Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

They were not "an al Quida group."

They were pro-al queda. That does not make them one and the same. Again, as what rightwinger said:
"It all depends on your definition of AlQaeda

If you think AlQaeda means Muslim Bad Guys.....you are right
If you think an international terror group was involved in the attacks.....you are wrong"

And it was reported on early on that group AAS in Libya were there. We knew they were there from the start. That a video contributed to it some is not insane considering the whole freaking Muslim world was going nuts about the video, embassies all that week were besieged. Remember? The he embassy in Cairo sparked that madness before the Ghazi mess.

Pro-al Qaeda group seen behind deadly Benghazi attack

By Nic Robertson, Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister, CNN
September 13, 2012 --<-----

Pro-al Qaeda group seen behind deadly Benghazi attack - CNN.com

Sorry, once again you're wrong.

8 months later:

Several Yemeni men belonging to al Qaeda took part in the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi last September, according to several sources who have spoken with CNN.

One senior U.S. law enforcement official told CNN that "three or four members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula," or AQAP, took part in the attack.

Sources: 3 al Qaeda operatives took part in Benghazi attack

Sources: 3 al Qaeda operatives took part in Benghazi attack - CNN.com

By Paul Cruickshank. Tim Lister. Nic Robertson and Fran Townsend, CNN
updated 9:23 AM EDT, Sat May 4, 2013<---------
So who were they?

Issa did all that 'vestigating.

Who were these Yemeni dudes?
You find out who these Yemmy men are yet Templar?

Still searching furiously?
Face what?

This guy was a fucking liar.

And catch up.

Bush's body count is huge.

And none of you guys ever gave a fuck.

Hillary isn't fit to be President, it is just that simple.

She is a shrill, conniving vindictive bitch who craves power.

The epitome of the word "shrew".

Don't vote for her..it's as simple as that.

I will.

In the primary, she likely won't make it to the general
As to the video...

...Sept 13, 2012:

The protest in Egypt was a riot, planned by extremist Egyptians known as Salafists, anti-Western clerics and political representatives who used the video ridiculing Mohammed to gain supporters, said Eric Trager, an analyst at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

He said the protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was announced Aug. 30 by Jamaa Islamiya, a group the State Department has designated as a terrorist organization. The demonstration was to protest the ongoing imprisonment of its spiritual leader, Sheikh Omar abdel Rahman, who is serving a life sentence in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

When a movie trailer for Innocence of Muslims, a film made by an unknown producer identified as Sam Bacile, started circulating on YouTube, Nader Bakkar of the Egyptian Salafist Noor Party, a hardline Islamist group that holds about 25% of the parliament seats, called on people to protest.

On Monday, the brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri, Mohamed, posted a message on Twitter urging people to go to the Cairo embassy and "defend the prophet," Trager said.
"These crowds are using the movie as an excuse to wreak violence on Americans in Libya and Egypt," Jasser says. "

Uneducated populations will viscerally react. There is no quicker way to get a mob enraged than by using religious intonations."
After attacks in Egypt and Libya, USA asks: Why? ? USATODAY.com

Strange how events can happen together, and people can be known to rile up extremists, especially as it relates to their religion and their God.
Weird, I know.
Retaliation? Sometimes it takes a decade to retaliate. How long did it take Bush to retaliate against OBL? Oh yea......he didnt

You act as if the attack on the trade towers by Osama Bin Laden began during the Bush administration. Wait, that's right the left didn't like to associate the "incident" with the words attack or terrorism, did they?

Ummm...yes they did begin during the Bush administration. Sept 11 2001..... Bush allowed the worst attack in US history
Just how silly and stupid can you get? There is no comparison between 9-11-2001 and Benghazi. Obama knew the target...he knew that the target was not adequately defended...he knew of the significant anniversary date...he allowed the target to be attacked...he allowed the killing of four American citizens.

...and even after the LEADER OF LYBIA came out and said that radical Muslims did the attacking, Obama LIED and blamed it on demonstrations caused by a video that offended Muslims. He did that to keep from interrupting his plans to be re-elected.

You hardheaded, lying fuckstick! Where are your goddamned ethics?

rightwinger still throwing it out there even though he knows the story is a fraud. Just like his beloved messiah. Keep repeating the lie and hope people will be stupid enough to believe it.

Republicans are only right if you believe AlQaed means.......Muslim bad guys
If you talk about an international terror organization.....they weren't involved
Right...that's why the President of Libya was so pissed that Obama claimed the video caused it even after he (the President of Libya) stated otherwise. That's why we were delayed in being permitted to visit the site...at our own embassy.

Obama is a diplomatic FOOL! Hillary was a useful follower! YOU are equally, pitifully attached to the boy-king!
Last edited:
Face what?

This guy was a fucking liar.

And catch up.

Bush's body count is huge.

And none of you guys ever gave a fuck.

Hillary isn't fit to be President, it is just that simple.

She is a shrill, conniving vindictive bitch who craves power.

The epitome of the word "shrew".

Don't vote for her..it's as simple as that.

I will.

Oh do tell.

I have the Highways of Heroes

That's what I was working on.

Oh and a by the way Why didn't you vote for her in 2008?

You could have saved the planet a whole batch of shit going down.
The left should just accept that Benghazi will continue to plague Hillary...they're free to ignore and/or cherry pick whatever facts they choose.

The people who believe this nonsense would not vote for Hillary, if will not hurt her at all.

My question to you is:

How can you prove it's nonsense? There's a lot of denial going on in this thread. :eusa_whistle:
Face what?

This guy was a fucking liar.

And catch up.

Bush's body count is huge.

And none of you guys ever gave a fuck.

Hillary isn't fit to be President, it is just that simple.

She is a shrill, conniving vindictive bitch who craves power.

The epitome of the word "shrew".

Don't vote for her..it's as simple as that.

I will.

Of course you will, you love being lied to by your kings and queens.
They were pro-al queda.
which means they are support al Qaeda and are active militant terrorist group.

an offspring of al Qaeda.

which is the same.
No. They are no Al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda likes to brag of their actions to gain support from extremists. Have you noticed?

Why didn't they list the attacks in Benghazi? Why? It was by all measures a successful attack against Americans.

Why? Because they weren't involved.

Retaliation? Sometimes it takes a decade to retaliate. How long did it take Bush to retaliate against OBL? Oh yea......he didnt

You act as if the attack on the trade towers by Osama Bin Laden began during the Bush administration. Wait, that's right the left didn't like to associate the "incident" with the words attack or terrorism, did they?

Ummm...yes they did begin during the Bush administration. Sept 11 2001..... Bush allowed the worst attack in US history

Try February 26, 1993 under President Clinton, followed by the Khobar Towers bombing at Saudi Arabia in 1996, the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya/Tanzania in 1998, then the successful attack on the USS Cole Bombing at Yemen in 2000. The weakest administration to protect US interests from the likes of Osama Bin Laden.
Hillary isn't fit to be President, it is just that simple.

She is a shrill, conniving vindictive bitch who craves power.

The epitome of the word "shrew".

Don't vote for her..it's as simple as that.

I will.

Of course you will, you love being lied to by your kings and queens.

Unlike say George W. Bush?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdTG3DU28BU]2003 State of the Union - Bush prepares to invade Iraq pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Or Poppa Bush?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZtaZTEO3jA]Convention flashback: 'Read my lips ...' - YouTube[/ame]

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