance to the current political climate. The Democrat Party is in complete chaos and has been since 2016. After Trump was elected their whole party machine fell apart and in desperation, they tried to remove Trump from office. Now that those multiple attempts have failed, The Socialist vultures will start gathering to pick at the remains.
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

In the link, see their latest and decide for yourselves if this is a balanced non partisan source.
They're not just right-biased, the woman who wrote the article for the Federalist in the OP writes like 320 Years of History--tortured English written to be as difficult to digest as possible. But even with that, I could have done a page of arguments on her first two paragraphs alone.
She's full of shit.

This is what happened, folks. Obama knows that the Russians had their thumb in the election, and that they favored Trump. Trump was about to become President and Obama did not know how the investigation would turn out, but he had an obligation to protect the country. If Trump were guilty and nothing was done to prevent it, he could stop the investigations. That would not be good, having a Russian crook in the White House. So Obama ensured the investigation would continue. Unlike the Trumpkins who have listened to nothing and believed nothing factual since he began running for office, Obama had to take into consideration that Trump might be guilty. Obama didn't want to make a public deal out of it during the campaign, because it would have been taken as slandering the opposition in support of Clinton. But as President, he had a responsibility to protect the office and to protect the people from a potential criminal colluding with a foreign adversary being President of the United States.

All Obama did was make sure the investigation proceeded. THIS IS WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE DONE.
They will stop with Rice,McCabe, and Comey....just a guess.
Obama effectively became a saboteur and threw the Trump Administration into total chaos at his personal direction, according to newly released documents:

"Not only was information on Russia not fully shared with the incoming Trump team, as Obama directs, the leaks and ambushes made the transition chaotic, scared quality individuals away from working in the administration, made effective governance almost impossible, and materially damaged national security. When Comey was finally fired on May 9, in part for his duplicitousness regarding his handling of the Russia collusion theory, he orchestrated the launch of a Special Counsel probe that continued his efforts for another two years. That probe ended with Mueller finding no evidence of any American colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, much less Trump or anyone connected to him."
And this could have affected our day 1 strike to remove Isis, which required a unison operation with Russia. If his meddling involved after office interferences with Russia relations and others went to Ukraine to cause/stir trouble then maybe they actually should revist taking the Logan's act more serious and start charging people either as traitors or in the minimal violations of the logan act.
Still what is it that they are investigation. What specifically did he do that would cause an investigation.

“It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation. In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed ‘by the book,’ substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed ‘by the book

This is nothing more than a continuation of whether the investigation was justified. IT doesn't proof nothing. Just a talking point for the election. Good luck with that.
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

In the link, see their latest and decide for yourselves if this is a balanced non partisan source.
They're not just right-biased, the woman who wrote the article for the Federalist in the OP writes like 320 Years of History--tortured English written to be as difficult to digest as possible. But even with that, I could have done a page of arguments on her first two paragraphs alone.
She's full of shit.

This is what happened, folks. Obama knows that the Russians had their thumb in the election, and that they favored Trump. Trump was about to become President and Obama did not know how the investigation would turn out, but he had an obligation to protect the country. If Trump were guilty and nothing was done to prevent it, he could stop the investigations. That would not be good, having a Russian crook in the White House. So Obama ensured the investigation would continue. Unlike the Trumpkins who have listened to nothing and believed nothing factual since he began running for office, Obama had to take into consideration that Trump might be guilty. Obama didn't want to make a public deal out of it during the campaign, because it would have been taken as slandering the opposition in support of Clinton. But as President, he had a responsibility to protect the office and to protect the people from a potential criminal colluding with a foreign adversary being President of the United States.

All Obama did was make sure the investigation proceeded. THIS IS WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE DONE.

Yeah, no.
Obama did nothing to stop the actual Russian interference in the election.
(Facebook shills that ol' Zuckerborg gladly took their money and let them shill)
He used the power of the government to spy on Trump in hopes of digging up dirt.
All kinds of illegal. Trump's been in the spotlight since the 80s, a-duh!
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He used the power of the government to spy on Trump in hopes of digging up dirt.
No. He used the power of the government to protect the US.
that ol' Zuckerborg gladly took their money and let them shill)
That's got nothing to do with Obama.
Protecting the US had nothing to do with Obama's intentions. He wanted to spy on the opposition candidate to get dirt..period.

Newsflash: Obama hates the US.

I've seen pinning a medal on a Marine almost make him nauseous. He hates the US.
He let 5 enemies of the state go free in exchange for a traitor. That IS giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Obama is a straight-up in your face traitor.

The Facebook/Russian shill thing has nothing to do with Obama, but it was the extent of the Russian interference in that election. (Aside from a few remote hacking attempts of voting macines in a few places)
He used the power of the government to spy on Trump in hopes of digging up dirt.
No. He used the power of the government to protect the US.
that ol' Zuckerborg gladly took their money and let them shill)
That's got nothing to do with Obama.
Protecting the US had nothing to do with Obama's intentions. He wanted to spy on the opposition candidate to get dirt..period.

Newsflash: Obama hates the US.

I've seen pinning a medal on a Marine almost make him nauseous. He hates the US.
He let 5 enemies of the state go free in exchange for a traitor. That IS giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Obama is a straight-up in your face traitor.

The Facebook/Russian shill thing has nothing to do with Obama, but it was the extent of the Russian interference in that election. (Aside from a few remote hacking attempts of voting macines in a few places)
Newsflash: Marion hates Obama. That's all you've managed to say.

So much, in fact, that you're actually trying to make Russia look innocent. That is ignorant.
He used the power of the government to spy on Trump in hopes of digging up dirt.
No. He used the power of the government to protect the US.
that ol' Zuckerborg gladly took their money and let them shill)
That's got nothing to do with Obama.
Protecting the US had nothing to do with Obama's intentions. He wanted to spy on the opposition candidate to get dirt..period.

Newsflash: Obama hates the US.

I've seen pinning a medal on a Marine almost make him nauseous. He hates the US.
He let 5 enemies of the state go free in exchange for a traitor. That IS giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Obama is a straight-up in your face traitor.

The Facebook/Russian shill thing has nothing to do with Obama, but it was the extent of the Russian interference in that election. (Aside from a few remote hacking attempts of voting macines in a few places)
Newsflash: Marion hates Obama. That's all you've managed to say.

So much, in fact, that you're actually trying to make Russia look innocent. That is ignorant.
Yeah, no.

It's glaringly obvious from his actions as president that he hates America, being an American..I don't like that.
That setting free of the 5 terrorist leaders thing from Guantanamo Bay, he should hang for that.

Tell me how you defend that, you Southern Canuck!
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

They'll never touch him.
The only thing protecting him right now is he's black.
Actually, the biggest thing protecting him right now is the fact that the Republicans don't want to open that can of wax because if they go after Obama, 'EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT' that moment forward will be prosecuted. They'll make shit up and prosecute them.
I figure they're gonna try anyway.....so I think they should nail his ass....and everyone who was in it with him.
Then start going after Congressional Democrats for taking bribes in a money-laundering scheme.
Man, having a black president really screwed up you people’s minds
Only half-black and his black half was African Muslim, not an American black man.
Unless one subscribes to the Frank Marshall Davis theory..
I doubt Obama will ever have his DNA traced.
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

They'll never touch him.
The only thing protecting him right now is he's black.
Actually, the biggest thing protecting him right now is the fact that the Republicans don't want to open that can of wax because if they go after Obama, 'EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT' that moment forward will be prosecuted. They'll make shit up and prosecute them.
I figure they're gonna try anyway.....so I think they should nail his ass....and everyone who was in it with him.
Then start going after Congressional Democrats for taking bribes in a money-laundering scheme.

"Then start going after Congressional Democrats crooks of both parties for taking bribes in a money-laundering scheme."

They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

They'll never touch him.
The only thing protecting him right now is he's black.
Actually, the biggest thing protecting him right now is the fact that the Republicans don't want to open that can of wax because if they go after Obama, 'EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT' that moment forward will be prosecuted. They'll make shit up and prosecute them.
I figure they're gonna try anyway.....so I think they should nail his ass....and everyone who was in it with him.
Then start going after Congressional Democrats for taking bribes in a money-laundering scheme.

"Then start going after Congressional Democrats crooks of both parties for taking bribes in a money-laundering scheme."

Typical response of the left.
Once they're caught red-handed....they start claiming that everyone does it.

But yes.....anyone who is involved should go down.....especially the Democrats.

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