Looks like Patrick McHenry overstepped his bounds.

Fuck your commie rep, Booboo. He's a turd.
Isn't that the office for the ex speaker of the house. Pelosi knew that one day she would have to move out. Just not so soon. Considering how dysfunctional the Neo-GOP are it's no surprise Kev is gone already. But apparently only a new speaker can force her to vacate it? So who knows how long that process will take.
Isn't that the office for the ex speaker of the house. Pelosi knew that one day she would have to move out. Just not so soon. Considering how dysfunctional the Neo-GOP are it's no surprise Kev is gone already. But apparently only a new speaker can force her to vacate it? So who knows how long that process will take.
Each speaker acts with some class when a speaker leaves, but this little worm from NC is nothing but a McCarthy loving little butthurt runt.
New Senator for California that lives in Maryland. Are there no rules against that?
The ability of you RWI's to not read and learn anything is astounding.
She owns a home In CA, she was NOT elected, she was Appointed.
There is a difference.
She simply has to register in CA before being sworn in.

Just Like Tubberville had to move to AL (from FL) to run in AL.
The law says you can't do that, Dems ignored the law and did in anyway.
A simple read of the LAW would clarify this for you simps.
You pick your battles when you're a smart person like Pelosi. Republicans just looks small and petty in this, and that's an accurate portrait of the party which cares more about "retribution" than actually doing anything for the American people.
Look at the portrait history of Republican speakers. It is telling.
Each speaker acts with some class when a speaker leaves, but this little worm from NC is nothing but a McCarthy loving little butthurt runt.
Patrick McHenry, an Alpha Male because he is a (R). LOLLLOLL
Dear Lord, this wimp couldn't punch his way through a wet paper towel.
Patrick McHenry, an Alpha Male because he is a (R). LOLLLOLL
Dear Lord, this wimp couldn't punch his way through a wet paper towel.
Their dear leader is getting his ass handed to him and all of the MAGAverse morons are losing their minds. Then here we have the newbie wannabe speaker filling the hole of dysfunction caused by their little civil war among themselves. Do any of the tards face up to how pathetic this is?
Their dear leader is getting his ass handed to him and all of the MAGAverse morons are losing their minds. Then here we have the newbie wannabe speaker filling the hole of dysfunction caused by their little civil war among themselves. Do any of the tards face up to how pathetic this is?
They NEVER will.
It's not in the RWI Talking Points Memo.
He doesn't have the power to rearrange the lunch menu, much less the office assignments.

Gotta keep a close on on the little fucker and make sure he doesn't try to push anything else through.

I read the order went out while McCarthy was still Speaker.

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