Looks Like Obama Had Better Lawyer Up.....Cuz He's About To Be Under Investigation For Corruption

He used the power of the government to spy on Trump in hopes of digging up dirt.
No. He used the power of the government to protect the US.
that ol' Zuckerborg gladly took their money and let them shill)
That's got nothing to do with Obama.
Protecting the US had nothing to do with Obama's intentions. He wanted to spy on the opposition candidate to get dirt..period.

Newsflash: Obama hates the US.

I've seen pinning a medal on a Marine almost make him nauseous. He hates the US.
He let 5 enemies of the state go free in exchange for a traitor. That IS giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Obama is a straight-up in your face traitor.

The Facebook/Russian shill thing has nothing to do with Obama, but it was the extent of the Russian interference in that election. (Aside from a few remote hacking attempts of voting macines in a few places)

It seems you hate Obama and yet have no clues as to how he governed. Fox News and Trump's Big lies washed your brain sufficiently that you believe their lies and believe the lies you echo all over this message board.

For the reader, the efforts to revise history and make up stories is the dominate practice of damn liars who love the Divider-in-Chief, who has used the bully pulpit to the extreme. He has attacked past presidents, the Justice Dept., Judges, Whistle Blowers, our Western European Allies, the Clinton and Obama Administrations, Governors, dozens of women who accused him of sexual inappropriate behavior; he lies incessantly, promised to "drain the swamp" and filled it with toxic Yes Men and Yes Women, and when one says no, he fires them.

Trump has destroyed countless people with his vindictive and anti social rhetoric; he lies about releasing his taxes and has sued NY State to prevent obtaining what he promised to the public, and has fought to not have them released for three years.

He has destroyed America by his divisive hate / fear rhetoric, made chaos in the White House and has spent our taxpayers dollars like a drunk, and of course he is drunk with the power of his office. His narcissistic megalomania becomes Narcissistic Rage when the press criticizes him, interrupts Medical Professionals when they tell the public the truth about the coronavirus, and has put countless people in harms way with his effort to save the economy with dead and seriously ill citizens. He has no consideration for this sick and their family, those who he is trying very hard to take away their medical insurance; and then toss many of them into poverty as he attempts to repeal the ACA; never considering that the families of the dead or those that recover will receive bills in in the high six figures).
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Obama is in full-on panic mode.

Obama is in full-on panic mode.

Shit link. No, I don't mean it doesn't work for me, I mean the page you have linked to is nothing but a right-wing fuck fest with nothing of note on it. Just some neocon loon rambling on about some shit.
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

I think considering how corrupt Trump is, the only thing shocking was that Trump didn't have Obama arrested the day Trump took office.

After all- Trump has the goods on Obama regarding that whole Birther thing......
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

I think considering how corrupt Trump is, the only thing shocking was that Trump didn't have Obama arrested the day Trump took office.

After all- Trump has the goods on Obama regarding that whole Birther thing......
Problem with that....Democrats don't need evidence.

Republicans do.

Now we have the evidence.
Problem with that....Democrats don't need evidence.

Republicans do.

Now we have the evidence.

Like you had evidence on Hillary. And Bill. And... I could go on.
Face it Mud, Trump and his cronies have more in common with The Sopranos than they do with govt.
They have evidence that proves Obama directed a spy operation against an American president.
He's the one going down.
Hillary and Bill are involved in several other conspiracies.....and the evidence against them will start rolling out once they start charging members of the Obama Administration. Witnesses will either plea-bargain or end up dying by suicide in their jail cells. Eventually Bill and Hill are going to mess up....and they will get caught.
Obama is in full-on panic mode.

Shit link. No, I don't mean it doesn't work for me, I mean the page you have linked to is nothing but a right-wing fuck fest with nothing of note on it. Just some neocon loon rambling on about some shit.
In other words, it’s all true and you just got your face shoved in your own shit again. Obozo is in hot water now. His black privilege won’t help him now.
Problem with that....Democrats don't need evidence.

Republicans do.

Now we have the evidence.

Like you had evidence on Hillary. And Bill. And... I could go on.
Face it Mud, Trump and his cronies have more in common with The Sopranos than they do with govt.
They have evidence that proves Obama directed a spy operation against an American president.
He's the one going down.
Hillary and Bill are involved in several other conspiracies.....and the evidence against them will start rolling out once they start charging members of the Obama Administration. Witnesses will either plea-bargain or end up dying by suicide in their jail cells. Eventually Bill and Hill are going to mess up....and they will get caught.
If I was a mod this thread would be in the conspiracy theory section.
Problem with that....Democrats don't need evidence.

Republicans do.

Now we have the evidence.

Like you had evidence on Hillary. And Bill. And... I could go on.
Face it Mud, Trump and his cronies have more in common with The Sopranos than they do with govt.
They have evidence that proves Obama directed a spy operation against an American president.
He's the one going down.
Hillary and Bill are involved in several other conspiracies.....and the evidence against them will start rolling out once they start charging members of the Obama Administration. Witnesses will either plea-bargain or end up dying by suicide in their jail cells. Eventually Bill and Hill are going to mess up....and they will get caught.
If I was a mod this thread would be in the conspiracy theory section.
Sorry, But Russian Collusion turned out to be a false conspiracy theory.....and you bought it hook-line-and sinker.....
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

Until I actually see law enforcement with warrants and Obama, Comey, Nadler and Schiff in handcuffs, I believe that no powerful leftist will be incarcerated for their actions.
They have proof now that Obama himself directed all of it.

He's in deep shit now.

I agree.

They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

Make the case. What law did Obama break? What’s the evidence to support it?
There is an investigation going on. Wait until the shitstain gets charged.
#obamagate has been trending on twitter for several hours now....and with reason ....people are waking up.

Traitors will pay.

If Obama is involved, then surely Joe Biden is also involved.

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you?
Bad boys, bad boys
They have all the evidence in writing that they need to begin an investigation of Barack H. Obama for corruption. It's not a matter of if they will call a Grand Jury, but when:

Obamagate......the greatest political scandal in American history.......
Sorry, But Russian Collusion turned out to be a false conspiracy theory.....and you bought it hook-line-and sinker.....

Nope, never bought the collusion angle, although that might have happened. I buy the whole 'Russia interfered with your election' though.
So what.
Russia has been trying to interfere with our country since WWII.
Why did the 2016 election become a game-changer?
Answer: Hillary lost and wasn't supposed to lose. She was supposed to win in a landslide.
Problem with that is nobody sane likes the bitch.

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